>"yeah communism is retarded because it a failed system and got BTFO"
>supports national socialism
"yeah communism is retarded because it a failed system and got BTFO"
Other urls found in this thread:
Communism is a primer for Capitalist Jews to take over a gentile population. Natsoc was a reaction to international Jewry.
Israel is essentially a nationalist socialist state.
National Socialism is the only kind of socialism that has had not just economic success, but dramatically better economic success. It would be foolish to Ignore or write off, fuck off jew
We are a liberal democracy like any other western country
>Implying national socialism was socialism
No, you are not.
Natsoc was attackend and destroyed because it worked.
>comparing something that collapsed on its own to something that took half the world teaming up to defeat in war
Supporting any form of socialism is the action of useful idiots.
Handing your freedom over to authoritarian government of any kind is moronic.
socialism isnt communism
>It took four empires to defeat a nation smaller than Texas with no colonies.
>marxist socialism and national socialism are the same thing
Polar opposites you fucking idiot
The individual has to serve the collective, freedom must always come after the well beeing of the masses.
national socialism = state capitalism
NatSoc & NatCap are the same thing.
Communism is trick to get people to turn on themselves. Honestly one the cleverest things jews ever pulled off was creating a ideology that would fool fools into killing there own country in the hope of free gibs which will never come, you clever evil Jewish bastards! haha
have sex incel
To be fair, those 4 empires were either ruled by metal retards (most of Europe and pre-industrial Russia) or by an empire well into it's decline (England).
The better example would be how the nationalists in Spain BTFO the Republicans in Spain
>Executed 10 million+ of their own people because they were all starving, rations, evil tyrants, failed political takeovers of many countries
National Socialism:
>Mangage to pull Post WW1 Germany out of the Great Depression and and survive a war on all fronts from many enemies for 5 years, remove degenerate behaviors and got rid of Jews from their country, Jews which in nature are the evilest beings alive because they run corporations, the media and governments very evilly while corrupting minds and corrupting the system that people still think exists.
National Socialists was not a failed system
I feel like voting for Bernie so that we can accelerate. I sincerely believe he will go full Trotsky.
Adolf Hitler - The Jew Wanted This War
I have never met a happier people than the Germans and Hitler is one of the greatest men. The old trust him; the young idolise him. It is the worship of a national hero who has saved his country.
WWI UK PM David Lloyd George, Daily Express, September 17, 1936.
The British Empire controlled much of the planet and still had the worlds reserve currency. Canadians mobilized 1,000,000+ men alone.
NS literally and figuratively rocked humanity far forward. The problem was the entire planet pretty much ganged up against them.
I have the strong suspicion that accellerationism is a psy-op. An attempt by our enemies to trick us into doing their work form them.
Ever since my peace proposal of July 1940 was rejected, we have clearly realized that this struggle must be fought through to the end. We National Socialists are not at all surprised that the Anglo-American, Jewish and capitalist world is united together with Bolshevism. In our country we have always found them in the same community. Alone we successfully fought against them here in Germany, and after 14 years of struggle for power we were finally able to annihilate our enemies.
Someone hasn't read the manifesto.
>greentext kikery that dishonestly leaves out context
and this
>t. bluepilled retard
What freedom? Try opposing your replacement in America or the UK and see what happens.
Doesn't change a thing. People may believe in it genuinely, but the origins and motives behind it is extremely questionable. New Zealand is a good example in fact. Yes the government did everything he said they would do. But now what? They're just an even more pozzed shithole than they were before with no backlash in sight. He essentially just gave them the excuse they were looking for to do what they wanted to do.
Currently the US army is 50% white, they love controlling shitskin armies to do there genocides. I honestly believe another white European genocide of whites is coming once that number drops below 50%, dont give up your guns buddies!
Basically stormfags
>like any other western country
Gas yourself you retarded sandnigger.
>it takes the world to stop national socialists
>it takes simple agriculture production abilities to stop communism
Adolf Hitler speaks to Americans
The famines were largely caused by corrupt jews stealing the grain and selling it abroad during global shortages. The Ukraine famine was caused almost entirely by this and the panic hoarding that ensued.
I have read the entire thing. Again, even if Tarrant did what he did in good faith, I doubt the origins of where HE got it from.
In all fairness, it is a weak argument to say that communism is a bad system becausw it got BTFO. All forms of government have, including democracy and monarchy systems.
That being said, communism IS a shit system considering it was created by kikes to control and harm the goys.
The more armed a population is the more docile they are to replacement, apparently. It makes sense.
>nazi economics
>conquer countries, take thier resources
>take thier citizens as slaves
>run country into ruins in 12 years
>let me tell you about your country
No it doesn't. Take it from a no-guns fag. We can't oppose the government now in any meaningful way. We don't have the means.
They weren't doing any of that in 1936 and they were far better off then just 3 years prior.
I support Zionism for gentiles. My motto: if it's good enough for Jews, I'll take it. I look at Beaner kids the same way idf look at Palestinian kids. Do you approve lipshitz?
It failed so hard that from coming out of financial disaster you needed all of Europe and the US to fight it and they still put up a pretty good fight. I don't agree with most of the philosophy of Nazism, but Jesus Christ I do believe they might be the biggest threat Zionism ever faced. CIA: I'm not a Nazi don't kick down my door.
op the difference between communism and national socialism is that one of them relies on world domination in order to reach its end state and the other one doesnt
The entire nation of Poland had a smaller economy than Berlin in 1939. The entire Yugo/Czech gold reserves that were appropriated couldn't even cover a small provincial budget.
Some 25% of the revenue of Israel’s lauded high-tech sector comes from shady or fraudulent industries
It's the duty of every American to get roasted for Israel. Right? Goyim exist to serve the jews, even your leaders claim this openly.
>failed once is equal to failed 100 times
Wrong kiddo. It's basically eliminate jewry from the economy and everyone else flourishes
What the fuck are you talking about you goddamn retard>
I have further never wished that after the first fatal world war a second against England, or even against America, should break out. Centuries will pass away, but out of the ruins of our towns and monuments the hatred against those finally responsible whom we have to thank for everything, international Jewry and its helpers, will grow.
Actually Austrian gold financed the war & then the French handed there gold over to keep the peace. If the UK & Germany made peace after the fall of France the world would be very different place today.
Maybe it mite of all fallen apart but we'll never know!
Also Nazi economics were actually sound & based on good economic planning.
The English and Australians have more established anti-migration movements than Canadians and Americans. It checks out imo. What are small arms going to do anyways besides accelerate distrust and gridlock? Don't answer that the spooks are here. I think you know i'm right.
France declared war on Germany.
>Because we sent goyim to die for us so that it would fail.
Who is it that drives the Russians, the English, and the Americans into battle and sacrifices huge numbers of human lives in a hopeless struggle against the German people? The Jews! Their newspapers and radio broadcasts spread the songs of war while the nations they have deceived are led to the slaughter.
Where? There is no one even considering marching on Westminster with anything more potent than cardboard signs, which the government routinely simply ignores entirely, because they know they can do that with impunity.
Who is it that invents new plans of hatred and destruction against us every day, making this war into a dreadful case of self-mutilation and self-destruction of European life and its economy, education and culture? The Jews!
Who devised the unnatural marriage between England and the USA on one side and Bolshevism on the other, building it up and jealously ensuring its continuance? Who covers the most perverse political situations with cynical hypocrisy from a trembling fear that a new way could lead the nations to realize the true causes of this terrible human catastrophe? The Jews, only the Jews!
Look ideology wise I agree with the Nazis, but Hitler fucked up invading Poland, he should of never done it & only did it for his own ego.
He should of waited for Russia to invade Europe & then Poland would needed Germany & then basically Germany would have a country & army for free.
They are named Morgenthau and Lehmann and stand behind Roosevelt as a so-called brain trust. They are named Mechett and Sassoon and serve as Churchill’s moneybags and order givers. They are named Kaganovitsch and Ehrenburg and are Stalin’s pacesetters and intellectual spokesmen. Wherever you look, you see Jews.
Uniquivocolly this
Communism didn't even fail. The soviet union was sabotaged from within. That said if Stalin lived a few years longer things could have been very different. Remember the USSR only had two leaders who actually knew what the fuck they were doing, the first two.
They sit behind the lines in Paris and Brussels, Rome and Athens, and fashion their reins from the skin of the unhappy nations that have fallen under their power.
Goebbels' Last Anti-Semitic Essay
>he should of never done it & only did it for his own ego.
Holy fuck you're a retard. They were murdering ethnic germans.
Bankers created Bolshevism. Bankers supplied and allied with the Bolsheviks during WWII. Bankers completely absorbed the failed Bolshevist slave empire after it collapsed. Russia is a dystopian third-world shithole.
Stupid post. I've pasta'd enough else i'd let him speak in his own words.
Shut the fuck up you nerd. The nazis were literally placed into power by german oligarchs. They had the entire continent of europe and still managed to get btfo by russia. Your ideology is the laughingstock of humanity and that is the source of your inferiority complex.
Hitler encircled 4,000,000 Red Army subhumans within the first six months. On the outbreak of war the French Army alone had more tanks, men and artillery than the Wehrmacht.
Trotsky’s day out: How a visit to NYC influenced the Bolshevik revolution
>However, as Ackerman’s book explains in some detail, the Trotsky-Jewish conspiracy — in 1917 especially — took a very specific form. It centered on the most conspicuous Jewish financier in New York at the time, Jacob Schiff.
>Schiff had openly used his wealth to pressure Russia into changing its anti-Semitic polices. Moreover, Schiff had refused to allow his bank to participate in American war loans to Britain or France as long as they allied themselves with Russia. The suggestion of a link between Schiff and Trotsky came directly from the United States government — specifically, its Military Intelligence Division (MID).
No they were not, Germans were treating polish people like second class citizens in there own country & Germans were forced to leave Poland.
That shit doesn't matter any more anyways, we've all got to worked together to survive now.
Trotsky was working with the germans to bring down the soviet union in the eves leading up to the war.
Nobody cares about initial casualties. And the fact the germans were so poor at production is nobody's fault but their own.
Nat-Soc worked.
it's why you kikes needed an entire planet to destroy its first incarnation and why you need the west to destroy the arab incarnations of it.
The NSDAP literally won the 1933 and 1935 Danzig elections with outright majorities. The poor ass kike-run Poles were the ones persecuting Ukrainians and Germans, thanks to American prodding and British guarantees.
Lev Bronstein (the founder and first head of the Red Army) was set up by kike bankers just like the kikes that tried to take over Germany at the end of WWI.
tbf communism fails itself
National socialism needed like 5 other (bigger) countries to defeat it
Death to israel
>And the fact the germans were so poor at production
They didn't have global empires and ten centuries of jewish monopoly on usury to tap into. Hitler had three years during the Great Depression to rearm from nothing, he was a lowly soldier that rose from nothing to take on the entire world.
Forgot your memeflag kike
My Struggle (Adolf Hitler speech)
He was funding terrorism within the soviet union in an attempt to destabilize it in the leadup to ww2. The nazis were running Trotskyist propaganda stations(that the americans later adopted). There is significant evidence he was collaborating with the axis powers to bring down stalin.
>took the whole jewish occupied world and outnumbering germany ten to one to stop.
>authored the greatest economic recovery in himan history.
Yeah, sounds like a failure.
Stalin turned a third world country into a first world one within 15 years. Russia went from an agrarian shithole into the country that btfo the axis.
Nice pic
>pic related
This is classic projection, in the real world jewish communist terrorists sabotaged the war effort and even ended up launching a revolution in Germany that ended WWI. Jewish communist terrorists like Lev Bronstein had murdered tens of millions of Europeans before Hitler came to power. The hangman Bela Kun pulled the same communist terrorist shit in Hungary and reigned for 130 days.
>First world
Even putting aside the strict definition of "first world", no they were not. The USSR was still a poverty and famine wracked shithole.
Jew who
>supports national socialism
Nazi German word for National Socialist (Nationalsozialist) It means a member or adherent of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche often abbreviated NSDAP). In English Nazi is also used as an adjective.
It's a contraction consisting of the first two syllables of the German word for National Socialist (NA)tionalso(ZI)alist NAZI
Russia is still a poverty-ridden third world dystopia. Putin is replacing Russians faster than Trudeau is replacing Canadians, he brought in tougher hate crime laws than Germany (but not as tough as Stalin).
Oy veyyyy
Look the chink economics are basically copied fro taiwan who copied them from the japanese who basically kept their war economy until the 80s with basically the same people in charge as the ones during the war only they focused on consumer products.
They national soils economy works,when the focus of the country is the well being of its people and at the same time it allows the freedom for them to pursue their own enterprises things work great.
The whole system is sound,the government works guides gently the economy simply by granting public contracts.
why not give Palestine their land?