What would a second civil war look like?

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It's so transparent how you kikes are trying to use censorship to push a civil war. Too bad you're too retarded to realize it's not gonna work.

Sloppy job mossad.

Like right now, we have been a cold civil war since 2015

Sage lazy 1 line slide threads
Clean up Jow Forums now

None of you have the guts to get off your fat asses


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A second civil war would look like a hundred nutty guys, with flags, and rifles, and bad teeth, being blown to shit by drones and guys in tanks

wh*Toids getting slaughtered by BLACK BVLLS

As much as people here shill that "the right will win cause the leftists hate guns," cannot be further from the truth. People will arm themselves or have others arm themselves in their name giving the orders, the second civil war, if you can even say it will happen, would be an extremely bloody conflict and probably destabilize the united states and de list it as a super power.

Much like the first one, except in color


Look outside desu.
Thats what it looks like.

me shooting you in the face and then fucking your now headless corpse

Nah you guys would kill eachother first.

>He doesn't want a civil war

The US is a literal globalhomo empire founded by fags and deist masons.

I can't wait for the first beheading video starring a drone pilot's wife, with Bocephus playing over it.

Wild niggers running in the streets stealing/robbing/raping. Mexicans running the border freely. Crumbling infrastructure. No military or police to assist you.
>Oh, shit. That's now. So, in 10 years it will just be more of this until it actually falls apart in all cities. Even the rich white ones.

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Hezbollah is gonna kill you and your family and the USA won't defend Israel. Have fun you sloppy zionist retards.

It would look like communists killing incels and putting Christian's in REAL concentration camps. It's comming soon.

you realize that if something did actually happen, it wouldnt be a conventional war. If the gooks and sand niggers got anything right, they know how to fight a conventional army. not hard to replicate their methods. Not to mention it wouldnt be one side against the government, it would be citizens vs citizens. so if the military got involved, both sides would most likely have access. Though conservatives would most likely have an upper hand.

Antifa kicking in doors with lists compiled by big tech.

Failing in the countryside, succeeding in the cities.

Cities completely cut off by land by /ourguys/, running supplies by sea.

UN (((((peacekepers))))) disarm everyone and assist a technofacsist state who proceeds to kill millions via starvation and labor camps.

Jesus Christ euro trash you fucking idiot

>not wanting a civil war
So how's that 2-party (uniparty) system working out for ya?

We in it.

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This country doesn’t run if the right doesn’t want it to. We grow food, build machines and cities and infrastructure, we own all the guns, control a vast majority of this country’s land.... if a Civil War broke out on ideological lines the left would surrender in less than a week.

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The only way for that to happen is if something significant occurs to destabilize the norms of society.

If there are no grocery stores, there will be roaming gangs in just weeks of the event.

Somalis in the north
Hondurans in the south
May the best shitskin win

It started in 1991 with ATF raids homie.

Because it's not happening.

Penis vs. Penis (Feminine)

It will literally destroy the entire planet earth, but its ok, because that includes niggers.

In 2-3 days supplies like fuel and food run out in cities. Doesn't take much to upset the system. When a natural disaster (hurricane, etc) is expected all the shit runs out. If power goes out for more than 24 hrs.. now all that food in people's homes will be inedible.

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Civil War 2 is a small part of WW3.

World-War 3 has already started. It consists of bloody ethnic civil wars in countries all throughout the west, funded by lesser world powers such as Russia, China, and even India.

The American empire will be no more. The Chinese will be on """our""" side because they will attack cities.

The end will be a prolonged guerilla war of white Americans pushing out foreign fighters ostensibly uniformed as UN troops.

It would look like me shooting at cars that are parked and blasting bass music

Something like Yugoslavia, but on a much grander scale.

cities will become tombs

It would look like the government destroying the right wing side in a day and white people becoming slaves.

Reparations would be paid white boy. Blacks will have ur women. On leashes

>he has no idea how fragile this thing is

>be amerikwa
>miss a single welfare payment
>civil war

realistically, it could take a single person knocking EBT offline for 6-7 days.

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>de list it as a super power.
good. worshiping the economy is for niggers, and we will appear less attractive as a target to subvert

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MREs and bottle water are cheap. I have a months worth in my guest bedroom closet

>ostensibly uniformed as UN troops.

Which is exactly why China and Russia shill endlessly for the UN.

imagine wanting zog to continue to exist and bully the world into becoming tranny faggots for globohomo

We can't even get rid of goat fuckers in a foreign land over 12 years and you think they'd win a civil war?

everyone vs niggers

Tell that to Tyrone and Hesus, they want your food.

>Antifa kicking in doors with lists compiled by big tech.
nigger, have you ever been in direct contact with antifa? they melt into the background and run away as soon as they're not in overwhelming numbers. the other half are good for a few hours until that $15 hit of heroin that soros paid for wears off. not what you would ever call combat effective

Good thing I have an ak, sks, ar-15, 10/22 and mini 14 in a cabinet right next to it.

There would be no army against army or government against some large organization. It would be insurgent groups versus insurgent groups alot like we've seen during the election cycle except with lethal weapons. That with smattering of lone wolves carrying out massacres against each side. The government will come down on all of them. But theres a catch: a second civil war will never happen with a republican president. It is likely however with a democrat president who would openly use the government to disproportionately police the right wing groups. He would use it to go after left wing groups too, but to a much smaller degree. The good news is, no engagements will be fought in heavily right wing or conservative areas because we would largely have the police who will come hard against left wing groups. So most of the engagements will be fought in Democrat strongholds. Say, a conservative group plans a march in a left wing city and the left wing insurgent groups attack them. Eventually I think a lethal right wing response will occur, probably because of a murder done by a left winger.

The 56%ers

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>Tell that to Tyrone and Hesus, they want your food.
well? bust a move niggers. p-please?

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They will then leave the city and raid the farms like walking dead.

Trumptards getting assraped hard by the fbi.

Don't forget about roaming gangs of white trash who also have guns.

There needs to be some sort of call sign to signal to other non degenerates during a happening.

Bringo dingo

>hey user can you show us a depressing graph?

>pic related

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have you seen the hbo movie second civil war?
it's on youtube

Is this what the slaves thought too?

Ten people is enough to take a house. Not my house, but most houses.

Like this

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just black in-roads and wait 5 minutes. niggers will destroy the city and feast on the leftists and one another. did you learn nothing from the Superdone during Katrina? read up. that's your microcosm of a city cut-off from the outside. It's ugly--I mean--not even nigger infants deserve to be raped, but . . . they did bring this on themselves.

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Civil War II will basically be a proxy war between China (feds) and Russia (citizens) and thus a fancy way of saying World War III

I doubt it

>eating MREs for a month
Enjoy shitting literal bricks

Just to remind everyone.

Russia currently still holds the policy that is America were to have a civil war, they would provide arms and Spetznaz to any anti-government rebellion.

Probably not. Hard to get to rural farms when you have no car and no gas. Cities would just become lawless with military attempting to control.. roadblocks and then patrols when things die down.

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>/civil war general/
I can't wait bros I'm rock hard

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Every US city would lose power, then supplies. The turd-world that dwells in most US cities would riot, then turn to explicit criminality, then cannibalism of the left then of themselves as supplies run out.

Rural America would throw parties.

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This. Do people think every North Vietnamese footsoldier had experience with weapons before the Americans came? Absolutely not, they were fucking farmers, and we always acknowledge that. A city basedboy probably has around the same build the average NVA farmer-soldier did, they for sure will arm themselves in the Civil War 2

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Fucking audibly kek’d

Redneck mujahideen are going to put out some hilariously insane content. Yet another reason CW2 would be a hootenanny

The civil war already happened, and we lost. Right now we're in the start of the counter-revolutionary phase.

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Uh, Heaven...

When did it happen, 1861?

lots of starvation.

Gook farmers were hard as fuck. A brutal life in the rice fields always on the edge of starvation is nothing like a modern leftist. Urbanites are the most slothful, weak, unskilled, and soft group of human being to ever have existed in the history of humanity.

Fat fucks vs soiboys


So glad i live in rural Texas. All i need is fish, game, and my crops

Hmm you’re right I suppose

However the modern city soiboy is so terrified of a gun he'd most likely drop in after one shot. Rural Americans have better odds since they hunt and fish for a living.

I need to get more cases at my nearest surplus store

Imagine the smell.....

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Merry men with infrared blocking umbrellas attacking/planting bombs in nearby cities before retreating to Shirewood Forest, opening their umbrellas and mingling among the other merry men scattered about under plywood so that the Fallujalia Camera Drones don't know which is which. doubling the anonymity pool each time.

Maybe people could start carrying large umbrellas and people could come up.to them and attempt to take the umbrella. If the umbrella is relinquished or not is random. Certain umbrellas would indicate this kind of interaction is welcome. When they go their seperate ways you never know who got away with the umbrella. Kind of tor IRL for people having their movements filmed day and night from above

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Bumping while I piss

They could wear a uniform like a papa smurf hat

It would likely involve what we are seeing in Oregon. Republicans leaving the capital and hiding out. Governors overstepping their powers and sending police after them. Republicans threatening to kill police over it.

If that kind of incident actually happens, you could see a chain reaction where people actually pick sides.

The papa smurf hat group should be about privacy and against crime. Maybe an adulterers anonymity club. That way they don't get ricoed

Communists will use bio-warfare to kill livestock and crops. They control the major ports and will receive supplies and fresh foreign fighters. They will roll through the Midwest and kill everyone that haven’t died from starvation.

Alot of urbanites dying of cholera/dysentery/hemorrhagic ecoli/etc because their water got shut off and at any given moment there is at least one street shitter fresh off the plane from pooville with a nasty bug

Farm boys make the best soldiers

Many urban democrats can't even swim

Wouldn't work under martial law conditions umbrellas would be banned. If chinese style totalitarian hell takes over we're fucked. Or the chinese would have gotten themselves out from under it already themselves.

The rich whites will hire based black men for private security, the people who will suffer are white working class

The mexicans and blacks are used to shitting on each other so it won't be anything new to them

Terry was legendary

Not surprising. The serfs.didn't stand a chance against the nobility in their castles with their armor and weapons. We won't stand a chance against the Jewish nobility that is rising

It would look like terror. Can I go to the store without there being a terror attack, can I go to work with out being blown up, shot or kidnapped? How do you have front lines in an idealogical civil war?