Defend pitbulls as pets
>hardmode: no ’muh feelings’ arguments
Defend pitbulls as pets
they kill niggers
Stop making these threads you fucking dick.
They kill minority children and "dog moms".
Pretty compelling, desu
I have a per pitbull and he sucks my dick so they're based in my book
The statistics are skewed. When dog bites happen, if the breed can't be identified, the dog is recorded as a pitbull. Pitbulls do not have the highest dog bite rate.
Wow good one. Did you think of that yourself?
my family has had 2 pits in my life. Both were female. Both were bred. Both were found on the street. Both were super sweet to people. Both were vicious as fuck to other big female dogs.
I have a Staffordshire/rhodesian ridgeback mix and he is the best dog ever. He is a little pussy though, scared of everything. I know it is cliche, but if you get them while they are a puppy and train them right, they are great dogs.
Yeah, but every "pitmommy" was killed by a pitbull, so that stat is good enough for me.
>train them right
The only thing people need to do to prevent deaths from them is to get them neutered. I've been told that a neutered pitbull has never been responsible (recorded) for killing a person.
Pitbulls are for low iq retards
Pitbulls are very good for low cost late term abortions, most minorities can't afford any other treatment options
There's a reason these dogs are a dime a dozen. People literally throw these dogs in garbage cans to get rid of them.
staffordshires are good boys
>not posting the webm version
I have one. He's a good boy. Most loving dog I've ever seen.
Look at those low iq trashy spics.
You’re a filthy nigger.
It's the type of dog that attracts the mentally deranged: many news reports cite pit-nutters arrested for beastiality.
Why would you want something so ugly and nigger like to live with you? Why not get something like pic related?
Looks like a hell hound
And white babies
Hit him and see what happens
I hate children
These dogs are responsible for like 30 bites a year, and there are millions of them in the US alone. That's pretty insignificant statistically speaking.
These dogs are responsible for 26 fatalities last year, and thousands of bites a year,
Educate yourself, retard.
That still means less than 1% of pibbles bite, and less than 1% of bites are fatal.
>filthy rags
>dog on furtniture
>ghetto mauler as a pet
lmao @ your life senpai
btw your dog thinks hes the alpha and is right.
see what happens if you challenge him
>These dogs are responsible for like 30 bites a year,
Pure bullsht, unless you post stats and a source,
>That still means you are retarded
Today's modern super babies need more pound per square inch in jaw strength to take down.
this is literally the only argument pit owners make
>they are the most loving dogs
fucking all dogs will love you unconditionally
get an intelligent dog thats not going to be an aggro piece of shit to everyone (humans and other animals) because it "loves" you so much that it doesn't want to share your attention with anyone else
>Pitbull apologist bullshit
Glad that all dog owners are so fucking stupid they can't identify breeds unless it's a pitbull.
Chihuahuas bite, too!
Coconuts kill a billion people a year!
Me training my pibbles... These are man eaters. No one breaks into my house. Lol
Y so serious?
Srsly if raised right they are the best dogs but sadly it takes a LOT of dedication to get them this way. Some do have bad breeding and bred for aggression thanks to niggers and spics. They should be legal but you should be required to get a dangerous breed license to own one which would require a background check and testing.
I've owned 4 and know what I'm doing. They've all were fixed which also helps with the handling.
>bred for aggression thanks to niggers and spics
You spelled "white bullbaiters" wrong.
Several different breeds fall under the category of pitbull, much like our crime statistics are known for catagorizing spics and Jews as white.
Nigger killers
Wrong. If a pitbull used as a fighter showed aggression to a human back then the whites were obligated to put it down to prevent that trait from being passed down. Nigs and spics specifically breed them for aggression
>the whites were obligated
L0Lno fgt pls
Loyal as fuck
Tank Mode
Will actually defend you and loved ones lives
Good overall health
Spooks spooks
Bitches love them
Short haired so minimal shedding
They make good fighting dogs, you could call your pet fighting dog a pet right?
There are tons of other dog breeds that fit these criterias but dont also fit the ”will get a violent outburst and ravage the neighbours cat”
>the statistics are skewed. As seen with the fbi, when violent crimes happen, if the hispanic can't be identified, the perp is recorded as white. Whites do not have the highest crime rate.
Check out this leash from Amazon. Lol.
>they are good around children if you want to kill them
if you want a late, late term abortion adopt a pit and wait for your child to sneeze
Affordable for bad financial situation
Any animal can have a violent outburst, just don’t get one if you can’t handle having a dog who requires a dominant male to handle it.
>niggers buy these to walk their pits.
>police see the niggers with guns and pitbuls.
>nigger drops the leash and pitbul charges police officer
>officer empties magazine into ghetto hound
>reloads and shots the nigger for attacking with deadly animal
>Any animal can have a violent outburst, but a Chihuahua doesn't have a lethal bite
Win -win. Errmm wait. No pibbles
if your in a "bad financial situation" you shouldn't get a animal let alone a large dog
>Any animal can have a violent outburst, just don’t get one if you can’t handle having a dog who requires a dominant male to handle it.
>blacks and whites are just as likely to rob, kill, rape, and steal given the same socio-economic conditions
SJW post
Dawg fightin and shiet and to attack l otha niggas. Not fierce enuff.
My buddy dabs his pit down, feeds it stems and gives it bongs rips.
Sometimes he bites her feet or tail.
It's actually a really friendly doy and has only harmed jumping up on me like a 100 pound puppy and knocking my vape out of my hand.
Did I mention her name is Nigger Dog?
Hello, Dr Patrick Slattery.
your friend sounds like a faggot and so do you
Pretty much this. I had an American Pitbull Terrier from 2007 to 2019 (just passed away in April), and she never ever acted aggressive at all. Probably the nicest dog I ever owned.
Anytime you see an aggressive pitbull, the likelihood is that it was from genetic stock that was bred aggressively, primarily from niggers. That or the dog was fostered after being raised to be aggressive by niggers. I do not say this lightly, niggers only see dogs as a means to an end. I had a hound as well and onice a 7 year old niglet asked me "dey dat doag no hotta fight n shieeet?" It's mindboggling a 7 year old boy would ask a question like that, but then again it's a nigger so of course it lacks basic empathy.
Pic related from 2007 when I got her.
>user likes pussy dogs that can’t defend his family
No one gives a shit about dog bites. It's those killed by dogs. That is the concerning number.
The pit that I took off my mother in laws hands sheds like hell.
She is also getting a little aggressive in her old age, a pop in the chops and a day banished to the backyard straightens her right out.
the dogs are more powerful than normal dogs. you need to be a more responsible and advanced owner to properly train a pit bull, just like you need to be a more experienced gun owner to safely operate a full auto AK. the problem is the vast majority of pit bull owners are niggers
Something like 50% of pitbull attacks come from one area in South Carolina.
I'm starting to think it's the niggers, not the dogs who are at fault.
>he a good boy he wondu nuffin
>t. owner of every shitbull that mauled a kid to death a minute later
These dogs were bred to take down BVLLS (niggers) hence the name PitBVLL.
So, whats the most based and redpilled breed to get? Should they be purchased as a pup or would a pound dog be viable?
I need a dog or something. I'm a lonely neet.
Chow Chow is Jow Forums's official dog. Buy it as a puppy.
I know many people that own pitbulls. Most are terrible owners and have a vicious dog. The rest are terrible owners and luckily have a nice dog. I've yet to see a responsible, good trainer pitbull owner. People that are responsible, and good dog owners stay away from pits.
Pound dogs are cheap and can be great dogs, just take care selecting one.
The wife wanted this giant monstrosity of a pitbull with a scarred up face, nope we got a lab mutt instead.
I've owned several, close family has too. they've all went peacefully with no incidents. in comparison, have had one dog snap and attack another for no reason, it was a German shorthaired pointer. lots of idiots know nothing about animals yet assume they do.
>I know it is cliche, but if you get them while they are a puppy and train them right, they are great dogs.
uhhh but:
>He is a little pussy though, scared of everything.
... so you utterly failed at training it. thanks for you're'r poast
Get a mutt from the pound or jack a stray. Breeds are a meme, and no one likes the guy that says "My dog is 100% (shit)". You will get more brains, loyalty, love, and ease of training from a mutt than any breed out there.
>t. amerimutt
>Violent, agressive, animal that men say should be put down and ugly desperate childless women fawn over
No different from a Nigger really
if you wanna be kino get a german shepard or a cane corso, if you wanna be a good person get a pound dog, they get euthanized if no one wants them
>t. guy who hasn't noticed how no one gives a shit when he talks about his pure bred demon cunt dog
I agree with that one. We've bred dogs into a lower IQ bracket than mutts. Really makes you wonder sometimes.
pitbulls are nigger tier
>I need a dog or something.
get another anime pillow. pets are for faggets
People saw a genetic defect and thought it looked cool. Rinse repeat for generations. Now we have mouth breathing dogs with fucked up backs that can't digest food and we call it "pure". I don't know if there is a breed in the world that actually looks like it's supposed to. At best we have Jurassic Park imitations.
I do find it funny that theres a consensus on mutts being smarter yet amerimutts are without a doubt full retard.
I would know. I'm one.
Thread is shit. I like sage to season my threads. Especially retarded slide threads like this one
that IS funny. lol. haha
Amerimutts, retarded as they may be, are still idolized by 3rd world shitholes. That goes to their heads. A mutt is overlooked and unwanted, they have to be smart and kind or they'd get gassed.
Well Pitbulls are the niggers of dogs so
I woll say the n word
only because niggers have them as pets and live around other niggers.
I wish I was smart enough to realize this sooner. We need to gas ourselves.