What exactly is The Day Of The Rope?

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Read The Turner Diaries faggot

In boy scouts they teach you various survival techniques with rope, so day of the rope is a yearly event where the boy scouts of America let anyone in, to teach them cool and epic things to do with rope.

Soon you will know.

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You don't scare me.

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It is when Jews find every goy and lynch them high in the sky. Praise Yahweh.8


yea for white racist like you that day will come

When all the Stormfag traitors will be hung from the lamp posts like the vile vermin they are.

t. Buzzfeed


a fantasy from a book that a bunch of fags take seriously.

>I am not scared but I will make everything to get your way of living destroyed so you can't hurt me
Why are faggots such pussies?

Heh heh. He said "rope".

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>When all the Stormfag traitors will be hung from the lamp posts like the vile vermin they are.

Dream on fag. They already have your faggot address.

It's a very nice soap

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Good luck, I'm behind 7 proxies.

something that needs to come sooner

It's a day with rope.
Read Turner diaries.

>I'll hang you dirty goyim first!
Lol try us moishe

You have to go back.

Calm down, bitch, or I'll have your wife's big black bull shut off the wifi to your cuckshed.

found the shitskin

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Found the LARPing goblin who thinks he's white.

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A fantasy of a defeated race that will never come to fruition

now post american women


Basted and bread-filled.

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How's your momma's asshole doing by the way? I busted it last night.....you nigger! BWBWBBWAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHHAHHAHAHAHAHA! AND I'M GOING TO BUST IT AGAIN TONIGHT!! bwbwbwhahahhahahahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahh!!

I can tell you are quite young boy

Those punks in the middle ran and left their womyn behind. The next day they were beaten in the streets. That's what happened.

It's like The Day Of The Rake

They copied the idea in "The Turner Diaries" as The Day Of The Rope.

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OP's not on the secret mailing list - DON'T TELL HIM!

It's a lucky day where you get to wear a noose as a necktie and go out to the woods and get good with nature.

People like you got thrown under bushes, phone crushed under boots.

The day when mass intermarriage between Anglo and Japanese people pulls us closer together than any rope.

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Has anyone else noticed that more and more people really seem to be getting tired of the Nazi LARPing faggotry on Jow Forums lately? It's about damn time. It's such a stale meme that has been beaten to death. It derails every thread regardless of the topic.

No one cares about your irrelevant topics maggot

A day that the people here dream of when the [groups I don't like] gets [killed in specific way] because of [actions that members of certain groups do]. Examples include:
>A day when all [Members of the LGBT community] gets [hung] because of [certain members of the LGBT community do bad things
>A day when all [Atheists and non-christians] get [burned alive] because of [not practicing my religion in the same way as me]
>A day when all [people who follow a different political group] get [shot] because of [not having the same views as me]


It's been here forever noob, you'll get used to it.

Imagine how much meth is in that one spot.

Yeah, let's mix it up already. I feel like the ironic Nazism is turning into real hate speech, or at least attracting genuine white supremacists. Is there a way to msg the mods here?

I've been here since /new/, fag. It has always been here, then grew from the Swarmfront shilling campaign, then spiraled out of control after all the redditfags came during the last election trying to fit in. I wonder how many times a day "shill", "Jew", and "kike" are posted as a defense on this board per day?

>ironic Nazism
>Is there a way to msg the mods here?

Lurk moar fagget

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Jesus H Fuck, you have to teach girls to lean into it.

>I worry how many times a day "shill", "Jew", and "kike" are posted as a offense on this board per day?

This is what should concern you. Shit stirrers and shills. Not to mention just the part and parcel trolls.

neck yourself r/the_donald newfag

eat shit normalfaggot, ull be one of the first to go on DOTR

you posted a soone

There's sure a lot of middle aged women posting on Jow Forums since r/the_dicksucker got shoad.

You mean when...


Leddit fag detected

It's all true, Aussiefag. The moment the "Day of the Rope" comes the UN and the world will completely shut it down because of "muh Holocaust"

A messy day, but a necessary one

Yes when user..when?

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Fuck off kike faggot

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Will there be mass slaughtering using greek sarissa phalanx warfare? Id pay good money to see that happen

What about me?

A day long overdue.

Whoa! That's me BTFO! That was such an original comment. How'd you think it up so fast?

Day all these corrupt drug smuggling kiddy diddling Israeli Dual citizen congress and senate, media traitors hang for treason.
You dont go to jail for treason.

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Go watch cartoons boy

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Day of the Rope (English: /dʒJˈhɑːd/; Arabic: جهاد jihād [dʒJˈhaːd]) is a pol aphorism which literally means striving or struggling, especially with a praiseworthy aim.[1][2][3][4] In a white context, it can refer to almost any effort to make personal and social life conform with the guidance of the Logos, such as struggle against one's evil inclinations, religious proselytizing, or efforts toward the moral betterment

That's fucking hilarious, I'm buying one for my gf

Hitler did nothing wrong except for not actually committing the holocaust


Lurk more you glow in the dark faggot

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I've never gotten that particular kind before, but I've gotten other soaps from them. They do excellent work. I suggest the Mon Coeur scent for your gf.

I'll check it out

The day of hope

the day when the dam breaks and we finally start cleaning up the filth

Lol you actually are a kike.

But in all seriousness, pic related is what the Day of the Rope will probably be for the pathetic Jow Forums incels here. And the world will be better for it.

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A day when all race traitors, Jews, niggers, & faggots are kicked out of our society, & the natural order is restored.