Ebba smiles for you Brendon.

Attached: wc-shooting-0104.jpg (780x520, 45K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why are you Mossad fags STILL spamming Tarrant threads? It was the biggest failure Mossad has done this year.

It wasn't Mossad. Its what happens when a man stands up and asks for justice in a world that has none.

Mossad have fun fighting against Hezbollah Syria and Iran without US support. You'll be watching your mother die.

You did this to yourselves Israel. You deserve what's coming.

No, I can confirm this was Mossad.

Attached: 29B74E51-9275-417F-805F-1845E5EA42C5.jpg (1600x1600, 206K)

Why can't it just be a man that was tired of watching the rest of you do nothing as children are murdered in your streets?
Does blaming a boogeyman make you feel better about your lack of strength to do as he has done?

Attached: yall-got-any-5a940e.jpg (600x471, 33K)

brenton you fucking pavement ape



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Because he could have done a much better job

Why did he shoot random muslims and not like some traitors in the high echelon of society?

Why do Muslims run over random children in streets rather than going to Israel and killing Jews?

He's another one of these for sure...

because muslims get Allaht of good muzzie points for murdering any infidel.
I think killing kids is even better in Allah's eyes.

Attached: 1553019704282.jpg (800x603, 65K)

True, my bad, a hero though...still.
I don't condone his actions. But I understand them...and in a way, I admire them.
This is what men of old did when their tribe or people were threatened. This is the meat of what civilization was built on. The direct understanding that if you murder mine, I will murder yours in kind.
Its the sure reprisal of a bygone age...not psychosis, not evil....but human in its purest form.

>Because he could have done a much better job
He took 52 people down. More than you could do faggot

Mr Bond - Holding out for a Tarrant webm.red/VG7r.webm

Attached: photo_2019-06-25_01-56-38.jpg (1280x701, 178K)

He's another one of these for sure...
Tors Hammer Bichute Andres Breivik Hidden Truth Full bitchute.com/video/ fRcyGGb67NYy/


Didn't burn down the mosque, didn't cause any property damage, and those 52 subhuman nigger actors all flew back to Dubai.
Interesting that (((you))) call dune coons people.



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>israel faked a hatecrime by a white guy against muslims cause israel doesn't hate muslims as much as it hates white guys.
That cope.

>(((Oy vey goy, we hate dune coons more than we hate subhuman monsters like yourself! That's why we fund Isis!)))

Attached: 8A8B2446-7FF9-41A9-A50F-7FDA862CD270.jpg (842x1024, 244K)

Gadi Eizenkot shall die in guantanamo bay
Aviv Kochavi shall die in guantanamo bay
Yossi Cohen shall die in Guantanamo Bay
Avigdor Lieberman shall die in Guantanamo bay.
Kobi Barak shall die in guantanamo bay
Amikam Norkin shall die in guantanamo bay
Eli Sharvit shall die in guantanamo bay
Aharon Haliva shall die in guantanamo bay
Tamir Heiman shall die in guantanamo bay
Itzhak Turjeman shall die in guantanamo bay
Moti Almoz shall die in guantanamo bay
Amir Abulafia shall die in guantanamo bay
Lior Carmeli shall die in guantanamo bay
Yoel Strik shall die in guantanamo bay
Nadav Padan shall die in guantanamo bay
Hertzi Halevi shall die in guantanamo bay
Tamir Yadai shall die in guantanamo bay
Avi Balut shall die in guantanamo bay
Moni Katz shall die in guantanamo bay
Amir Baram shall die in guantanamo bay
Yossi Bachar shall die in guantanamo bay
Kamil Abu Rukun shall die in guantanamo bay
Doron Feyles shall die in guantanamo bay
Sharon Afek shall die in guantanamo bay
Ronen Manelis shall die in guantanamo bay
Ariela Lazarovich shall die in guantanamo bay.

Attached: honk for gun control.png (1423x1566, 665K)


Attached: ebba rip.jpg (306x306, 70K)

Attached: AC4420B1-13EE-47A9-8AD8-99547407ED68.jpg (800x965, 164K)

Benjamin Netanyahu shall die in Guantanamo bay,
Ron Dermer shall die in guantanamo bay
Danny Danon shall die in guantanamo bay
Arnon Milchan shall die in guantanamo bay
Sheldon Adelson shall die in guantanamo bay
Haim Saban shall die in guantanamo bay
George Soros shall die in Guantanamo Bay
Robert Mercer shall die in Guantanamo Bay
Sloppy Steve Bannon shall die in guantanamo bay

Attached: Kike ops.jpg (1000x1117, 790K)

Harvey Weinstein shall die in guantanamo bay
Chuck Schumer shall die in guantanamo bay
Adam Schiff shall die in guantanamo bay
Dianne Feinstein shall die in guantanamo bay
Mark Warner shall die in guantanamo bay
Ron Wyden shall die in guantanamo bay
Richard Blumenthal shall die in guantanamo bay
Debbie Wasserman Schultz shall die in guantanamo bay
Nancy Pelosi shall die in guantanamo bay
Mark Zuckerberg shall die in guantanamo bay
Cheryl Sandberg shall die in guantanamo bay
Sergei Brin shall die in guantanamo bay
Larry Page shall die in guantanamo bay
Susan Wojciki shall die in guantanamo bay
Dov Zakheim shall die in guantanamo bay
Michael Chertoff shall die in guantanamo bay
Eric Schmidt shall die in guantanamo bay
Jonathan Greenblatt shall die in guantanamo bay
Jeff Zucker shall die in guantanamo bay
Richard Cohen shall die in guantanamo bay

Attached: Sloppy Job Mossad.jpg (1000x1000, 318K)

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Jesus christ you schizos are retarded. Do you think everything is a false flag/ mossad?

Sloppy Job Mossad. Yossi Cohen is gonna watch his kids die.

Attached: nz hoax swap.jpg (547x375, 50K)

No body mentioned Tay Sachs you nose nigger

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lets find out

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I believe I unironically admire Brenton Tarrant.
Not for murdering 52 Muslims.
But for standing up for one dead girl. If that makes me a jew.....whatever.
Until we can stand up for something we believe in, until we will defend what is right, we're no better than the Jews themselves.

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Attached: Lebanese Author Zionists Caused NZ Attack, Notre Dame Fire M_0.webm (720x480, 2.67M)

Attached: Cohen and the Gang – Qatari Sociologist blames the Jews for the New Zealand Massacre in an Antisem (852x480, 1.98M)

Attached: Israeli shills calling for violence.jpg (1438x1720, 1.08M)

>simultaneous multi-national training drill
>lots of transport aircraft flying in and out
>multiple suspects arrested
>witnesses saw multiple shooters
>Palestinians the majority killed
>suspects released
>to Israel
>just look at our glowing patsy actor making faces and hand signs goy

Attached: 5th christchurch killer to Israel.jpg (500x528, 71K)

Tarrant is a bigger hero than all US veterans combined.

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Its called a prison diet and stress retard

He's a fake and you're a faggot

Attached: beef-tel-aviv.jpg (800x600, 90K)

It's called Yossi Cohen's kids will be shot in front of him. Mossad you don't realize how fucked you are.

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Get in the box, zogbot.

The schizo retard "moarpheus" is mad again. Good

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>shlomo tarrant

well it could have been mossad, and it could have not, but do this change anything of what we need to do?

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yes i believe a raghead who has own interests

Attached: image_bgChange1560045750474.jpg (1080x571, 118K)

Reddlt is here, say hi to redd*t
Hi r*ddit

He will lead the resistance!

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He was not the first

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well this is why i respect islam they are quite aware what's going on and i think they aren't such destructive as jews

>identity theft a Mossad specialty
I wonder what his Hebrew name is

Attached: real brenton tarrant killed by mossad.jpg (490x468, 58K)

I'm starting to feel the same way


>not understanding that GoPro cameras use a fish-eye lense, which stretches out the image from the focal-point

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You know what mass shootings and internet cenorship won't solve for you Mossad? Muslims killing you all when the US doesn't support Israel in the upcoming war.

have fun you fucking retards you're all gonna die.

Whether it was Mossad false flag or not, what you're doing now is Mossad's work. Praising violence against civilians only repels normal people from white nationalism. I hate ISIS and sure as hall don't support white ISIS. IMO, this all can be solved through political organizing and if it comes to violence and war it should be prosecuted as any other war, without killing unarmed civilians.

God bless Brenton. Literally the Aussie Batman, we don't deserve him

The first raindrops of the coming storm ...

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Attached: Sloppy Job Mossad Smuggie.png (1000x766, 94K)

And remember Luca as well.

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based and moonpilled

Hi juden

>executes children
so epic bro deus vult xD

Attached: luca3.jpg (768x571, 433K)

>violence bad

Everyone here saw the fake video before they panic banned it.

I'd shoot myself in the face for shilling this shit to enslave people.

You will get brain cancer for knowingly lying to people.

You Mossad fags are losers and if you think another mass shooting will push more censorship you're fucking retarded. Seriously. Get a grip on reality. There's no way you Israelis come out alive.

>i state out a well-known fact about GoPros
>you call me Mossad
look here nigger, i know the Mossad like to pull their usual tricks, but you're fucking stupid if you think it's in the Jew's best interests to rile up White Revenge. They, along with their brown and black hordes would cease to be if all of the White races TRULY took revenge upon themselves.

>Got the highscore

Attached: tuckerface.gif (222x330, 545K)

Who is this based guy? He's always on Memri.

Explain how a political solution could be even remotely viable, especially In the US.

Normies are turned off of White Nationalism by decades of conditioning, along with the fact that most people who have ever existed have never had the spine to challenge the status quo to the degree to which we will have to.

Civilians have been killed in every war ever, not saying they should be, just that they are.

Legendary Partisan warrior. Remember St. Brenton Tarrant in your prayers.



>thinking someone shot up a mosque in kiwiland
user, I...

Attached: 1557428767837.png (850x400, 151K)

Especially when they are extra sloppy
>sloppy job mossad


Attached: christchurch court.jpg (500x1115, 109K)

>asks for justice
Bullshit. Kills a bunch of people, empowers the left, gives fuel to gun control nuts and changes literally nothing. Tarrant was an idiot and the morons celebrating him are even dumber.

saved, good find

Attached: d330389f6ecb798659d2c97082c78a57266be084e9188721f9ca8b5dc6886610.jpg (1515x2000, 707K)

He didn't kill anyone.
That's the funniest part

Dude people died, he fucking Livestreamed it everyone could see. Really hard to pretend this is some Mossad false flag when everyone saw the killings firsthand

>sloppy j0b mossad
seen enough rekt. him blowing the womans head apart in the street looked pretty real

>I have no proof but I must yell
>"sloppy job mossad"
Good job reddit, you sure showed us.


Attached: 1555805947511m.jpg (1024x768, 92K)

8ch archive.fo/AlIX8
Twitter archive.fo/aC2FQ
Facebook archive.is/i2dfr

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Nobody died and your shitty video proves the hoax. Are you Israelis ready for war? I'm ready to watch the livestreams and shitpost while you die. the world will celebrate and nobody will come to your defense.

And the Samson Option isn't an option. You'll be slaughtered in the conventional war. Have fun faggot.

First of all. I watched the video . Fucking frame by frame.
Dissapearing casings etc...
Livestream means dickall.
You can livestream your video onto livestream and call it live.

sloppy special effects

Attached: 1553199542534.webm (852x480, 381K)

I do not condone any violence, but
Heil St. Tarrant.

He made the ultimate sacrifice for our people. Whatever you think of the result, you must respect his fortitude and commitment.

im convinced you are a kike too

death to anti-white schizoniggers

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