Give me one good reason why I should give a shit about any of these illegal beaners or care that they’re being kept...

Give me one good reason why I should give a shit about any of these illegal beaners or care that they’re being kept in concentration camps

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>Give me one good reason why I should give a shit about any of these illegal beaners or care that they’re being kept in concentration camps

You shouldn't.


>It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

The infestation is FAR worse than the anti-American lying mass media reports it to be.

this whole psyop about the spics drowning is insane, spics drown in the rive here like twice a fucking month

obamas the racist one
that monkey loved keeping beans in cages
so did biden
biden loved the kids the most

There's no reason you should.

Because all this is just the government practicing before they put you and your family into concentration camps in a few years.

There isn’t one??


No one is advocating separation. They can all go back together.

Well for starters they're breaking the law.

We don't call prisons "concentration camps".

And to answer your question, you shouldn't give a flying fuck. The beaners are doing this to themselves.

Attached: 59619-full[2].png (272x204, 51K)

Youre always the dumbest, you know that right?

Almost everyone in the "concentration camps" are free to leave whenever they wish. They just have to leave the country at the same time.


Fuck this propaganda shit. If they had mexican citizenship they would be returned to mexico.

Because now all the infrastructure is in place so the next Dem president just has to sign a piece of paper, and it's white males in the camps instead.

I don't care what a short-sighted authoritarian shitbag thinks of me.

This is true. This is what the Democrats want to do to Americans

there are no concentration camps... pretty good marketing though.

You shouldn't, it's just baizuo trying to rally their orcs

He says while celebrating progressively more corporate censorship

I'd like to see more dead floating spics, desu.

That’s just the thing. I don’t really give a shit if they are concentration camps. I know it’s just leftist posturing and virtue signaling to use that terminology, but I’m ready to just embrace it and dare them to make me give a fuck. My empathy has been completely sapped.

Forceps births really do make you retarded huh

You shouldn’t give a shit. Mexico is a shit hole that produces shit people.

Why would you and me want to give away our great quality of life to some desert nigger that doesn’t even speak English?

Fuck that.

I'm old enough to remember when GWB was going to throw us all in FEMA deathcamps, and then Obabo was going to turn America into an islamic caliphate, and then Trump was going to kill all the brown people. The hysterics never end. Why the fuck do people keep falling for them?

Wrong. I've been calling out censorship since before hypocritical cucks on the right were being targeted. I called out FBI's provacateurs and entrapment schemes back when you were still cheering them on because they were doing it to people you hated. I called out illegal mass surveillance by the government when you had Republican, Democratic, and (again) Republican administrations. I've been strongly anti-war since you were in diapers, after 9/11, reaching the point of no return after the buildup to the illegal war in Iraq, and my anger hasn't abated at all since Libya. I've called Obama a war criminal and a liar on Jow Forums more times than I can count.

So go fuck yourself, because I know when the next Democratic president starts targeting you, you'll cry like a bitch (the Obama IRS scandal was barely a taste of what to expect). I don't have patience for hypocritical faggots, but I won't turn around and support an authoritarian regime just because you're the target.