*wins the debate*
heh, nothing personell
*wins the debate*
He did, but his policies suck, he's a race mixer and he looks like Stu Pickles.
"My black son"
Checked, now all of America can slide back to squalor under the giant wing of this monolith of a man, just like New York.
>I have a black son.
He’s fucked nyc so hard... stoke 850million dollars... there’s a shit ton of dirt on him. Trump would wreck this commie fag
You're kidding, right?
>My black son
>Trying to yell over cutting to commercials
>My dad killed himself btw
On top of all that, he's a hunchbacked kike sewer rat from one of the worst cities on Earth.
How rigged is this fucking poll?
nobody, and I mean nobody, likes that crooked commie cocksucker
t. new yorker
>all that support for warren
she comes off as a fucking cunt just like hillary
mommy tulsi is their best shot at winning, and she isn't fucking insane.
>thinking the democrats are self aware enough to not nominate an insane person
I didn't sit through this entire shit, did he really say this? I hope someone makes highlights.
>wins the debate
Well, at least he won in the mind of his assistant who was recently convicted for having child-porn.
on a semi-serious note, i wonder how his black son feels about being used as a political prop.
Uhhhhhhhhh huh. Then loses to Trump because he’s a BEEEEEEETTAAAA
She's their worst also
>mommy tulsi
Fuck off
No hope for her in the primaries, especially with how much she keeps hyping up her military background. Radicals will dominate.
Checked, did anyone mention that his wife was a proud lesbian yet?
Trump is actually going to win Term 2 after betraying us all to ZOG because the Democrats are so fucking retarded that they've actually managed to field an entire cast of candidates who CANNOT win a general election.