Ying Yang

*teleports behind you*

Nothing personnel, democrats.

*gives everyone UBI*

Don't mind me, I'm saving America.

Attached: 10yang-facebookJumbo.jpg (1050x550, 123K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Flops on stage

UBI will bankrupt America.
I left you a present in the options field

Wow, if giving everyone a thousand bucks a month will grow the economy by trillions why not give everyone a million bucks a month and grow it by quadrillions?

Attached: 67f4891b3957fb3b4c231ba1fd0d071a50b31846353201ba0134a86e87e82913.jpg (700x822, 254K)

Diminishing returns. It’s a math and economics thing ausibro.

Attached: 6278ED74-FDB8-4AC5-93AD-49E320342F01.jpg (1024x683, 106K)

UBI will be the savior of capitalism.


>Obango will tuk muh guns
No guns tuk
>Trump no tuk muh guns
Guns tuk
>yang will tuk muh guns
No guns tuk
This is an old story. Regan and trump are the gun grabbers user.

Attached: CAE8FEF4-5615-428F-9591-ADD51878D8F5.jpg (360x408, 43K)

socialism is a drug
yang is a drug dealer
obviously this chink hates white people and wants to destroy the USA

you do realize that this is helping the enemy
undermining USA values is demoralizing to Americans
yang is just helping totalitarian states like China and Russia undermine USA values
it's sickening

I'm filled with hatred when I look at this picture
this is what an enemy of the USA looks like

this guy reminds me of the slimy rich kids at Harvard
I only spent less than a year there before transferring, but I'll never forget that diabolically evil feeling they gave me when I was around them
he looks like a treacherous psycho
he is promoting a policy only a treacherous psycho could promote
frankly I wouldn't be surprised if China is backing this fucking chink
or, possibly, that Russia is backing this chink in order to get Americans to be more racist against the Chinese
but that's more of a paranoid conspiracy, and I don't have any evidence for it aside from the circumstantial evidence that Russia really fucking hates China

>Yang = fake candidate representing the elites to send a message to the populist movement
>Message = greatly exaggerate threat of automation to American workers

“Wage growth is stagnant but I better not rock the boat about it because Yang says mr sheckelberg can replace me with a robot any day now”

if someone shoots him and kills him, we can all sing
Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead
>Ding-dong the witch is dead
>Which old witch, the wicked witch
>Ding-dong the wicked witch is dead
>Wake up you sleepyhead
>Rub your eyes, get out of bed
>Wake up the wicked witch is dead
>She's gone where the goblins go
>Below, below, below
>Yo-ho, let's open up and sing and ring the bells out
>Ding Dong's the merry-oh, sing it high, sing it low
>Let them know the Wicked Witch is dead
frankly he is positioning himself as an enemy of the American people
undermining USA values is something the enemies of the USA do
the fact that we have an enemy who is pretending to run for president is just a fucking joke
maybe we could get Congress to legalize shooting these pests
that would send a message to totalitarian regimes: even if you get your mole to run for president, it is still just another enemy, just another sack of shit worth bullets

>*gives everyone UBI*
only if you aren't white


I think subversion/sedition/insurrection is actually a crime in the USA. Since this fucking chink is committing a crime, isn't discussion of his campaign a violation of global rule 1? I'm not a mod, so I'm not clear on how global rule 1 deals with
law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/part-I/chapter-115 18 U.S. Code CHAPTER 115— TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES

this chink is demanding loyal Americans disarm because he hates white people and wants to disarm them and make them vulnerable to genocide
what a despicable piece of shit

>socialism will be the saviour of capitalism
k commie

>UBI will bankrupt America
that's the point

based retard

>Takes all ur guns

>yang says not to rock the boat and organize for better wages.
Wat? Are you stupid or something?

Attached: 29341B35-E7A8-4E97-B9B7-C267FDEB9F9A.png (496x487, 62K)

I love how he isn't even shy about promoting the idea that Americans be subservient to the international community
what else could
mean other than non-Americans
why in the fuck would any loyal American vote to make themselves second after non-Americans
this guy is fucking evil
I really hate his guts, and the NSA, CIA, FBI should all consider what I have said about sedition.
Why the fuck do we have an enemy running for president?
It's just sickening.
In fact, it's obscene. Perhaps we could get his campaign tied up in an obscenity trial.

Not bloody likely. Yang will demolish those faggots.

Attached: yang swag.gif (600x645, 2.5M)


Attached: 3F440714-2491-49EA-9556-5A9E61BC2D2C.jpg (846x640, 63K)

Attached: that old boomer.jpg (250x229, 17K)

Attached: E8BB0056-C925-48D9-BF10-90B88084C51B.png (800x345, 48K)

He officially won the debates with that one tweet.
Pack it in. It's over.

Attached: yang gang 2020.jpg (3840x2160, 2.79M)


Attached: BEAA5915-784B-4D35-8AD6-F164DC431197.jpg (1024x672, 194K)

Crashing this plane....WITH NO SURVIVORS

Let me guess you support the man who has raised the debt by more than any president in history.

Attached: AE16306C-106A-46CA-B7D9-54410E01EFCC.jpg (758x1024, 317K)

he's the only one going to sound non-cringe. He doesn't speak like a politician and isn't full of vague platitudes.

because $1000 is just at the poverty line, retard

literally one of the most boomer posts I've ever read

You think he’s joking. He’s actually serious

If you live in liberal states and cities

UBI will prevent the collapse of capitalism by protecting it from the hordes of soon to be unemployed and unemployable people once automation and AI fully kicks in.

Attached: DiknrYpXkAEdUTX.jpg (1080x1080, 110K)

Holy fuck. Give up your arms for state dependency?

Yang can easily win California on Super Tuesday (March 3, 2020). He just needs to survive until then.

Cmon America! Elect the first Chinese president already


Nice buzz words
Automation and AI has no ceiling in which it will fix everything in society. There will be more jobs and even more opportunities.

*grabs your guns*
nothing personal gweilo

Good luck getting that guy who dropped out of high school to drive a truck to learn how to build machine learning models.

He will probably be picking them up off side of the roads and maintaining them for a while. Automation\UBI shills act like it will be a seamless overnight integration and that everyone will be jobless in 5 years. Sucks that we were supposed all have flying cars 20 years ago and we only have new 737s that crash land themselves. All I am saying is technology will create more opportunity since Automation is not going to create a Utopian society where the only thing that’s missing is UBI