She's based as fuck AND gorgeous

She's based as fuck AND gorgeous
I'm voting for her

Fuck Trump and fuck the jews who propped him up

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Glowing in the dark

kys raidnigger

Attached: tulsi shills -.png (947x916, 392K)

She's in the wrong fucking party. And that's her problem, not mine.

Is she a socialist

I want a president I can fap to

Doesn't really matter since both parties are for war. Also she seems to be for gun control and gay stuff so

Tulsi is top trending candidate in America and most searched tonight. She’s going to surge on polls

The least so of the bunch. But still Hawaiian. Which is obscenely commie given property prices and bug people infestation.

You might as well vote for Sanders. Shes not gonna win shit.

Open borders gun grabber
No thanks.
But she is fap-worthy

fuck off you faggot

she literally said she was for DACA and helping immigrants become citizens
you shill niggers are so retarded

You're clearly a shill. My fellow gentiles and myself will be voting for Based MAGA God-Emperor.

Attached: Trump Heights.jpg (800x450, 64K)

>both parties are pro-war
>no new wars under Trump thus far

Still you want to vote for some other shit that want's to fucking gulag you. Dumb.

0/10 shill kill yourself
Tulsi deserves a refund because you guys suck and are more brazen than the yang team

I kind of want to vote for IRL Major Katsuragi to be quite desu

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Of all the candidates, she worries me the least. If she beat trump, would not be upset. But she has no shot, the DNC hates her guts, she hates Pelosi and Hillary, they hate her right back.

It's shame. She probably would be a decent president, but between the DNC and the US not being ready to elect a non-Christian president, she just isn't gonna make it.
In terms of what i agree with and disagree with, when it comes to here, it's about the same as Trump, honestly.

>Wanting to end the endless wars in the middle east = HURR SHILL

This board really is flooded with MIGAtards, wow

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I didn't say Trump wasn't pro-war. His administration certainly is though.

>wanting muslims to live
>regular Jow Forums user
Get the fuck off my board normie scum

>wanting to kill innocent civilians
>meme flag
yeah you're a jew lol

Judging by the sentence structure on here I'd say you're all a bunch of Washington Attorneys. I still prefer the game show host politics is fun now

She's a commie and a gun-grabber.
She's good on literally ONE stance, foreign policy. She's shit on everything else.

Yea dude nothing lulzy about death.

Gtfo you newfag unpaid shill. You only serve as inspiration to those of us who work tirelessly to remove kebab and faggots by day.

Too bad she's a gun grabber. None of these fucks get my vote until they stop attacking my right to self defense (won't happen). Unfortunately the Republicans are almost equally as shitty.