She should have won

She should have won.

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Other urls found in this thread:

she did win.

KYS faggot

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democrats are nazis
socialism is a drug
the democrats are drug dealers

yes we would be so much better of--

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No, she is too psychotic! Old and no care for the kin or the world, dangerous!

>the end of all ends

Nazi drug-dealers. That's badass

She did. She won second place



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((Globalist))Windbag whore.
Im glad shes alcoholic now.

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Shieet nigga u rite dawg u rite

Wed probably have fewer beaners and dot heads here now.

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Well she didn't. And she will die a horrible death from Kuru.



Thanks now I’m voting blue

Thanks for the laugh faggot!

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That’s raycisss

Won what? Prize PIG? Haha, right?

You realize now just how fucked you at in 2020?

her losing was for the best. dems are winning everywhere now including cancervative shitholes like alabama thanks to trump. the base is fired up. shillary would have created more republicans

Wait whos running America ? I thought she did win.

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>people were murdered on her behalf

The word you were looking for is 'request'. And I quote the bitch's own emails regarding Julian Assange:

>why can't we just drone this guy


yeah, winning as the biggest loser

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Still butthurt I see

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Cheated and still lost.

b b b but she lost

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Yeah no

Thanks for the laugh, op.

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She somehow avoided Guantanamo thus far, i would call that winning because Trump is being a pussy.

And Muslims should stay in the middle east.

Your pic related is pretty fucking accurate.

As if she isn't running.

check these originals

Why isn’t she running?


>she did win.
President of Costco

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Well, she won California and New York, which is irrelevant, since we have an electoral college.

She had the good sense to not open up the campaign season with her plan to massively raise taxes on everyone like the current crop of democrats did. So there is that...

Fuck no, Tulsi will be our first female president.

This. She’ll be the break out star after all the other Dems prove to the libs they’re all incompetent retarded fucks. Plus she has the alphabet agencies trying to pull a coup on the current administration, isn’t out of possibility, regardless of her not even being able to sell out an auditorium on a speaking tour with Slick Willy.

Tulsi isn't going to even win the nomination. The DNC will nominate whomever the (((business interests))) decide should be nominated.

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You’re a fuckin retard. Just because you want to put your dick in her doesn’t mean she’s presidential in any way.

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Sure, but she's a pathological liar who probably really does eat children.

Flies on the face speak volumes.

Yup. It will be the "Hillary out of nowhere" platform. Everyone wants to sweep the fact that she won the popular vote under the rug, but look at what has been going on. To dem morons, the popular vote is the only thing that matters. If she announced tomorrow, she would be the party front runner by a sizable margin.

Mental ill cocoon, i dont want that empty husk of reptilian in presidency, or any sort of power.

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she should be dead and/or in prison by now

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Trust the plan
Any day now

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seventy fives of truth.



Eat shit

She is beyond corrupt and beyond useless. Besides why would we WANT a women in charge other than for the meme?

He was being facetious. Use your fuckin brain, bro.

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Still with him! (Jeb)

Classic leaf post, I'm not even mad.

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Yeah yes
