Serious: It's summer and all of my white friends are getting sunburns like pic related.what do sunburns feel like never experienced myself.
Hi pol black man here
Fuck off nigger
>at do sunburns feel like never experienced myself.
It kind of feels like having a job.
Post hand with time
If that really is your friend he'll let you pop that balloon.
/b/ is that way
>what do sunburns feel like never experienced myself.
Like leaving the Stone Age
Hey OP what's it like being shit brown with gorilla-like features?
Or a father.
Like not being a nigger you nigger
i don't go outside my overcooked friend. i haven't had a sunburn since before my balls dropped.
explode them
Your white friends are degenerates, who will die from melanoma soon and you'll be all alone. But don't be sad, afterall they are stupid.
or getting whipped in the back for not picking cotton fast enough
Dunno. My dad patched the roof so the sun don't get in.
Like this
sum finna bix nood. dat gib da mofuggin sheeeit nigga! bix nood.
Are you a incel?
English please snownigger
It feels like the breeze blowing through your hair.
Wtf is that? I'm pretty fuckin pasty and I've never had a sunburn like that before, worst I've had is a bit of peeling on my back after being out all day without a shirt on
>what do sunburns feel like never experienced myself.
It's like when your father-- oops, bad example. Well, it's like when you enter a convenience store to purchase-- oh, hmm. Okay, it's like when instead of raping a woman, you-- oof. Give me a while, OP, I'm trying to think of a comparison you would understand.
it feels like climate change denial
Sunburns feel like a cop saying "Sir, I'm only letting you off with a warning this time. Drive carefully."
its a fucking burn you retarded nigger
Seriously, we need to fix Jow Forums and get rid of cancerous bait threads of all sorts.
One that bad? Hell. mild one. sleepy and nice dreams. warm itchy sore
Most niggers can get sunburned you charcoal nigger
He’s just pretending to be a nigger. Apparently it’s a thing white leftist faggots do now on Jow Forums.
You were already cooked and marked forever, white skin endures it will never turn black
Like invasive cockroaches coming into your country.
did that guy roll in giant hogweed or something
Its Jow Forums. White leftist faggots pretending to be black are just Mutt rightwing faggots pretending to be white leftist faggots pretending to be black.
OP is not black if he never had sunburn. Its an absolute larper that doesnt know black people get sunburn too.
It’s fucking hapa chinks
Sunburns don't bother us because we don't have to work the fields.
How many fucking times am I going to see this thread?
To answer your question OP it's better than living in fucking Africa and worrying about whether you'll die of starvation or other Africans burning you alive surrounded by tires and then eating you.
Having a subnurn is better than being a nigger.
Also bump, because I'm tired of all the Tulsi shilling.
>be earth
>be summer
>noggins crawl out for summer Jow Forums
Ah, time for the annual sunburn threads
It's been raining the past 3 weeks. No ones been getting sun burns you vitamin D lacking nigger.
I've heard that it is a lot like graduating high school
It’s a british hapa. You may remember and currently see his other anti white male threads
Thread is over.
You won't
nigger you do not have enough scientific thinking. How is vitamin D deficiency tolerated in all places except fucking Africa? What will happen to niggers when a man goes into space and stops sunbathing altogether? Do you know that when less melanin your skinn older slowly and you cant have a cartain amount of cancer?
Also sage slide thread
The wild ride starts now.
spbp /based /thread
Hahaha, but seriously, can that the yellow bulge pop? I really really want to drive a stake through it