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Fuck, they never stop!

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Tulsi is up to 3% in polls. She’s going to surge now that she’s top searched candidate in country off google trends.

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i'm with the jews this time. you spammers are double gay

Such is the way of antiwar candidates

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they don't want her to win

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Jews absolutely SEETHING

>i dont like the results! Quick Google, manipulate them for me!

Tulsi is being spammed by buzzfeed and leftists on this board

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Wherever I go, I must also shut it down.

The (((Left))) hates Tulsi.

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>Why is she talking about wars? I dont want to hear about wars, that makes me think about them
someone with a twitter acct please call this guy a faggot

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Even BUZZFEED supports Tulsi?

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The Jew fears Tulsi

Tulsi sure as fuck wasn't robotic when she said we needed to end the war in Afghanistan. She's was all sorts of fired up.

Guts from Berserk and Ash Williams.

When her policies are the best of the Democrat bunch so they criticize her fucking HAIR.

>thinking voters give a fuck about bad hair when the current president is pic related

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These kikes are terrible. They're especially angry when they see someone whose supposed to be a pawn goy go against the narrative.

>I'm with the jews

RREEEEE you horny fucking Incels. Warren was supposed to win tonight by design.

Lavin, Mensch, Berlatsky... 3 kike names in a row, Jesus Christ, lmao.

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She hates them right back. It's one reason I like her. She tried to start a caucus of young dems to overthrow Pelosi, she's called out the (((Dems))) many times. She knows the DNC is corrupt, she quit in disgust after watching what they did to Bernie when she was part of it - her stepping down has not been forgotten. The media campaign against her is going to be vicious.

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Warren is a clown. 0.01% Native American lmao.

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The rise of Tulsi will completely reveal the Jews as the phoneys they are.

it sure is something how anti war candidates manage to get jews to basically name themselves by merely existing

Holy shit.... they are scared of Tulsi.

and the funny thing is only conservatives and a small sliver of sane liberals respect her.

even so im sure as hell not voting for anyone from the anti gun, pro tranny, anti free speech dnc. all dnc candidates can fuck right off if they continue to support the bullshit they support


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Haha everyone on Twitter is angry about Tulsi and saying "Russian bots" are her support base.

Is it you faggots?

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oh gawd.


Lol why are all these days so salty?

hahaha fucking what
bluechecks reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally dont like her, jesus

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Can we flag this as hate speech? Clearly he his racist and sexist.

so the thirty or so shit posters throw off their results that much?

Oh wow I'm surprised that Castro didn't pick up more. I still don't like him, but I thought his takedown of O'Rouke was very effective and a great way to get attention.

yeah the dnc sold their soul many decades ago when the neolibs came to dominate. started with bill fucking clinton. fiscal conservative, socially liberal. tranny loving cock gobbling greedy corporate whores. worst of both worlds

>so the thirty or so shit posters throw off their results that much?

Who won tho?

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I live pretty close to this (((one))), would be a shame if he got beaten and lynched in Minecraft



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grasping at straws

Came here to post this

so he's going to ignore that she said things he found reasonable just because she gave an interview?

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fuck jews


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...they are STILL pushing the russia bullshit

The guy with the best hair always wins.


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Not wrong here, but he's a disingenuous kike nonetheless


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Tulsi actually said there's no Russian shit as Mueler reported so let's move on, and they hate her for it.


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Tulsi gang

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>quick goy suck a nigger dick on camera to prove your not a racist then get rid of the brown girl so she doesnt mess up warrens chance
i dont even vote in elections. go suck a nigger dick yourself

>Elizabeth Warren is who the Dems want to be their candidate

Haha Trump is going to destroy her in the debates. All he has to do is bring up her "Ancestry" and turn up with some Indian Chiefs who will denounce her as being a fraud.

Hillary 2.0. The dems running another out of touch grandmother.


>Durr hurr peace in our time

What did she say to piss off all the Jews?

>THE CHAD TULSI, the virgin Ryan


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Syria, even rabid leftwing kikes like Noam Chomsky are for american troops in Syria.


(((they))) are boiling

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>Talks about ending wars

Just saying.

Youtube has these two clown kikes playing leftwing, but constntly shilling for US staying in syria "to protect the kurds".

Wait, I thought le ebil Russians supported Drumpft.
I can't keep up with the narrative.

antisemite. hide your face.

I love Tulsi.

"Above all, Fascism, in so far as it considers and observes the future and the development of humanity quite apart from political considerations of the moment, believes neither in the possibility nor the utility of perpetual peace. It thus repudiates the doctrine of Pacifism — born of a renunciation of struggle and an act of cowardice in the face of sacrifice. War alone brings up to its highest tension all human energy and puts the stamp of nobility upon the people who have the courage to meet it. All other trials are substitutes, which never really put a man in front of himself in the alternative of life and death."
Ah yes, Mussolini, known pacifist.

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Not for nothing but this really is the exact kind of shit Ron Paul had to wade through back in 08 and 12. Especially 12. I remember that jewry very well.

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>turn up with some Indian Chiefs who will denounce her as being a fraud
Can 100% see this happening.

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