Why were Beto and Cory answering in Spanish?

Why were Beto and Cory answering in Spanish?

Attached: beto answers in spanish.jpg (634x360, 52K)

To suck up to the "dreamers" or whatever you call the mass of illegals there who don't speak English

Illegals can't vote, though.

Attached: 1555698789849.jpg (400x400, 16K)

Americans are fucking brain dead

They seem to find a way anyway. Even then they just pressure actual citizens to vote their way.


Sure they can! Voting is a HUMAN right. And nobody is Illegal. or an alien.

You can have them in your country too Leaf!

They can if they vote Dem using dead people's votes.

they can if you confer citizenship on them. permanent blue control is only an amnesty bill away

Pandering. Corey Booker should practice a lot more before ever trying it again. He sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger speaking spanish -- the Conan O'Brian version.

fucking Canadians man.

Pandering to all of the wetbacks in America

Pandering to nom Americans
They really should be taken and shot

Pandering idiots

spanish is the offical language of Amerika.

Tonight's debate showed us one thing. Trump pretty much as 2020 in the bag. Even if they impeach him he can run again and win again. hahaha liberals know they are screwed. Maybe they are waiting until after the election to try and impeach him. I'd be ok with that Pence could ban gays. It would be sweet justice to the liberal sjws.

Disgusting though not shocking. It's just a sign of what phase they are in on their plane to replace and genocide whites. They are talking to the illegal brown population to vote for them, gib more white people stuff.

I missed the debates is there a link to the full thing somewhere. It's like Youtube whats to hide the full thing.

This alienates nigger voters.

In California they can. Not legally, but that doesn't stop Democrat activists from advising them to do so

hahahahahahaha, clearly you dont know about the voting loopholes in america.
we can visit, vote for whoever the fuck we want, and leave and no one will bat an eye.
refute me.

>refute me
Protip: I can't

To suck up to the main voting block, and so the non-spanish speaking candidates scan't criticize their answers