This is what drives our parties

Just a bunch of dicks vs. cunts

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>Democrat philosophy
That's not a feminine penis user

i wish mine was that big

and i wish my wife's was that small

Openly admitting that republicans are gay. Faggot.

Then explain how we ended up with this

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republicans are homos

cringy incel meme

A dick provides, a cunt takes.

Pretty simple idea.

That's a pretty cringy memeflag dude

Anyone have the bottom pic?

I thought it was hatred of whites, truth and Western civ vs. subservience to Jews; both parties ultimately serving the interests of Satanic/evil Jews.

incel or faggot in denial
you think that gay rainbow is there for fun?

I'm sorry OP, but that appears to be an entirely naturally occurring vaginal opening in that there pic of yours? Are you some kind of bigot? Trans women are real women too.

This.... actually makes sense.

Democrat Politicians: A bunch of dicks.
Republican Politicians: A bunch of pussies.

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accurate if the cock were impotent and smaller.

but democrats are the ones with big dicks

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Imagine how much of a fag you'd have to be to think a big dick makes you gay

this is stupid, 52% of white women voted trump even though hillary was shown as messiah of white women. \pol\ is retarded


>samefagging on a board with I.D's

I fucking hate leafs

lol democrats have small asses

Dicks, Pussies and Assholes

wtf im a democrat now

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Im married to a micro latin gobliana and she literally cant take all of me in, she says her cervix begins throbbing.

Fucken based, Mexico.

People who never understood how politics actually works got to voting age and are surprised how fucked everything is.

The lack of perspective causes them to believe that at any point in human history, we have EVER had a functional political system, when any student of history could tell you that no, we didn't.

Politics has always been a game of combining communities that do not share common interests by inventing imaginary common interests for them to share. The result is that everyone gets at most 40% of what they want, which means that they are 60% unhappy at bare minimum. If you think the situation is bad now, you aren't very well read, because Jews and their racial analogues in other nations have ALWAYS been present, and they have ALWAYS been fucking everybody.

If you think it's fucked up that today our nations are against us, read about what British authorities did to their own people during the land consolidation era. Read about what happened during the industrial revolution. It was just as fucked back then. It's still just as fucked now, but unlike before, we're now racing a genetic clock to fix the problem before the average IQ declines back to levels before the first genetic revolution that followed the black plague.

AltHype did a really good video on this backed with hard statistics from genetic testing--basically the Black Death caused high caste whites to reproduce at a higher rate than low caste whites, and gradually replace them because large families were a form of conspicuous consumption. So the white aristocracy gradually became 80% of the white population in Europe. Now we're swinging the other way, with the shitty retarded low IQ people creating an idiocracy by mass-reproducing. The Left supports this because they don't believe that IQ has a genetic component because they're retarded.

The bottom will inevitably fall out of this because it's not based in any sort of reality.

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Imagine thinking identifying as big dicks doesn't make you gay

WTF... I fucking love tequila and Tapatío now

Fuck.... trip sevens confirms, republicans are LGBT friendly and mostly fags themselves

Was about to post that.


Pussies don't like dicks because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes. Assholes that just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck a asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is they fuck too much or fuck when it isn't appropriate. And it takes a pussy to show them that. But sometimes pussies can be so full of shit that they become assholes themselves. Because pussies are a inch and half away from assholes. I don't know much about this crazy crazy world, but I do know this. If you don't let us fuck this asshole we're going to have our dicks and pussies all covered in shit.

nah, it's less than that

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so we have to literally fuck the democrats?