How Italy saw the world in 1871.
How Italy saw the world in 1871
AUSTRIA For all its honors and past glories, what's left of Austria will be forced to flee in defeat. Ah, unfair world. The good fortune doesn't last long, as the fruits of nobility grow ripe and are ready to fall. Hungarians and Croats kick up a fuss while Illyria is in vain being held under Austria's paws. In the middle of such a commotion, the throne is falling apart. Nothing is forever, o tricky world!
SWEDEN AND NORWAY Loving progress, this nation progressed only in the art of sitting on an armchair.
IRELAND That stubborn idiot has a bad habit of always keeping himself on the edge. Now, he either comes back for a beating, or he'll fall off a cliff.
GREAT BRITAIN or SCOTLAND AND ENGLAND England, master of civilization, teaches us the useful along with its noxious theories. It shows that in this age, being civilized only means having a nice face and a sharp fang. They know how to fake and fool other countries. Long live England and civilization!
[The banner says 'Iron, cotton and freedom at a cheap price']
HOLLAND AND NETHERLANDS These hypocrite "wandering knights" hold their swords tight and act like the champions of anything Holy, like the fools they are. They're fearsome, but only like a kid's toy.
[Shown there is a jack-in-the-box holding a scroll that reads 'We want the Pope as the King of Rome']
PRUSSIA or GERMAN EMPIRE Like the proverb says: "Nothing is done by mere chance". Providence puts Her finger everywhere. To fulfill some kingly ambition, human charity is sacrificed without caring for the massacre of a country. Providence is already paying the price, as suckled blood is turned into gold. Rejoicing, the loser is humiliated and screamed at while somewhere else the powers-that-be make laws at the expense of the gullible population. Providence, how anguishing. You can't even assassinate someone without Providence meddling in.
nigger in sweden
checks out
RUSSIA May the world fall and be destroyed, because the Tzar is here to gobble up everything. Fire, guns, fangs and teeth. Turning his eyes behind his back, he makes sure nothing is left. But to alleviate the destruction, he puts forward a sham Constitution, to show that even the man-eater has a heart -- somewhere in the gullet. Because, he knows, malice can supersede justice and it makes the beastly Lapps believe that they're free. Long live the all-seeing Tzar! Long live the fools who trust him!
FRANCE As the petroleum monster lies lifeless, those who killed it use it as a stool. But they're only puppets, little monsters to scare the children of the Republicans. As the little man grows old, he uses corruption to spread discord and distrust. The old liberty was only an obstacle and a new one is being forged, to fit the hereditary rights of the ancient nobility. A liberty that renders those libertines powerless and teaches them to worship the old nobles. A liberty to silence the insolent press while it doesn't notice. The poor underdog doesn't know that, in an age of beatings, he must exploit the old-fashioned nobility in his favor.
SWITZERLAND Rise and deceive in your disputes, o judges of treaties and nations! Rise, and remember: in times of war, this land has always been a realm of swindlers.
GREECE Hopelessly, he looks inside authority's mouth for some tooth that still does its job. The descendants of Plato have become a bunch of listless idiots
ITALY As the Papal authority is throw out of its Vatican chair, as the kitten raises its back in fear seeing such a goofy scene, as Papacy itself fails... the Roman people are given some breadloafs to eat. Just like kids, the petty peasants stand close to anything that shines. Meanwhile, Italy, on her holy crusade, prepares a wolf trap.
POLAND It now sits defeated at the feet of its new tyrants, no longer having the honor of being a nation. Has it forgotten how to revolt? People who act subserviently only deserve beatings.
Das rite westboys, we wuz tzars and shiet
An Italian speaking Croatian or an Italian national in Croatia...are there many of your kind left in Istria and Dalmatia?
history repeats itself