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Why aren't you larping as Jewish to counter them
Daniel Myers
Carter Sanchez
Because unlike them that have no concious, honor or love, I'd feel dirty and defiled being a lier like them. Truth is the only way.
Easton Green
And that's why we lose. Thanks Hans
Julian Barnes
No, becoming like them is when you truly lose.
Easton Jones
At least we have the constitution
Kayden Brooks
Hmm, how about God, salvation and eternal life instead?
Nathaniel Cruz
Eternal life? "Whatever we do.. we will die. But in you Germany will live on".
Kevin Perez
I agree with Hans.
I cannot stand betraying my own people for some shekels in anyway. Never forget that he mere will inherit the earth. The fake Jews will die.
Leo Flores
>Auschwitz block 10
does it have a shower scene?
Jayden Evans
Wrong, only those that make compromises loses. Look at (((Trump))) supporters, they won the (((elections))) yet they get backstabbed constantly