Dear r/The_Donald users

It's time to wake the fuck up! Trump, nor any other politician, can save our country. The dye is cast. Everyday dissent is censored more and more overtly, by both corporatists and the elite. What Trump's presidency has proven is that there is no political solution. The powers in control are too entrenched and their interests too threatened to allow it. You cannot beat them at the ballot box. You must accept this and plan accordingly. Until you do you're just cogs in a system designed to destroy you & all people like you.

Attached: download (57).jpg (240x135, 3K)

>r/The_Donald users
they're at r/the_donald, this is Jow Forums.
you must've forgotten you were on Jow Forums after you fingered your asshole when you were browsing /gif/.

lmao, first time being de-platformed?

Please fuck off back, post your reddit ideology there you are not banned

glow nigger

Yes thats right goyim don't vote for Trump vote for the political elite that have been in power most of their careers

I was banned from there literally the first time I posted. But, if they're gonna flood this place they might as well be told WTF is up.

(Like (((assholes))) flooding every new thread to derail discussions.)

Vote all you like. It's not gonna make a difference. Shit! I use to be the guy who encouraged people to vote. But, take Trump, he's the most revolutionary president in my lifetime and it's meant barely shit. It isn't his fault either. The game is rigged.

They aren’t welcome here. They suck Israel’s dick and have no care of demographics.

Thanks for the insight, faggot.