
Attached: 2019-06-27 06.31.52.jpg (3264x2448, 2.37M)


Looks like years of porn addiction turned ya cock limp :^)

Small, but looks white and yummy.

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Haha benis

Nice gross white patch. Are you embarrassed about it? You should be. Looks like you’ve got dick cancer man. Nothing to flaunt

mutilated jewcock

based dicklet dabbing on mods and jannies


welp, there goes 7 months of conversion therapy down the drain

damn, you've got a HUGE hand.

Gib measurements

I would suck it like there is no tomorrow
Yum yum americum

Nigger fuck you sage.

The fucks wrong with it?

Not great, not terrible.

Why do poles lust after American cock so much? Is it the years of raping by the Russians and Germans?

Not politics.

thanks, just boosted my self esteem no end, no matter how shit my life is and how tiny my cock may be compared to the average blck man, at least I am at the right end of the scale for white mans cocks sizewise

Partly yes. Besides, cocks ARE for sucking. There is nothing wrong with sucking some cock on the side, it's all bro-tier.

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Poles have always had a thing for America

>reminder that over five million poles signed a fucking birthday card to America

op on my pc now

dont bully em

it depends. it goes between like 13.9-16.5 cm
ughh im not circumscized lol

I always wanted to make passionate love with an American and also cocks are delicious in general

threads like these stay up but threads where talk about illuminati=jew go down in less than 5 minutes

>1 post by this id
How do you idiots fall for this shit so easy.


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i was on my phone

I don't think

fucking based and redpilled

absolutely based and tinypilled


its smol

based and uncutpilled

Woman here. That's pathetically small but cute. Should tie a pink bow on that little one.

Curved penis is the best penis for vaginal penetration. orgasm for woman guaranteed

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