She's basically a Republican right?

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No, just another actor for JewSA politics

That's a good joke OP

Ah yes one of those LGBtQ supporting, pro late term abortion, ant I populist republicans

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just your average roastie

Nice try schlomo. She literally wants to nuke Israel off the face of the planet.

Military/Vets who believe the public shouldn't own semi auto rifles are the lowest of the low.

Navy had me shoot an m16 at paper twice before deciding I was good to stand armed watch, there is nothing that makes an 18 year old recruit more fit to bear arms than a civilian

Aryan Jesus would never allow a Hindu in his party. Try again neoconservatives.

You’re lying.

no. she is basically a man, baby.

>t. neverserved

No he isn't.

I'm a lot better at shooting now as a civilian than I ever was in the Army. Military for the most part does the bare ass mimimum when it comes to marksmanship training (unless you're SF or some shit). Bean counters don't like it when units use too much ammunition.

no, she's being trotted out in the mindset that people will see a military uniform and think 'OH GEE, SEE, the democrats can't be THAT bad'.
They have no intention of actually running her. They will let her build as much momentum as she can among blue collars, and veteran-lovers, then she'll withdraw and pledge her support to their real candidate.

>Shills for the church of climateology
>Shills for universal healthcare
>Shills for lgbtqaippomgwtfbbq
>Shills for free education
She’s an anti-war democrat, and nothing else.

Stfu nigger. I was a Marine Corps machine gunner. I know for a fact he’s lying. At best he made a misleading statement. Theres at least 50 hours of safety and fundamentals training in every branch before they ever hand you live rounds. That’s just in bootcamp. When you get to your unit If your post requires sentry work there’s even more training required. No civilian I’ve ever known takes similar classes.

lol no

She has libertarian foreign policy, socialist domestic policy.
March 4, 2015 Press Release
Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (HI-02) today released the following statement after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress:

“It's unfortunate that an issue as important as preventing Iran from attaining nuclear weapons has been muddled by partisan politics. This is an extremely serious issue, at a critical juncture, that should not be used as a political football. While the United States and Israel share a common objective in preventing a nuclear-armed Iran, the speech today and the events of this week made clear that there is disagreement over how best to achieve that objective. Despite the impropriety of how the invitation was delivered, the U.S.-Israel relationship remains strong and founded on bipartisan recognition of its importance.

“While there is hope that a negotiated solution to this problem remains within the realm of possibility, I am cynical. There are a variety of issues, including having already conceded allowing Iran to enrich uranium, Iran’s breakout capacity, and the continued lack of transparency and access for UN inspectors, that are of genuine concern. The objective must remain at the forefront: we must work together to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran.

“The United States’ relationship with Israel must rise above the political fray, as America continues to stand with Israel as her strongest ally.”

Tulsa Grabber would best Donald Drumptf every fuckin time


Satan over here is trying to act like they gave him guard duty after 15 seconds of boot camp.

I was shooting SKS's with my recruiter before I signed the papers, hunted with guns at 14. Anti Constitutional Soldiers are FIENDS

I swore n OATH to uphold the Constitution and Protect the Freedoms she want to take from us. A And so did her LYING ASS... FUCK HER

>hates guns
fuck no

oh shit, shes got my vote then

No, she just comes off as a moderate only compared to lefty nutjob Pander-crats.

Read above I posted here True feelings about Israel right from her own website

Mama CUMMY isn’t anything special. She was just as boring as everyone else last night.

Stfu oathkeeper boomer. All conservatives are faggots. All you do is CONCEDE. youve conserved nothing. America is dying. Boomers like you are the cancer killing it. Wake the fuck up. If you take your oath so seriously why do you stand by while it’s eroded every day?

Overtons window, read up, it will put things into perspective! I do like the fact that she hates Israel though!

Safety and Fundamentals training is largely similar to generic firearms safety courses with a specialization for whatever weapon you're going to use. You had a job where you were expected to not be a complete crayon eater and stick your dick in the machine gun, a guy that swaps electronics or scrubs rocks is going to get the absolute bare minimum to not accidentally shoot his balls off.

She wants to cuck the West so eve shithole's bots are out in full force shilling for her.

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Tulsi is gonna DEMOLISH the orange Cheeto!!
Right my fellow tulsipedes? XD

Navy boot gave us training on pistols, maybe 3h of class and some deactivated pistols to stand watch with then we shot fake pistols with laser sensors and compressed air recoil
Then we shot real pistols to qualify on them, if you weren't a retard and qualified your first time that was all you got, then randomly they had us shoot shotguns which they handed to us loaded and just told us to point it that way and pull the trigger. I had no weapons training during 6 months of A schools, got to my ship, got qualified in m16 by shooting at targets hanging off the end of the boat while it was underway. They sent me to a range when we were back in port to requalify. Then I went to a range one more time when getting a security forces qualified. That, and firing M2 and 240b machine guns at waves, was the extent of my shooting for 4 years of navy

More misleading bullshit. The hundreds of hours you spend doing drill in boot camp is forced weapons manipulation and familiarization. The nerd that signed up for air force network framework implementation never stands armed watch.

Nigger she loves Israel

.... LARP more.

Jesus Christ. If this is true the navy is even more of a fucking joke than it already is. You should be embarrassed.

>Satan over here is trying to act like they gave him guard duty after 15 seconds of boot camp
More like 15min of trigger time, but yeah I was a SONAR tech, not infantry

This is correct.

I thought she was anti-gay. It's one of the main reasons that she's so unpopular among democrats. She's one of the few who hates fags, or at least has a history of hating faggots.

If you have sailors shooting pistols and rifles something has gone terribly wrong
Our watches were just to make sure no one runs into the boat when we are docked and no one rams us with an explosive packed boat when we are anchored

>supports reparations
No, user. She's a commie.

She doesn't like faggots but has said she doesn't think the gov't should do anything about them or not let them marry

The only reason you need to vote for her

> Overton Window
Although she has been open about her stances on the Jewish Problem, pretty much everything else sounds like a typical democrat. She wants "equality" and "diversity" - at least that's from what I have read and watched of her before last night's debate. I didn't watch it. I do wonder though, who are the Democrats going to pick?

No matter. In this two-party system, we would ALL vote for the same party anyway. The ZOG Party. All candidates are ZOG-Controlled Opposition used for Divisiveness amongst the people. Having a third party is out of the question, for it wouldn't be ZOG-Controlled now, would it?

tfw Navy corpsman, given one clip of m16 ammo an 9mm clip. Extent of firearms training (Laser tag @ Great Lakes boot camp doesn't count-plus I pulled the trigger early, and they didn't even let me participate in that exercise after that).

Received a NAM for using SAW in combat. Also, I shot the side of the humvee with an m16 with optics scope I'd never used (LCPL switched with me, since he was riding shotgun). Injured terp and LCPL I borrrowed SAW from.

Navy HM firearm training fucking Sub Par/Unsat. Jarhead experiences (with firearm training) obviously varies (and some corpsman probably got incorporated into additional firearms training prior to combat deployments with their units).

13 years later, no fucks given. It's all so tiresome.


She would be so based if she wasn't a gun grabber. If we can get her to flip on that one issue she could be the new queen of Jow Forums.

Why would that matter? It's not like either side of the two-party paradigm are good guys.

>Anti 2A extremist
>Open borders extremist
>anti male talking points
>anti white talking points
>"But goy! She doesn't want to start another war!"
Yeah I'll stick with Zion Don if she's the opposition. At least he hasn't gone to war, despite all the neocon pressure to do so.

Prior to 2005 she was against LGTB shit too...


Her platform.

All democrats were anti LGBT pre 2005, because it was a losing issue for them back then.

Wtf doc?! But I guess that’s what the lance gets for handing his weapon over to you. Why did he do it in the first place?

No shit right. Oathkeeper niggers make me sick.

Right. But aren’t there dedicated mos’s for the machine guns on the deck? Thought I saw a video where some niggress was a weapons tech or something.

He didn't feel the need to include all of the fucking presentations or the constant repetition of the orders of a sentry and the watchstanding principles. The gun is a minor element of it

She did wear red.

The other user will reply to this as well, but I want to add that, just as every sailor gets a bit of firearms training but not as much as a GM or a MA does, every sailor also learns a bit about firefighting, and learning a bit is a lot better than learning nothing.

You do realize it's not up to the voters if she gets the nomination, right? It's up to the superdelegates. You do not get a say.

>Right. But aren’t there dedicated mos’s for the machine guns on the deck? Thought I saw a video where some niggress was a weapons tech or something.
Gunners mates maintain the armory but there's not enough of them to stand watches so everyone but the engineers get pulled to stand armed watches.
It's different on carries because they have so many people, all my experience is from being on a destroyer

>you boomers are destroying murica
>electing a shitskin woman democrat will fix it tho

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I had the the old, Vietnam-era plastic barrel guard-type M16 with no scope (naturally). Maybe that's what he had for the push through Fallujah in '03 and was comfortable enough to swap temporarilly. I could utilize the scope to spot IEDs or threats, since he was going to be cramped up inside with the driver. It was probably a mistake for him to do so in hindsight, but that's life.

if you believe that - i have a citrus farm to sell you in greenland

As far as all the presentations and memorising weapon conditions and the 4 rules of safe handling, I'm sure it was very helpful for people who had never handled a gun, but I had a Fudd durr hunting dad and for as long as there were guns in the house he taught me safety and respect for them so I learned nothing except for weapon specific handling
which brings me back to my original point, military service gives you no special abilities or knowledge over responsible civilian ownership

I don’t vote. And if I did I definitely wouldn’t vote for this cunt.

having pog sentries is dumb. But severely under trained pog sentries retarded. I imagine safety violations were common and went largely unnoticed.

Swapping out a weapon you’ve zero’d and trained on for one that you have no idea about is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard of. Glad you made it back doc.

That's right, we did have a zero-in firing after arrival in country. I might have even hit the target/paper!
Live & learn, water under the Fallujah Barrage. Stay frosty, m8!

>having pog sentries is dumb. But severely under trained pog sentries retarded. I imagine safety violations were common and went largely unnoticed
In the Navy we are all pogs
Closest thing to specialized security was the one MP on board, and he didn't stand watch.
Not that standing watch is a complicated thing on ship. Check IDs as people get on, if someone rushes you, shoot them, if a boat is coming in at high speeds shoot them, if a boat is coming in at not high speeds radio it in and ask for permission to fire warning shots across the bow
If crossing a contested straight put on flak jackets a helmet and stand at a mounted 50cal looking cool

Zero in? Hah we got handed a random rifle out of the armory every time we stood watch, I think there were the same 4 of them handed out for all 3 years I was on the boat with all the other ones locked away, less maintanace for the GMs

She's simply not welcome in today's Democratic party. She's be another Jim Webb were she not a woman.

First woman president will be a tranny. My money is Michele Obama.

just pandering, doesn't meet anything. Copy pasted from every other candidate (including Trump)


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God dammit navy. Did you at least get to fire some tomahawks?

She is what democrats used to be in 1970, before uncle Joe sold his soul to jews. Anti war, pro working class nationalists.

She fucking hates Israel and isn't afraid to call then out.
Try harder because you kinda fucked that one up m8

Shes cute but no shes just a little more mentally stable then the rest of the retards on the left
which isn't saying much if you look at the field.

Tulsi 2020

>doesnt want planet to die
>who the fuck cares about gay marriage at this point, thats a winning issue by all means
>oh no educating people!!
Please tell me whats wrong with flipping off lenders and telling them to cancel the debt?

The most pathetic part is that her foreign policy is supposed to be her strongest stance, yet she showed last night that she's ignorant to how it actually works

>Only made Captain
>As a fucking MP Officer
Holy shit what a fucking thot

She actually is but she is just a inplant into the democratic party to get elected to stop war with iran if democrats end up winning its pretty obvious. But any way dont trust she will turn into a republican if she hits office

This. How the fuck are you gonna oath to uphold our constitution then piss all over one of our most fundamental rights? Id vote for the bitch if it wasnt for that issue alone. Cant trust someone like that.

no, but the libertarian left / social democrats tend to be non interventionist. More likely to agree with the foreign policy of actual libertarians and paleocons.

She didnt virtue signal at all during the debate she was straight up about her plan

>crayon eating machine gunner
>random navy squid
Something tells me one of these people will spend a lot more time with firearms and familiarization than the other

She can be President of my dick

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No... Was based in Japan, we mostly just annoyed China and best Korea and did humanitarian aid for mudslides in Indonesia and the tsunami in Japan

>almost republican
>Clinton Chaney members
It’s not D vs R. Globalism vs Nationalism
>Gabbard member of CFR

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Who cares what she is. The world isn’t letting trump get re-elected so you might as well aim for the most anti Israel candidate on the other side.

Lucky for you shes super shakey on guns. That one yes is for veterans to keep their right to buy ammunition unless deemed a danger to others by a court of law.

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>stop war with iran
I have a ocean front property to sell you in Arizona

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>a week of shooting gunz
Sounds like a lot of training but people been working years at McDonald’s still can’t get my order right and they hire out of the same pool of deadenders.

You do get a piece of paper from the Navy saying you're trained to use one like

>eating at McDonald’s
You have fat man titties

Shes still a woman.

And get the VP nod

How many of your average roasties have you seen protesting the most corrupt empire the world has ever seen? How many of em have you seen caring about their sons, brothers and fathers not dying in stupendous wars?
I'd take the roastie over you gypsies in a heartbeat

In the sense the RINOs would screw us on the 2A in a heartbeat, so would Tulsi, from one of the most anti-2A states.

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Oh well good thing im not a fucking veteran.
Yeah shes gonna have to he a solid "no" in my book.

And antigun

The Jews hate her. Even Ben Shapiro

>trained to use one
Nobody trains how to use guns better than dad teaching his kid how to hunt.
M16 and AR15 is basically a same gun except for sightly different lower receiver and the trigger group

National socialist mommy

lol no she loves them

Best candidate by far. Anyone telling you otherwise is full of shit.

Tulsi 2020