>livestreamed himself doing it
>pleads not guilty
What did he mean by this?
>livestreamed himself doing it
>pleads not guilty
What did he mean by this?
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Did you not read the manifesto? His goal now is to drain as many resources from the state as possible, that would involve pleading "not guilty" and then going through the motions, expect him to exercise all applicable appeals as well.
He was MKUltra'ed by the Clinton deep state to commit a shooting so he's got no memory of it I guess
If he pleaded guilty there would have been no trial, no news reporting, nothing. by pleading not guilty and having a trial he extends his time in the spotlight indefinitely
by pleading not guilty he makes the whole process last longer.
just to fuck with the state and muslims
He means killing muslims is not a moral or criminal matter in any sane civilization. At most, he should have been charged with littering, or DTP. Nothing more.
Muslims must be exterminated, but shooting up a mosque won't win the war.
Shoot up jacinda and her commie cucks.
That would win the war.
Kill the head, and the body dies.