Post fictional characters that made Jews nervous. I’ll
ITT: characters that scared jews
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Green Acres, Yee-Haw, Beverly hillbillies, these shows were #1 in the ratings, but the kikes hated having white programs on the TV. So they replaced all the white shows with nigger shows like Good Times, What's Happenin, Sanford and son, ETC. Faggot jew Norman Lear wanted the viewers to hate Archie Bunker, he was supposed to be the old white guy who is out of touch with the tiumes, and his "bigoted" opinion is to be disregarded. Well, Faggot jew Norman Lear has no idea the American people would actually LOVE Archie, and hate Meathead, the faggot we were supposed to relate to.
The head of FOX studios was fired for making this movie, he was a Jew but still... And the Jew reviewers and disgusting niggers like Patrice O'Neal were scared by Tyler.
archie was supposed to be a charicature of the average democrat union man at the time, noagenda has brought this up a couple of times. really interesting how all Lear had to do was flip the political label of a character and change the way people saw republicans back then
Republican, democrat, does not matter. Norman Lear was anti-white.