Trans men are so cucked by third wave feminist bullshit that they cut their weiners off in an attempt to reclaim the rights they are losing as men
Prove me wrong
Trans men are so cucked by third wave feminist bullshit that they cut their weiners off in an attempt to reclaim the rights they are losing as men
Prove me wrong
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The CCRU and accelpilled elites have cracked the model of the Kabbalah like black hat hackers operating on a system. Hence the idea of the Numogram, a kind of esoteric map that supports a hyperstition called "Lemurian War". The deconstruction of gender is a vital key to the deconstruction of the human race. He even straight out says it's a way to "get back at god" for creating them lol. I understand that it's not that they care for "gender issues" in the way we might portray them on TV, that it's possibly just more of a tool you can throw in the cogs to destroy the world. A revoulitionary chaos-gnostic Satanic plot to overthrow the world order and institute a posthuman impervium. Sillicon Valley Neoreactionary Cult of Satanist Transhumanist Satanists bent on using Rene Girard's mimetic desire theory, left-hand path Satanism and Landian accelerationist hyperstition to summon the AI Antichrist into this world. known members: Nick Land, Anton Long, Peter Thiel, Mencius Moldbug, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, the Dilbert Guy, Ray Kurzweil.
What "rights" are men losing? And if they were losing rights, why would they join a persecuted minority with limited rights who suffer violence and ridicule around the world?
Affirmative action has made being a white male the worst possible thing you can be
And if the feminists and the fag communists have their way the trans person will be idolized and made into golden statues while straight white men will be forced to suck dick, it's guaranteed if Bernie becomes president
That's completely ridiculous. White men own and control society to the detriment of every other group.
you threw in some buzzwords and things that sound tin-foil "like Lemuria" whatever the fuck that is, some ancient Atlantean type civilization supposedly... but yea, I think you're spot on.
LOL what bullshit, literally being born black and in the ghetto the government showers money on you and pays you for the rest of your life
OP read what UK guy said here it is information dense and you may not recognize every name... it is also esoteric, but I think he is right.
That's just objectively false.
That sounds about right
Cool ur right that makes sense
No it's 100% true. You just get to live the high life selling drugs and buying flat screen TVs with government handout money it's sweet
apparently it really sucked in the 60s and 70s probably 80s and 90s too. the exploitation of welfare has become really ridiculous lately, i've seen white people in wheelchairs and with other obvious permanent disability have to go to appeal with a lawyer and judge to get disability. And they get picked on (called for review) more often.
Meanwhile latinos and blacks just have to say depression or some shit, no appeal is required.
this is for SSI mostly but also SSDI (the one you have to pay into)
from the dozen or so people I've known, all the white ones have a very hard time even when they have serious medical issues that make them obviously disabled.... where the non-whites just get told what to say to get free gibs.
very sad. also for the women they just have babies and get lots of EBT money
No you don't. And what, you're rich if you own a flat screen TV? Most people won flat screen TVs nowadays. "Selling drugs", white people sell and consume drugs at the same rate as Black people but black people are incarcerated 3 times more often for it. In places where weed is legalized, whites own 80% of the cannabis industry. White capitalists are getting rich off drugs while thousands upon thousands of blacks languish in prison for doing the same thing.
there is a very high segmentation (racially) in the drug market. blacks sell drugs and steal from other blacks, generally speaking.
also welfare exploitation is huge, almost like if someone is pushing for a credit downgrade of the USA, flight from the US dollar, stagflation/hyperinflation... take your pick, they're trying to sink this ship (economy)
>white men
Welfare "exploitation"? Being on welfare isn't a good thing you know. People would much rather have a stable income and a real job. The only "exploitation" here is white america's exploitation of blacks through slavery, segregation, sharecropping and prison labour, and the capitalist class' exploitation of the working class in general.
you have so little understanding of this you don't even know what a trans man is
Thanks for being on your high horse
lol black people exploit themselves by sitting around collecting welfare money and not developing any useful skills
That's why they stay broke
I guess I need to understand what 625 different genders mean instead of just realizing trans people are broken in the head
this is what entitlement looks like
How is not having any opportunity, no stable income and being sent to jail where you'll do prison labour exploiting other people? You'd be the one being exploited.
Nothing stopping them from going to the public library and learning how to do an in demand skill just by watching youtube videos. Even if they are homeless.
There is no excuse. They choose to make themselves useless because they would rather sit around and collect money and do illegal shit under the table
That's complete bullshit. If you turn up to a job interview and say "yeah I learned accounting from the internet" they're going to laugh you out the room. Also, many black areas are critically deprived of public resources like decent libraries and schools.
Yeah you show up to the interview and say "I have a CPA" because you learned it online and then took the CPA test the same as everyone else.
Then they go to a McDonalds and use the wifi there.
Jesus Christ bitch try thinking with your head
Online tests don't convince employers. They want experience or an actual accredited degree, not some piece of paper you printed off on the internet.
I'm telling you now internet credentials will not get you a job. Its almost as silly as doing what Stefan Molyneux suggested and printing off your IQ test to bring to an interview.