It's 2019: You would never support a company or buy products from a plantation that abuses & owns slaves.
So why would you eat mass farmed meat that are treated worse than slaves?
It's 2019: You would never support a company or buy products from a plantation that abuses & owns slaves.
So why would you eat mass farmed meat that are treated worse than slaves?
Do you not own a computer or cell phone?
That's what I thought.
What does that have to do with anything?
That's actually exactly the sort of company I would support, though, not the globohomo bugfarm mudmen enabler ones.
Fuck off you trolling cunt, nobody cares
Are those asian workers being whipped, electroshocked, and then eventually killed with a gas piston to the head, like cows are every day? This is not even close to how evil and inhumane dairy farming is.
There's nothing wrong with consensual slavery. All adults should be free to sign and honor any contract they like.
Probably worse. It's China. Life doesn't have much value there. Notice how similar the sweatshop floor looks to that cow situation?
These people don't get to leave, you know. When the work day is over they get sent to dorms to sleep so when the day starts they can get right back to work.
And if you look at buildings like the Foxconn one, all the windows are barred and there's nets all over the place. They had to put those up because people were killing themselves too frequently by jumping out of windows.
But you don't care about humans. Just cows.
Wow, that really does look similar.
Makes you think