Can we discuss what is wrong with the job market? NEETs and students need not reply

Can we discuss what is wrong with the job market? NEETs and students need not reply.

Pay is suppressed. Despite places having problems retaining employees or even attracting candidates to begin with, they refuse across the board to raise pay. If you want a pay bump you then need to job hop. They also have insatiable, unreasonable demands, like 4 years of experience for a position that used to be entry level, and needing a degree for jobs that a monkey could do. The interview process is also becoming bloated, with multiple rounds of interviews becoming the norm for even entry level positions. Every place is looking for a perfect unicorn, essentially, and they will not raise the pay past criminally low levels, will not give benefits unless you put a gun to their head, and will sooner be understaffed for an entire year than settle for someone who can *merely* do the job, they want a guy overqualified but also desperate and loyal AND who they can be best buddies with AND who is willing to jump through hoops and accept crap pay, crap treatment, and lack of employer commitment (IE they want to keep everyone as a permanent temporary.)

This is total cancer. There might be a ton of jobs but they're all absolute shit and refuse to hire anyone. I see the same position sitting unfilled for months on end.

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yeah dude it's pretty shitty and those are all solid observations
there are lots of ways to make money that don't include subjecting yourself to this. and im not talking about sucking cock or selling drugs. find something you enjoy and are good at, and make money off it. you might have to support yourself as you start it up for a while, and you might have to eat out of dumpsters for a bit, but when you come out the other side - and you will if you give it an honest effort and it's a serviceable idea - you'll be fine
my problem is that i worry about going belly-up due to any number of problems with my business and then having to neck myself because i can't work for someone else after these last five years of doing my own shit

I wish I know. It's the same all over the world. The big corps pushing migration and fight unions to get cheaper labor. I worked my fucking ass off for 10 fucking years and got nowhere.
Is it time when people need to get violent? And I mean mad-dog violent, not Yellow Vest garbage burning.
I'm fed up with this fucking shit.

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Advising everyone to start their own business is not a viable solution. A kid fresh out of school with just a few years of experience can't be expected to start a business and be competitive with firms that have huge budgets, existing market hold, and tons of experienced staff.

I am working on a side hustle to liberate myself, but that is NOT a solution you can meme to an entire population.

There is a fundamental cancer choking the US job market. The only jobs seeming to be created are horrible temporary gigs, which are usually cannibalized from a previous position so the employer can duck out on paying benefits by hiring-and-firing in 3 month batches.

The people at the top of companies are Communists and they want the middle class destroyed for good so that the NWO can start. They might be "pulling the plug" on the system so that it turns 3rd world. If we people have no money, we're helpless like the Venezuelans.

Picture Germany before Hitler brought back jobs. People laying in the open, no food or money, in a depression, and a depressed and meaningless state of despair.

Meanwhile, they eat their steak and wine, loathing us, becoming more and more wicked, worshiping evil, the children of the devil.

Thing is that 3rd worlders can get easy access into first world countries, but going from one first world to another first world country is almost impossible. I had a friend get transferred to england and the hoops to jump through were amazing. but pajeet can hop over here by the billion?

Like what? And what do you do?

Enjoy capitalism. Slavery was abolished not for ethical reasons, but because it became economically unprofitable. The modern worker is worse than the slave. The owner had to take care of the slave, not to mention the peasant. It is his property. You'll not damage your property. But with the worker you can do whatever you want, use, release and hire another.

Honestly this. Slaves were provided with housing, living expenses, medical care, and education. They also had guaranteed full year employment. Now you can get fired tomorrow for no reason at all and go into debt until you find another master willing to take you. Just finding a job that affords rent is a challenge.

3rd-worlders have no self-respect, they're like scabs if not worse. That's why big-corps love them. They can chew them up and spit out.
This is the method call centers use--revolving doors--constantly looking for workers, exploit them to the ground, pay shit.
It looks that now even firms with seemingly good reputation are using the same strategy, and not only for low-level jobs, but also higher ups.
It's fucked up. Many people fail to even see it, they just blame themselves or don't give a shit.

Yeah its really bad. But blumpf supporters are still under thr impression that wages are rising and therrs tons of jobs muh best economy in 50 years.

Oh, this is an easy one: we award at least a million new green cards a year and on top of that 250K new illegals arrive every year. Some of these figures are offset by deaths and repatriations, but that's the largest part of it. That bullshit coupled with offshoring and other aspects of trade, automation/tech progress, these bullshit right-to-work laws and all the other anti-labor laws and policies, and the government asleep at the wheel on anti-trust and labor law produces this bullshit.

>geld für pidser und koler
>nicht sinti und roma

I've never seen such absolute cancer as the modern job market. There's no reason to even pursue a career with the wages they want to pay, my job during college paid more, and I didn't have to deal with jack shit there.

Modern job market is all stick and no carrot.

so close on those digits.

I heard a recent study that said that all of the jobs created by Trump were for minorities, none for whites. What a liar that guy was about improving the economy.

>economically unprofitable

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We have a massive overpopulation problem and a massive welfare problem. What that means is decent/good jobs are hotly contested while it's hard to fill shit jobs.

Just going to add:

boomer managers are technologically incompetent, have no idea about realistic job expectancies or pay scales, and don't understand what their employees actually do. You need to explain your job to them. They wouldn't know a computer engineer from a home architect, and yes that's the joke. They ask retarded questions that are impossible to answer, and then get mad at YOU. I think this is a large reason they never settle with anyone and leave positions open for years on end, and then complain they can't find qualified workers.

just had a conversation with one who doesn't know the difference between a university major and a work specialization. Like if it were finance, he thinks it's a finance degree with a major in real estate, for example. I don't understand how someone this retarded is put in charge of anything. Are boomers strangling their own companies to death? They literally cannot even use email correctly.


You mean immigration

Maybe I should just start farming

For real history, you have to read source from the time when something was happening. Not a book by some idiot who wants to get a Nobel Prize. There was 2,5 abolitionist (people who are against slavery for ethical reasons) in USA establishment at that time. And everyone else (including Lincoln) considered them freaks.

no can do, government will want a cut of whatever you do for income, even if you don't deal in cash and can't pay

It also means that companies have been able to hire a lot of part time employees in order to avoid having to pay the benefits that they're legally required to give full time ones. Most of them aren't shy (illegally) scheduling those part timers for full time hours if they can get away with it, either.

Sure I'm game.
>Why is EVERYONE playing the game this way?
The reason things are so similar in the job market right now is down to higher education and fiduciary responsibility. Why? Higher education with 90% of the universities will be the same curriculum with a slightly different flavor depending on the teachers but the content is exactly the same. The content business majors are fed boils down squeeze screw and steal your way to success or copy what the successful market leader is doing which will be squeezing screwing and stealing from customers and employees alike. The vener of a voluntary transaction is all that is necessary to put all risks of a transaction squarely on the customer (particularly in fields of finance) so it is that they all learn the same thing. Now the second thing I mentioned was fiduciary responsibility, which means to a CEO if he rightly disagreed with screwing his employees and customers and conducts business in a more ethical way can be jailed for failing to protect the investments of his shareholders. Either way since there is no morality remaining in society the safe gaurds ensuring fair and equitable treatment in the spheres of business our heavily tilted towards the advantage of those invested in and running the business and in no significant way towards protecting consumers and employees.