What is the proper Christian response to the concentration camps at the Southern border?

What is the proper Christian response to the concentration camps at the Southern border?

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Fuck Christcucks

To laugh at clown world.

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Sheep shouldn’t hope the fence according to Jesus.

If Jesus is in the camps, then it’s an awesome place to be.

Well it’s a detainment center just like it has been for decades before this week old concentration camp narrative starting being pushed so I see no problems here. You break the law you get detained even if you’re a kid thems the breaks. Either they’re so bad off in detainment they should’ve stayed in their own countries or being detained here is a decided improvement in which case there’s nothing to fucking bitch about

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What happened to global warming I thought increasing human numbers are destroying the planet?

why aren't they sent straight back isntead of being put in camps?


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