Why can't atheists refute this?

>Why do kike-serving atheists get so utterly destroyed by this argument?
>inb4 "christcuck," "Jew-on-a-stick," and other bullshit the kike-serving atheists will start screaming is impotent rage

Attached: Atheist Gervais.jpg (640x640, 74K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Daily reminder that if you are an atheist, you align with the kikes in ideology almost perfectly.

Attached: Atheism vs Christianity.jpg (1199x859, 288K)

Attached: Antichristians Atheists Pagans Jews.png (800x600, 710K)

cause its just gibberish There is no god its not a debate

>we cuckstians want to suffer and die because then we go to heaven. Just gotta wait out 1000 years of suffering first before the apocalypse happens and rabbi yeshua comes back to earth

No one disagrees with the fact that you believe this. People just don't believe it is true. Thus the only reasonable path is to treat you as subversive saboteurs - death-cultists who destroy the nations you inhabit on purpose.

You should be happy. You get to suffer either way. Either you suffer by spic/arab invasion, or you suffer while you are being deported back to the yiddle east by real Europeans. Either way you suffer and get to go to heaven. Win/win for you, so just keep praying and taking it like a cuck, fucking christcuck.

Attached: kikes created christcucks and jesus was a jew.jpg (1340x2038, 359K)

Meanwhile, in real life

Attached: cucks.jpg (3000x4053, 3.29M)

>I am so triggered right now, literally shaking!

Attached: Christianity2000Years.jpg (600x541, 90K)

If your Gud gives you *oBjEcTiVe MoRaLiTy* why doesn't the bible condemn pedophilia?

Attached: christ_chan.jpg (614x589, 76K)

>reading a blogpost written by a memeflag
So why dont you drop the memeflag if you want anyone to take you seriously?

Attached: 1555737339498.jpg (320x422, 13K)

Christians are the vanguard of White Genocide, sooooo fuck off.