Attached: 104E03EA-1FBD-4F09-B794-FF50A726FE16.jpg (1024x1024, 170K)
Nicholas Perez
Adam Jenkins
Jacob Lewis
it’s /tulsi/ general
Carter Long
Angel Brooks
>Jow Forums obsessed with a Polynesian hybrid mutt
Didn't take r/the_donald very long to hijack this board I see. Interesting.
Blake White
Jonathan Taylor
>You know who is protecting al-Qaeda right now? It’s Saudi Arabia.
Mr. Bone Spur used to say stuff about how 15 of the 19 highjackers were saudis, but not anymore, now he’s all make saudi arabia great again
Nicholas Parker
This comment here was my first exposure to Tulsi, and I really couldn't agree more. If there's one thing I can't stand about this presidency, is how we've been made to look subservient (more-so than before) or foreign powers that I would otherwise call third-world shitholes.
Connor Bailey
Can you naive faggots keep this to 1 thread? Tulsi is a gun grabbing Zog puppet. The Jewish political machine does not allow any real opposition.
Christopher Allen
You'd have to be a turbo-kike to make this image.