Skull Shape

What does it mean?

Attached: OHNONONO.jpg (3000x2000, 1.51M)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Big Brain

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these "people" are clones, bio-machines....basically. some of them were taken at a very young age, but even most of those have to be bred and their offspring used.

Lester is part Incan.

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IRL Zippy

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Its like they intentionally tried to find the most bizarre looking human being in America to host their show

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It means you can only see bookers bottom teef

I think you already know what it means.

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no clip yet but it was pretty based when he interrupted that jew talking about his holocaust survivor grandparents

Heil Yakub


Not human, alien

you know what it means

Lester's ancestors on the right

And thus the ancient priesthood for announcing current access status for recreational bodies of chlorinated water was born.

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kek I missed that the whole thing was so insane

take the hun pill

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Annunaki hybrid

The 'sloped forehead' indicates a smaller pre-frontal cortex - which is involved with the executive functions of the brain, and logical reasoning.

Semetics, Africans, and SE Asians all share this common feature. Without the presence of an occipital bun (neanderthal), it hurts in the worst way having a dimished pfl capacity.

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The more I look at him, I think yeah annunaki hybrid or reptilian in meat suit


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What about those lightbulb fucking headed somolians then?

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OP here - this is not even a shoop btw. I'm freaking out about this lol

>because you should

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Didn’t they achieve this by binding stone slabs to their foreheads?