I’ve been a Democrat all my life, but tonight broke the camel’s fucking back

I’ve been a Democrat all my life, but tonight broke the camel’s fucking back.
Healthcare for illegals?
Screaming about “muh children in cages!” while proposing NO solutions?
Literally adopting any proposal, no matter how self destructive and nonsensical it is, just to spite Trump?
What the fuck HAPPENED to us?
Is this really the best we can do? Say what you like about Trump but he’s gotten shit done Dems only TALKED about for years! He actually DELIVERS for his voters, and they love him for it! What did Obama ever do for us, except fuck us in the ass?
Fuck you, you stupid fucking shills pushing Tulsi and Yang all over the place, we all know that shit is bought and paid for, and it’s sickening. I’m voting for Trump to punish the party for its idiocy, maybe if it crashes and burns they’ll stop pandering to the pink haired lunatics and permanently outraged manchildren, and you should do the same.

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Come home, user. Come home, and all will be forgiven.

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tonight did it? not the last 12 years of anti-whitness?

Obama gave us the apology tour, Obamacare and the continuation of the war in Iraq that he promised to stop before he got elected in 2008.

See, when the president has a 'D' next to their name, liberals shut down all critical thinking for 8 years.

About damn time, surprised you didn't wake up sooner though. Anyways welcome to the Trump Train we have cookies and karen brought the kids back

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>delivers for his voters

Nice fake story, migapede shill

>12 years.

No, maybe as far back as WWI. That's when Marxists started brainwashing the intellectuals.

False flag by a MIGAfag

Noone cares about which ZOG party you vote for ugly
Go away this board is shit enough

>I've been a Democrat my whole life

Sure you have boomer

It's never too late to Jump on the Trump Train
Pros: Making America Great Again
Cons: Absolutely nothing at all.

How is TONIGHT the straw that broke the camel's back? Yesterday you had them saying Latinx, decriminalizing crossing the border, and Castro talking about trans women's rights to abortion (???). Not even getting into the random spanish.

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it's a LARP

Fuck you, idiots. You’re what’s wrong with our party.
Someone takes issue with Obama? Someone says “Hey, maybe we should stop giving people free shit that makes them come across the border!” Someone DARES challenge you on party orthodoxy?
And what do you do?
You fucking crucify them, ostracize them, unperson them for MORAL TRANSGRESSIONS. You DRIVE people into the arms of Trump to satisfy your own insecurities, and that is appalling.
I remember when we were the party of peace, the party of intellectuals, the party of FREE SPEECH AND OPEN MINDS, not the hysterical moralist lynch mob. We must get back to that, and to do it the current party must be dashed against the rocks like the Titanic.
Get on board or get the fuck out of the way.

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Hopefully Karen brings the stuff from the Pittsburgh connection.

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I'm a National Socialist, not a democunt or recucklican. You've simply made your shilling far too obvious.

Let your journey begin.


>I tried to warn you

I still had hope for Biden, or Harris. I honest to God believed they would take a stand against all the crazy shit we heard the other night from the second stringers.
And what happened?
The knives came out for Biden, they tore into him with glee, like hyenas! And it was nothing, NOTHING, but opportunistic character assasination all around, big fat piles of “muh feelings!” And no actual substance!
I really, really wanted to believe they could get it together. That we could move past this bullshit, and go back to the great party we used to be.
I was wrong.

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Trump won 2020 tonight. Those people are all clowns. My expectations were low but they fell short of even coming close to meeting them.

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Forgot pic

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The fuck would I care what a Nazi thinks?

Because last night was B team

You don't care what anyone thinks; you're just here to shill for a Zionist fraud.


Youre still a piece of shit for even getting this far
Fuck yourself

Well look I bet you would support a black person that espouses National socialist rhetoric and couldn't even identify them as "Nazi" till someone smarter than you pointed it out

This really sums it up.
We didn’t excuse it when Republicans stopped holding Bush accountable, just because he was in power, but as soon as Obama was elected?
Shit changed.
People started being silenced for speaking out. Ideals took a backseat to party orthodoxy. We sat and watched as China ate our lunch, hollowing our the red states, people dying from opiates and losing their jobs... and stayed silent because it wasn’t our problem.
I’m done looking away.

This may be the biggest landslide since Reagan's reelection

The fuck are you talking about? Don’t Nazis love Trump? Have I been bullshitted on this too?
Ok cunts, you don’t believe me? I studied at and lived in Berkeley, I loved the shit out of the Telegraph. If you literally cannot believe that one of your own would say “This fucking sucks”, YOU are the problem.

I think voting for the pedophile would be funnier.


There are black Nazis?

Just give it up, you were too obvious from the very start

Das rite !

I’m not even white, but you know what Cletus?
I remember a time when we didn’t blame whitey for every little thing, and use it to excuse shitty behavior.
You know what happened? Minority communities gave up trying to police our own. We threw that shit to the government, because we couldn’t change it no matter how hard we tried. We were tired of it, so now we just blame the whites, because genocide is apparently acceptable when it’s not directed at us!
That’s the dirty fucking secret.

So I’m what, a shill? And you’re a Nazi who is AGAINST Trump?
Who ARE you for then?

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Literally any African Nation leader can be considered a nazi.

This shit is giving me a headache, sorry - can you explain better, please?

Farrakhan is an ethno nationalist, and makes the most sense out of nearly all of the leaders in the black community. It is nothing to be ashamed of.

Thanks for the warm welcome. I heard Trump fans were a bunch of bigoted Nazis, but here I guess I have people telling me Nazis hate Trump because he loves Israel(?). Confusing as shit, but I’ll figure it out.

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Here's to the clown show

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>try to pretend to be new because you got called out for false flag shilling
>but you already claimed Yang is pushed by shills which is a common saying of MIGAfags
Just kill yourself

>I’ve been a Democrat all my life
same. but its not just me it my whole fucking family. all of them voted dem their entire life and now they cant stand them. like wtf, in last nights debate one of them said men need the right to free abortions. what? and basically open borders for the worlds poor and we'll give them 'free' healthcare?? what the hell are they thinking? some in my family have said they just wont vote but many are voting for trump. maybe he'll win again and send dems a message to clean their shit up. THEY. ARE. INSANE.

This may shock you, but shilling isn’t exclusive to Jow Forums?
Also why the fuck would I care if Trump loves Israel? If Nazis hate him, that makes it a hell of a lot easier for me to support him.

Are you me?
My mom is a diehard Clinton supporter, and she’s become totally insufferable. I just can’t deal with this bullshit anymore.
At least we can go through the flames to the other side together, yeah?

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>Say what you like about Trump but he’s gotten shit done
He has?

Compared to any other president in recent decades

absolutely you fucking teenager.

Not that I believe that you're an actual "lifelong Democrat", but what happened to you is that your party is retarded and has to pander to a now non-white country full of... well, retards. Import and worship the third world: become the third world. Same shit with parties in Canada and other parts of the (formerly) white world. You, being retarded, are now just realizing that this is what you get when society kills itself via transforming itself into some massive "rainbow coalition" of racial diversity, female supremacy and every other group that isn't a foundation built on the backs of Europeans and their culture.

You're now realizing that you're dead and you're probably too stupid that you, and people like you are a huge reason for it. You can repent, you can live the rest of your life with shame of the past, but you're like a lifelong chain smoker who has just been handed a stage 4 cancer diagnoses. You can flush your open pack of cigarettes down the toilet right now and never light up again, but you know that very soon you'll be sleeping in the dirt and it's your own fault.

I recommend killing yourself if you're serious (again, I suspect you're not).

it's all rigged man

>trump *delivers* for his voters
hahahaha fucking go away fed


Democrats have just gone silly.

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keep posting....

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Why are you still a democrat? Are you a boomer that still thinks it is the party of JFK? It's the party of communism, thought policing, radical feminism, and drag queen kids getting groomed for AIDS. Fucking idiot.

2020 when you see so much of my ass you ask for Trump

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You know what, you're fucking right... fuck this retarded party. The dissonance has become too great for me to continue supporting it. Hopefully 4 more years of Trump will make them Dems really reconsider their infantile approach.

>Hopefully 4 more years of Trump will make them Dems really reconsider their infantile approach.
Between boomer (see: white) deaths, continued immigration (both legal and illegal and almost exclusively brown), and brown births and a barely majority white Millenial generation and (I think) minority white Zoomer generation the Dem's will go even more crazy; more anti-white, more anti-male, etc. Give it two or three more election cycles and every Dem candidate and a few Republican's will be doing Beto's cringey Spanish pandering.

Fuck off shareblue

you're a dem? and i've got a 12' cock

get out of here with that shit,. probably a russian shill bot

>democrat here
>orange man good
What new shilling tactic is this? Democrats don't change their minds; they double down. And Trump isn't that great, either.

you sound like every trumpista. 2/10 for getting me to reply.

Is anyone suspicious about the democrats trying not to get elected? What if we’re being set up? I’ve thought about this, and the only way I can imagine there being an uprising is if the elections were rigged and trump lost, or was taken out. Maybe we’re being led into one scam after another? I’m hoping that’s not true, but I don’t understand what the democrats are trying to achieve

You see this shit?
I’m a Dem who dissents, therefore I must be a fucking shill?
Can you literally not even comprehend anyone choosing not to support the bugfuck notso positions our party has adopted? You people have lost your minds!
You’re more focused on loyalty to a party than to the ideals that made Democrats contenders in the first place. You care about what you’re told to care about, to the extent that it’s fucking Orwellian.
You literally can’t even imagine anyone changing their mind, and that’s the saddest shit of all.

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Same. I'll be registering Republican come morning.
I've never been so appauled in my life.
Trump train here I come.

Join the party, friend. We hate bourgeois liberals as well.

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yeah they're a dead party until they reinvent but anyway update ur meme dude

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My conspiracy theory so to speak is that most (the younger ones) have no interest in this election, but are just virtue signalling to the future leftist voters who will be even more crazy and brown. They want to be the ones who were "woke" even when LITERALLY HITLER was in office for eight years. And since in the time while Trump's second term is ending (if he gets one) a lot of demographic shifting will be occurring, most importantly boomer die offs and the results of all of the decades of immigration making the young demographics (and almost the majority of the country) brown.

Meanwhile the older guys like Biden and Sanders know that this is their last rodeo. Sanders already has the stain of a previous loss to the woman who fucking lost to the "No chance in hell candidate" DONALD HITLER. Bernie also has the leftist sin of being "white". Biden, like Bernie is old and has the sin of being white, and like Bernie if he has to wait another four years will be all that much older; and will have the reasonable question of why someone should vote for a candidate who would likely not be able to serve for eight years. Imagine if Bernie effectively lost to Trump twice? Imagine if Obama's right hand cuckold lost to Trump just like Obama lost (so to speak) when Trump came in as a "Fuck you" reaction to two terms of him? They both HAVE to go nuts in hopes that the longtime trusted voting blocks (white boomers who think the Dems sare just like the JFK type, and mostly apolitical people who just want everything to be "in the centre") will choose them and that maybe they can convince enough of the younger Tide Pod munchers to get duped.

kek, it's gonna be a Trump landslide.
Here's the deal. People don't "like" Trump but they will vote for him. That's why the polls are always so fucked up. No, they don't "like" him, but the alternative is so much worse.

You're only allowed to change from Democrat to Progressive on Jow Forums apparently.
Otherwise you're a shill.
Honk honk

Your best option was Biden and Gabbard but they seem to have mildly nationalistic in the Democratic policy views...If you want tiresome try learning Mandarin...

>I'm a national socialist

Sure kiddo

Hopefully it's a secret white people wake up to in the next few years.

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>I’m a Dem who dissents, therefore I must be a fucking shill?
It's because it doesn't happen very often. Your peers are very stupid.

>it doesn't happen very often
Must be some good shit you're smokin chief.
I can't even find any democrats anymore or at least anyone that is willing to admit it.
It's like having herppies on your face.

I live in the bubble. Everyone's a Dem in the Big Apple.

Gabbard sunk her claws into Biden’s soft underbelly and laughed about it.
Yang got bitchslapped so hard he’ll never recover, and no he wasn’t a serious candidate in the first place because of exactly what Lester Holt said: Your 1k a month will be eaten up entirely by the VAT, it’s the most retarded plan in the god damn world.
Being a center leftist doesn’t mean being for stupid, endless gibs programs that incentivize shitty behavior. It doesn’t mean blindly supporting immigrants at the cost of American citizens.
It means using government as a way to defend Americans against foreign powers, while at the same time guarding against overreach. WE should be the ones fighting the globalists, not the goddamn Republicans, but instead we got into bed with them in the name of “progress”, and were cajoled into staying there for fear of social reprisal.
It has to stop somewhere, and for me, that’s here and now. Call me a shill, call me whatever you like - but I’m not wrong, I just have the guts to say what you only dare to think.

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And I remember when Strom Thurmond was a Democrat
learn history; the Democrats were always the party of the kkk

I'm in So Cal.
People here are afraid of confrotation so they just look down at their feet, slither away and promptly start twitter posting.

There are a lot more of us than you think. I’ve talked to tons of people who are dissatisfied with the current paradigm, but afraid to speak out. Know why?
The extremists have a gun to our heads. If we step out of line, we get called racists, or uncle toms who don’t know what our own interests are - I have to walk on eggshells around MY OWN FRIENDS.
It’s all fucked.

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Hitler was the good guy and the Holocaust is wildly exaggerated.

watch the greatest story never told

You are a true and tried retard who shares opinions on things he has no knowledge of. You are exactly what's wrong with this country. A retard NPC with an 80 IQ who gets his opinions at the mall.

Dude, your response is to not be democrat to not be republican but instead to be a fucking faggot

> Your 1k a month will be eaten up entirely by the VAT, it’s the most retarded plan in the god damn world.

Not everything will be VAT'd. The value added tax is on tech companies like amazon, google, facebook, uber etc.

What this means is most of the money is coming from people paying for ad space, amazon transactions, air bnb rentals and soon, automated uber taxi's and delivery trucks. Basically things that are extremely profitable, yet do not require much manpower at all.

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Excuse you, I’ve never even met a black Nazi, and I have a 128 IQ, so fuck right off.
I’ll check it out, but that doesn’t explain the question.
Everywhere else I hear that Trump is a Nazi and beloved by neonazis, he wants to kill Jews and etc.
But here it seems like people are saying he’s a Jewish puppet or whatever? It can’t be both ways, so which one is right?

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Swallow the black pill. Prepare for war. Remember. Only the strongest rule.

So why did Yang act so surprised during the debate when faced with the question? He should have explained that instead of stammering “I’m sorry?”!

>It can’t be both ways, so which one is right?

Neither, really. The media is out to paint Trump as a villain, and there is no greater villain in our zeitgeist as a Nazi. So, he becomes a Nazi. Meanwhile, as President Trump is obliged to play the game of politics, which means playing a game with Israel. This makes him look like a Jewish puppet to Jow Forums, who is acutely aware of such dealings.

That seems kind of excessive? I don’t need to take any more pills, no matter what color they may be.

Stay here long enough and you won't be able to leave. I suggest you go now.


The 9000D Chess narrative that ties into the Great Game or Game of Thrones move is wearing thin. Hillary, Podesta, Huma, Awam servers, Feinstein's driver, the 38 billion to Israel, legislation to protect the Jews, no wall and no mass expulsions of illegals.

Watch the gap.

At no point did I make claim that it existed, moron. It's not 7-dimensional hyperbackgammon to point out that the media has a frothing hate boner for the dude, and that the dude also has to play ball with the Jews.

im listening to the ruiner soundtrack after playing it and this song matches this picture too well. cant believe someone painted this, holy shit


>still posting this when they literally just quarantined the only place there that is allowed to not be marxist

wecome to reality, OP...fees good to let go of all that jazz dont it?