Open Borders

All you faggots who shill against trump got destroyed tonight. Every single democrat in that debate tonight supported opening our border by decriminalizing illegal immigration. Any left wing faggots, why would you ever support such idiocy?

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>Muh open borders

There are literally more illegal pouring into the country now than under Obama. Trump is more open borders than democrats.

Good, accelerate. Maybe if they declared borders illegal the boomers would get off their asses and fight back. Meanwhile Trump is letting 1,000,000+ shitskins become citizens every single year.

You fuckers act like its a fight between "closed borders" & "open borders", when the reality is even if Republicans win every single election moving forward, your children will be minorities.


Attached: dehumanize.gif (600x300, 213K)

Exactly if you have an ounce of concern for America and society you will piss on everything from the left.

Build a real wall.

Attached: YangWall.png (786x307, 140K)

Yeah and how many more illegals will come when America has a President who openly stops enforcing immigration law at the border and gives free health care and college to illegals who do not pay taxes and promises to not deport them?


>Every single democrat made borders a political issue instead of thinking
yeah of course

Decriminalizing illegal entry, and allowing unlawful immigrants to get on PUBLIC WELFARE AND HEALTH CARE

Am I the only one that completely dropped this faggot after tonight?

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Meanwhile you guys are crying about kids in cages and are sharing daily stories of ICE "tearing" up families. Something doesn't add up.

>All you faggots who shill against trump got destroyed tonight

The shill's strategy has been completely flawed from the start
>"Trump is bad at keeping the borders safe"
>"if you want safe borders you should vote for Democrats instead!"

You'd have to be mentally retarded to fall for that shit.

end the drug war and shitty foreign policy and minimum wage would be a better "wall" you know just common sense that no R or D will do.

Millennials outnumber boomers now. The majority of millennials support open borders. Accelerationism will never work.

I dropped him at first sight. Get on my level you rube.

Borders shouldn't exist, and humanity should be under one government. You can't prove me wrong. The only problem would be killing off the jews first.

Accelerationism is our only CHANCE.
As i've already stated, if we do nothing, even if republicans win every election going forward, our children will be minorities. If we don't accelerate, we have already lost.

>Illegal immigration is out of control
>Lets remove the only guy trying to stop it.

Nice going shill

That would not solve the problem of all the shitskins streaming over the border for gibs. By the way, every single candidate said they would provide free Medicare for illegals. That will only result in millions more coming

Easy for you to say. Who the fuck wants to immigrate to Puerto Rico?

possibly the most retarded argument of all time
>There are more illegals pouring into the country
>Therefore, we should open our borders to all immigrants
I guess you're right, if you make all immigrants legal, illegal immigration rate drops to 0. Fucking downie.

they left want to win elections they will win every election if you dont get rid of illegals right now. dont expect ice to do its job . dont expect trump to send them away. that fucker is to busy cucking his son in law by fucking his own daughter

you have to go to texas and kill every one who isnt white if you dont want to die in a 3rd world hell hole with a dollar value equal to a pre 1960s mexican peso

i dont care so im not saying you should do it . im just saying if you give a shit about america you will. i do not. i dont care about america

This. We need to accelerate for two reasons. 1) we need to while we still have a large white population and 2) we need Europe to be so horrified by the destruction of America that they do a 180 and say “we refuse to end up like America.”

Our chance for accelerationism hinges on a dying generation that, by and large, are the ones that got us into this mess in the first place.
Our only real chance lies within the msm supporting pedophilia or other such indisputable degeneracies, which is bound to happen soon.

I love how two months ago they got upset saying Democrats were open border kikes.

I also enjoy that 40 years ago democrats weren't the ones who were open borders...

It’s already happening. Many a normie has been red pulled seeing how the media supports lgbt pedo enabling

and Trump is just pretend to not be open-borders

we're fucked

I’ve noticed that complete 180 too. Thy claimed to be against open border because they know the overwhelming majority of Americans are against open borders. But they have to pander to the far left to win the primary. All of the things they are saying now will come back to bite them in the ass come general election time.