What was he thinking at that moment
What was he thinking at that moment
Other urls found in this thread:
"god i hate niggers"
Probably wants to rape her.
>"I'm gonna say it"
"you know that dylann roof kid might have had a point"
"Man, I'm going to shit post about this nigger tonight on Jow Forums"
Imagine the silence that would fall on the whole room if he actually did
I almost thought for second that he would lose control and say what he really thinks.
Which is I hate niggers.
It felt so likely it could happen but didn't.
>Segregationists were right, I ruined the Democratic Party.
Probably rethinking civil rights as this negress stabs him the back.
Silence immediately followed by the roars of hundreds of furious baboons
The DNC has already chosen me, you nigger.
my eyes are clashing with the blue screen
"I'm already the designated candidate anyway. Fuck this shit."
>if only they knew how bad things really were
>My racists neighbors wouldn't play with us
I wonder if anyone will find out who they are. They probably have pics of her playing with everyone.
Willie Brown played with her.
>Biden: Shut the fuck up you half nigger, half poo, and married to a Jew cunt
>This fucking nigger
What a complete shit show and her going full on nigger with the head bobin and weaving like shes some street hood was ridiculous theatrics.
Besides Nobody has been openly racist in years (except blacks) all this is is race bait bullshit her entire story is lies propped up with half truths
My neighbor didnt like us cause we black / so? / find another person to talk to stop being dramatic
"It's always a fucking nigger"
>Maybe selling out the white race throughout my entire career wasn’t the best idea.
>fuck this uppity nigger.
>t has been an open secret of sorts that Senator Kamala Harris began her political career by sleeping with San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown in exchange for him promoting her to political offices and enlisting donor support for her career objectives. However, today the former mayor admitted it.
Lame ass bullshit.
/pol is getting more and more retarded.
>When will this end?
>James Eastland was right about everything
currently 35 threads on Harris...congratulation to our next president of the usa
This is probably God's honest truth. A solemn reflection of knowing you were right at the time and that this is what your party has lead itself to. I respect him in the sense he won't abandon the party-- his loyalty is admirable, but you can see a deep disappointment in his face.
lmao nice
"Maybe I should have fought for segregation."
did literally nobody on this board catch his response?
it was pretty good
>I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my “relationship” with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Most of them, I have not returned.
>Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.
>And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.
>The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A
fucked her way into politics, big surprise.
Ahhhh... The good ol days
>Might as well keep it going
(In biden voice) I'm, gonna say the m-er--uh-N ward I mean word no I mean the N word yes, I'm gonna say the n word!
Might have helped if he didn't lead the charge for his party to be like this for 50 years.
>uhhh segregration is good fuck niggers
yeah great response really gonna reel in those votes
>can joe biden feel these muffins?
"I dun goof'd"
notice how he perked up when she started talking about little girls
>if it weren't for that meddling kid!
>and that little girl...albert einstein.
Yay, Harris "won the debate" by playing the race card against fellow Zionist Joe Biden!
>notice how he perked up when she started talking about little girls
Exactly the same way as my dog when the fridge door gets opened.
Blak Gurlz Dont Play!
That's what I was thinking too. I don't even like Biden, but Harris was an insufferable, uppity cunt.
Amazing that such an unlikable and ugly bitch somehow managed to fuck herself to the top.
This shit's already rigged for me; why do I have to sit through this.
>I finally found a woman that's too ugly to molest. I can't wait to tell mom.
"I think I left my refrigerator open"