They were the good guys during the Civil War and Reconstruction.
I guess William Jennings Bryan began to change the party, but Democrats really took a turn for the worse under Wilson. LBJ then proceeded to make the party worse than ever.
They were the good guys during the Civil War and Reconstruction.
I guess William Jennings Bryan began to change the party, but Democrats really took a turn for the worse under Wilson. LBJ then proceeded to make the party worse than ever.
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>good guys during the Civil War
Google "party realignment in the U.S." if you want details about how all of this shit has changed over time. It's a bit much to cover all at once.
They never were the "good guys" you brain dead moron. Fuck all politicians
Of course the Democrats were the good guys. They wanted to keep niggers as property.
Republicans generally don't like to talk about party realignment because they like their narrative of the democratic plantation.
When AIPAC was formed
the democrats made a law that New States couldnt be Republican, only democrat.
without representation the Republican states peacefully seceded from the union.
the north violently genocided them. the confederate flag symbolizes your right to representation, as in 'no taxation without representation'.
centuries later many felonies are committed whereby education malpractice radicalizes minorities with the conspiracy theory of racism, even though 98.4% of whites did not own slaves at the peak of slavery. people are taught that instead of a ban on republican states it was "slave states" which is an outright lie. they further lie that the civil war was over slavery instead of representation. confederates are true patriots, and any NPC mimicking their racism brainwash training needs to be rehabilitated.
>Democrats and Republicans
There's a North Party and a South Party. Back then Democrats were the South Party. Now they're the North Party.
as Dinesh Disousa has clearly debunked without ever ever being contradicted on literally dozens of university speeches complete with references, everything you said is a lie. racism and slavery are democrat conspiracy theories. take your meds schizo.