>be america
>have a LITERAL FAG running for president
>he attacks your fucking religion
>calls out your morals
>mfw e michael jones was right
>be america
>have a LITERAL FAG running for president
>he attacks your fucking religion
>calls out your morals
>mfw e michael jones was right
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I’m much more concerned that Kamala Harris is running for President than Buttgieg. She’s be by far the worst president in US history.
Why the fuck does someone’s sexuality matter?
All that matters is whether he’d improve the quality of life for the people of this country.
E. Michael Jones has already thoroughly obliterated this pathetic sodomite.
t. degenerate sodomite who deserves the death penalty
Leviticus 20:13 New International Version (NIV)
13 “‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.
>>based old testament!
> Also, Those god damn chosenites are ruining my country, I cry everytiem :,(
Reminder that EMJ is ON TWITTER now and that he is rapidly approaching 10,000 followers.
We need to meme him into an appearance on Tucker Carlson. Tucker needs to have E. Michael Jones on his show.
Well, in the old testament shaving your beard, eating shrimps and getting a tattoo are also forbiden... so you can go fuck yourself leaf.
He's right. Christianity has been bigoted and homophobic to gays since it's very existence. Stop crying christflakes
Burgers have had a muslim potus/nigger potus, a sex offender potus, and now they'll get a fag potus