So is it basically confirmed Yang is a full blown autist...

So is it basically confirmed Yang is a full blown autist? His performance tonight as well as his son being one is telling enough.

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Mongoloid genetics

>his performance tonight
They gave him 2 minutes to speak fuck off


>Russia bad

>audience laughed at him not with him
>no applause

so shameful

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He too chinky to make it. We need that American feel, broski.

I unironically liked him.


Yang 4D chess. Simple no bullshit message, get paid. Has perfect information now. It's a tortoise race MIGApedes

Yang is the new American feel.

Burgers asking the important questions

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I do not get why people keep making fun of this. The amount of cope and low level iq. Literally half of the people asked the moderators to speak up. Are you shoot retarded?

>Tulsi gabbard surfing
Keked hard

Shill cocksucka!

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They stopped him from embarrassing himself you retard! The audience was laughing at him!

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Checked nigger. Not good enough.

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Literally, called Russia a threat because he is surrounded by kikes.

He literally had only 2 minutes to speak, but stayed on the message and conveyed the most actual content and policy proposals of all the today candidates. But I guess you burgers prefer some whiny sob story about being a fag, busing in blacks, etc. It's merit that matters not showmanship.

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It has to do with how charismatic the other speakers were when saying it. So much nuance goes into speech patterns and body language which drastically influences how people interpret certain people and how they are judged. Unfortunately Andrew Yang didn't hit it off here, and that will be considered his major gaffe of the election thus far.

Haven't seen this level of cope since Bernie got the primaries stolen from him.
How fucking bluepilled are you? Is this your first debate? You're supposed to punch and fight and rush to answer other people's questions. You don't god damn stand around playing with your dick hoping the moderators remember you. It's been this way since they aired started airing TV debates decades ago

He's also the most intelligent person on the stage. He know what's he's talking about and actually can explain his plans to back it up. He just isn't aggressive enough.

How does Asian cock taste? Do you like to fondle his balls as well?

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Does anyone else even explain how their plans will work with actual numbers and stats? Yang sounded autistic when he explained, but at least he gives proof for why his plans can work. All Trump has ever done is say what he wants to do and doesn't know how he'll actually do it.

How about actually addressing the points made by other poster. Why in your opinion is staying on the message worse than cheep pandering to "opressed" gropus? - but anwsering that would require you to have an opinion and not just beeing an NPC.
See this is why we hate you plebbitors and want you to fuck off back to the_zognald.
Now, if we're talking about sucking cock - did you have your daily fix of jewjewcum, because Zion Don surely can't get enough of that Kushner-Cock.

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>Expecting the Democrats to be fair
There's where you fucked up.

He should have waited for 2024.

He should have fucking fought harder to speak. Also, let's be honest, he doesn't know shit about foreign policy and other domestic issues like healthcare, education, immigration, etc. His platform is UBI and that's it. He is out of his element on that stage.

I agree with you, but he was still pretty pathetic. what was interesting was how hard the moderator went after him with the follow up.

why the fuck are people in this country so obsessed about height

yang you fucking commie chink what do you think about china. you obvious commie pinko fuck

uhhhh dont look at china, look at russia!

his second chance at talking didnt fly so good, does he get a third?

his mic was being (((((cut off)))))

I think what's funny is that whether it's due to lack of seriousness or focus on competition, the dems were challenging delivery on Healthcare and Yang went basically unchallenged. I think if the debates can narrow down, he'll have more chances to speak and make his piece.

Like, promise challenge after promise challenge and nobody went after free money guy?They missed out on clout.

Years and years of Hollywood programming, "scientific research" commissioned by companies like Okcupid etc that shows positive correlations between height and some desirable factor.

Working link:

Holy shit though, gotta find some more debate footage to verify, but this is bullshit.

If he doesn't have the balls to call out that his mic is getting fucked with then he doesn't deserve to run the country. What a fag.

Poor little shy wang

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Oh my god yangtards are so buttblasted tonight it's hilarious

Your little wang god is an autistic stuttering mess

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So much cope. This is fucking hilarious. Yang killed his campaign.

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Kek. They cut his mic tho, he said was speaking onto the mic to interrupt, based coporate democrats

Sure they did. I never saw him speaking without it being broadcast. That's just little wang's excuse for being a shy beta bitch.

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They're democrats. Pandering and feelings are what they love. Candidates need to give the fans what they want, not what they can use.

Yang is a faggot king for little commie beta faggotkin that want free gibs. Nothing more.

Anything pro yagfuck is just more beta fuckfaces spamming because they have nothing and want free shit.

Loser commie faggots. End of story.

he did well in his CNN tonwhall on those very subjects

wtf does Trump know about those subjects?