Israel Folau, Rugby Australia headed to court after no settlement reached at Fair Work hearing

Influenza outbreak kills 37 Victorians, including hospital worker in state's east

St Helena Secondary College in lockdown as police negotiate with chainsaw weilding man

Car falls from second level of Marion Westfield carpark, 90-year-old driver hospitalised

Teacher’s strike to close almost 260 public schools on Monday

PM wants peace deal on religious freedoms

Revealed: Melbourne is ranked the most congested city in the country - and it's taking Sydney drivers longer to get to work during morning peak-hour

our overwhelming support means that Israel Folau has raised enough money for now. More than $2 Million has been raised from over 20,000 donors in just two days. ACL, Izzy, and everyone involved is humbled and grateful. We are hitting the pause button. But if the case drags on and Israel needs more support, we will reopen this campaign.

Attached: aaamuslims.png (1035x600, 1.06M)

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wtf island niggers are more white than us now

>2.2 million in two days to BTFO fags

lgbt on suicide watch

>if you are christian and say gays go to hell
OY VEY! shut it down!!!

>if you are muslim and throw gays off a building

Are abos the niggers of australia?

no they got replaced by real actual nigger sudanese.

Good on him. Stick to your guns based Tongan. Hopefully his deplatforming and this media circus is redpilling everyone in that whole community. And let's not forget the legal precedent this sets, if I can fire a Christian for publicly saying gays are wrong, I can fire a Muslim for saying they support Sharia.

>all those ragheads

Attached: more laughing new australian whores.jpg (500x500, 134K)

Attached: lgbt_protest.jpg (1050x700, 480K)

>Melbourne is ranked the most congested city in the country - and it's taking Sydney drivers longer to get to work during morning peak-hour
who would live in those hellholes voluntarily, or any capital city for that matter?

>tfw FNQ masterrace
>tfw over 1000km from the nearest capital city
>tfw over 2000km from Sydney
>tfw over 3000km from Melbournian faggotry

Attached: th.jpg (228x273, 8K)