Explain to me why single payer is a “bad” idea with resorting to memes

Explain to me why single payer is a “bad” idea with resorting to memes.

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You pay more taxes to cover other people's healthcare. It's a retarded system.

I don't want to pay for niggers and spics.

Are you below or above average?

Either way you're paying for half the people you see every day. Every retard, every fat fuck, all the underachiever morons, all of them. You pay.

Great deal if your a fucking loser waste. Bad deal if you have any value at all. That's how math works you fucking retard. And that's why you're for it.

You pay “taxes” aka feeds and co pays to insurance

I haven't had a family doctor for 15 years.

I have never had any treatment for any issue that couldn't be solved by a nurse with a pill bottle, and even then it took 3 hours.

I live in the leaf land of free and universal healthcare and I have... no healthcare to speak of. I haven't had a checkup in years. If I need to deal with an issue, I go and wait in a line at a public clinic. I get looked at for 30 seconds by an overworked doctor, and he gives me a form and a number to call if i need tests. I call the number and am told there is an appointment six months from now.

If I break my arm or cut my finger and need stitches, i can go to the hospital and they'll fix it for no cost. That's great!

But if I need an ambulance, it still costs money. If I have an actual problem, I have to wait months to even talk to a specialist.

What we have is free trauma care. Free emergency healthcare. Free bone setting. Free finger stitching. Free "I think I'm dying help me" care.

There's no free "health" care. My neighbor is a single mom with cancer, and she has lost everything to her illness. In the land of magical free healthcare, it turns out that cancer therapy sill costs money. And the line up to get it is longer than the time it takes for your cancer to metastasize.


My mum had a deadly disease, and the Canadian doctors wanted to cut out her uterus, her guts, and give her a colostomy bag -- because that was the easiest way to treat it.

She had to travel to the United States to get treated in a way that wouldn't cripple her, and after she did it the government was mad at her for making them look bad.

If burgers accept universal single payer healthcare, it will be worse than mcdonalds tier. It will be department of motor vehicles tier. It will be lazy shit affirmative action medical students playing games on their phones while you bleed out, because their shift hasn't started yet. DON'T!

You are already paying for niggers and spics dumbass.

Checkd and heeded Satan

Ok, I don't want to pay even more for niggers and spics

Don't forget paying for parking at the ER. I never had to pay to park at an ER in the states.

It's dysgenic, same with welfare.


Good post, saved

technological advancement will halt completely.

My health insurance guarantees I get way better treatment than the leaches. If Democrats ban private health insurance in favor of Medicare for everyone we're all treated the same, which would be a marginal improvement for the shitstains of society and a massive downgrade in both healthcare quality and price for everyone who works for a living. But the (((elites))) will be fine since they will be able to afford paying out of pocket for private doctors.

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They are already not paying anything at all, you wont be paying more to take care of them. The money you pay will benefit you and others like you. The degenerate already have universal health care and they have had it for years. The jew insurance companies are the ones paying people to tell you single payer healthcare is a bad deal for you. Don't fall for their tricks.

More knobs and prods for which the government can control you, and more worrisome with which the lobbyists can control your health care. In a competitive environment greed will only go so far, before some starts undercutting you, but congress is pretty disturbingly insatiable. Better to have a government option, then they can compete against each other (private v gov).

Also, costs aren't really the problem, it's abuse of the system, graft, incompetents working in it, left hand not knowing what the right is doing, etc etc. Better to pass legislation to cut these sort of things and protect people rather than just being a pay pig. Problems persist whether the government pays or not. Speaking as someone who has had to deal with the system for years and years, and would be broke if not for certain restraints on insurers.

Also, remember when obamacare was going to solve the problems, and repubs failed to ever strike it down? Remember how we still have obamacare? Why are dems so angry about our system then? Don't they like what they created?

>Explain to me why single payer is a “bad” idea with resorting to memes.
1. Colossal powergrab by the government. Putting all of the countries doctors, hospitals, and of course patients under the government's purview is a massive overreach.
2. The US government is a shitty service provider. One look at the post office, the DMV, or the even more relevant: The VA health system, should be all you need to see to decide government should NEVER run healthcare.
3. The US government's solution to lowering costs is simply to pay less. When the government wants to reduce medicare and medicaid costs, it simply reduces the reimbursement those payers make. This doesn't actually reduce anything other than how much doctors, nurses, and hospitals get paid. The reason your doctor has to see 40 patients a day and cant actually talk to you for more than 30 seconds? Because some government payer is probably only paying him $15 for that office visit. And once the US government is the only game in town, they'll just lower that down to $5, which will force out all the quality providers. Then we'll be like the UK where your doctor doesn't even speak English and the nurses are minimum wage thugs.

The only upside to single payer is that "it's free"****. And of course when you guarantee health coverage for everyone (including illegals if you saw tonight's DNC debate) you're going to see a MASSIVE new tax system implemented. Just like the UK, our taxes for the middle class will go from roughly 15% up to over 30% to pay for this scam. So we'll get to pay more to get less, all so some poor brown people can get "free"*** healthcare.

> government can't enforce a simple border
> wants you to rely on it when you're sick

>I don't want to pay even more for niggers and spics

Find I guess poor whites should suffer

My mom had deteriorated discs that needed replacement or she was nearly bedridden. Doctor refused the referral, kept her on opiates for a year. , had to pay 30k private to get the 1.5 hour surgery

>Don't forget paying for parking at the ER.
Wait, what? Is that a thing in leafland?

hey leaf, make like a leaf and leave

how much funding does candia provider for healthcare, compared to the costs spent in the US? maybe if your country had a population more than ten US cities, your system would work. take a walk and try not to freeze to death ralf

Yup, better have cash if you have to go to the ER or get a ticket or towed! Suck it poor fags!

Single payer is shit, most countries have actually abandoned it. Iirc the only countries that still have it are Canada UK and Taiwan

Here in japan it’s mixed public/private. CT scan costs 30 dollars with a wait time of 15 minutes. Canada is free with a wait time of 4 weeks

Socialism ruins absolutely fucking everything

Do you know how much a MRI scan costs?

Fat people. Not memeing. Obese people are such a big drain on the healthcare system. Jacking up my taxes to pay for some fatty's diabetes meds is a joke.

What part of "I don't want to pay more" makes you think that the color of the leech's nipples matters at all?

Single payer gives the federal government a total monopoly over health care. Mother fucker you can't tell me why it's a good thing without using the "every other western country has it" meme

do you know anyone on medicare?

Hell checked. Good post user.

Yes. They paid into it their entire adult working lives and enrolled at 65. What's your point?

Yes. It sucks balls if you don't have supplemental insurance. Why? Because fuck tons of money was syphoned off to fund medicaid for niggers and junkies. Single payer would be even worse.

and how is their medical care?

and how much is supplemental insurance. be sure to answer this part fren. what benefit to health coverage and care is provided by UHC/aetna/cigna participation in the stock market?


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Not the point, fatnigger. Any savings realized by eliminating private insurance for people that can afford is would promptly be squandered on unhealthy shitstains that made poor life choices that would not have otherwise got care. Indigent fatties, junkies and faggots need to be left to die in a ditch.

duck and cover from the 1950s, i gotcha. you will be rich too someday, if your not already glowing.

hi, our healthcare system is overworked, underpaid and undermanned so it works just about as well as any government org.
This is the fate of any "free" healthcare

>affording health insurance
Kvetch all you want you diseased fat faggot, no productive people are wiling to sacrifice their well being to fund your unhealthy degeneracy.

This is the only problem.
NHS would be fine if not for it being crushed by millions of non contributing 3rd worlders.

The democrats(especially the ones who vote joe biden) aren't really leftist. they are like republican-lite. they would consider voting republican if the republican candidate were liberal on social issues.

joe biden will get the democratic nomination(alienating the progressives) and then trump will win again. it will 2016 all over again

i don't think democrats will win another election until all the boomer democrats die off and the democrat party becomes completely lefitst.

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it will be 2016*

Niggers and beaners don't pay taxes.

if you are responsible with your money and live a healthy lifestyle, you end up paying for other peoples poor life choices. Irresponsible people are rewarded and responsible people are punished.

>fuck the mayo clinic and md andersen and shit. lets just make everything like the VA

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>explain to me why its bad for the productive minority in society should be bled dry supporting the heaving masses of unproductive elements of society.

How often do you go to the doctor? Once a year? Well, under single payer you will be paying for someone else to see the doctor every single day. Its a nett loss for you and a nett gain for everyone else. America was built on the premise of the individual having precedence over the group, single payer is the antithesis to this founding principle.

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The US simply doesn't have enough people paying into the system. It works well when you only have a small percentage of leaches, it used to work great in Nordic countries, Canada, here etc. But we are slowly slipping past the threshold of leaches, the US is already far, far past it.

No one's gonna talk about her fucking teeth?

Why the FUCK have you not joined this server yet?


its unpayable in the USA.
Somehow, these idiots think they can magically bring down the cost of healthcare

Why the FUCK have you not joined this server yet?



that's not what i meant at all. your a dumfuck who cannot read. no wonder you espouse these opinions

It would be as shit as veterans affairs and likely worse

We can't afford healthcare now. They want the same healthcare plus a massive government bureaucracy.


it's always tied to wealth redistribution

The government is corrupt and will find someway to steal the money or mismanage things because that seems to be the only thing they are professional at. Fucking simple things up.

I actually think it'd be great if we had a country overwhelmingly of productive europeans, but that ship has sailed. In it's best form, it's more efficient but it's a pipe dream at this point.

Well they could because the government would set the compensation. I still wouldn't like it though

The only good American is a dead American.