Printing house owner who didn't want to print LGBT leaflets in Poland just won in court

Meanwhile Bongs get jailed for not baking the cake.

If you own a business, you should be able to deny services to whoever you like.

Article in polish:

Really proud of my country now.

Attached: CI9h5OtVAAE-KVq.png (600x510, 124K)

Other urls found in this thread:\invite\dkujHhf

No wonder pooland is an eternal shit hole

Fuck off kike

Good for you Poland. Keep fighting the good fight.

A lot of local govts are pro faggotry
nationalists in my city tried to register their march minutes after midnight, meaning immediately when available to block fag parade, and apparently fag parade was registered internally and illegally
Investigation happens rn, I hope Police bans faggotry

Attached: (You).jpg (500x667, 82K)

Fuck off kike

Free man denies a service he doesn't wish to offer.

The fact that it was a court case at all is making me anything but proud.

Wait when was a bong jailed for that? The bakers in NI also won their court case.