You can only chose one, Christcucks

Your anti-racialist religion that promises heaven for you if you stay a good goy, wagecuck for your jewish political leaders and turn the other cheek ... or the survival of your Family, your Community, your Folk and their future Descendants on this earth - who are under attack by traitors and foreigners. Traitors and foreigners that YOUR RELIGION COMMAND YOU NOT TO HARM on the penalty of losing your spot in heaven with skydaddy.

The LIE and FALSE (((promise))) of eternal salvation that you only covet for SELFISH REASONS - the spot you will only get if you turn a blind eye to the crimes that the jew, the nigger and the spic commits against your own Folk on this earth. The 100% SEMITIC RELIGION that incompatible with Nationalism Socialism, and all other forms of "ethno-nationalism" and thus INCOMPATIBLE with the mere survival of the European races, and most definitely INCOMPATIBLE with their revival and resurgence as the number one predator on Earth.

National Socialism, on the other hand, is fully rooted in reality. In Europe's future. In the future of your Folk. In the future of your Community. In the future of your Family. In the future of Man:
>National Socialism is not a cult-movement - a movement for worship; it is exclusively a 'volkic' political doctrine based upon racial principles. In its purpose there is no mystic cult, only the care and leadership of a people defined by a common blood-relationship. - The Germanic Leader Adolf Hitler, Nuremberg 6th September 1938

>Jewish books are for the jews,
>and jew messiahs too.
>But if you're not of jewish blood,
>How can they be for you?

What will it be christcucks, your jewish folk legend or your race?

>Are you Jow Forums or are you semitically correct and at war with Jow Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Believers of a jewish god that declares itself to be the one true god above all others cannot coexist with others. The differences between christcuck (and mudslime) race traitors believing in this god and real Europeans are irreconcilable. These differences always lead to conflict and they will keep doing that until one side is gone.

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>but but can't I choose both
No - the two are mutually exclusive. National Socialism is about protecting your Folk and Family from parasites and others who wish them harm. Christcuckery is about importing the very same into the midst of your societies.

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fuck off schizo wignat

A Neoplatonist senatorial sophist was teaching a class on the virtues of Hellenic paganism

”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Jupiter Optimus Maximus and accept that the Roman pantheon was the greatest form of religion in the ancient world, even greater than Christ-worship!”

At this moment, a brave, patriotic, Comitatus from Illyria who had fought in a hundred Danubian campaigns and understood the necessity of the Dominate and fully supported all military decision made by the Augustus stood up.

”Who's the greatest being in history, apostate?”

The arrogant sophist smirked quite Satanically and smugly replied “Jupiter, you stupid monotheist”

”Wrong. It’s Christ Pantokrator. If it was Jupiter as you say… then wouldn't Maxentius have won at the Milvian Bridge?”

The sophist was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of "Against the Gallileans". He stormed out of the room crying those pagan crocodile tears. The same tears pagans cried when brave Christians chose martyrdom over submission in their struggle against the “Dominus et Deus” Diocletian when they justly sought to convert their infidel oppressors. There is no doubt that at this point our Senator wished he had pulled himself up by his caligae and become a loyal subject of the Christian Emperor, instead of a wimpering homosexual cretin.

The students applauded and became Scholae Palatinae sworn to defend the Empire that day and accepted Christ as their Lord and savior. A dove named “Paraclete” flew into the room and perched atop the Church of the Holy Apostles and shed a tear on the Labarum. The Edict of Thessalonica and the Nicene Creed were read several times, and St. Benedict miraculously appeared to smash pagan altars. The Thinkery was shuttered, and the sophist and his homosexual students were all castrated the next day by orders of Dominus Flavius Justinianus Augustus, who also donated their property to himself. They died.


>but but jews hate christendom isn't that proof that it is based?
Nyet. Kikes hate when their own convert to christcuckery. They don't hate it when others believe in it. There is a very big difference between 'the jews hating something' and 'the jews hating it for themselves and loving it for others'. Look at it like this:

>Assassins know how dangerous their own poison is and teach their apprentices to hate/fear it
That never stops assassins using poison against enemies they wish to harm.
Just like the jews promote christcuckery for their enemies
Just like the jews arrange race mixing for their enemies
Just like the jews make their enemies borrow money at an interest

All these things the jews love to do to others but hate for themselves. They even make it religiously illegal for their own jews to do it.

>Jews love and hate christcuckery
They love it for others - they hate it for themselves

>Jews love and hate race mixing
They love it for others - they hate it for themselves

>Jews love and hate usury-banking
They love it for others - they hate it for themselves

>Assassins love and hate poison
They love giving it to others, it means they win - they hate it for themselves, it means they lose

Christcuckery is to jews as poison is to an assassin.
Kikes end up on top in all christcuck countries. This is irrefutable, and irrefutable proof that either christcuckery is a complete failure when it comes to removing kikes, or it does not try to do so at all. Christcuckery enables kikes, it is their vanguard and their shield and that is the truth.

Europeans have no future unless the christcuck question is solved.

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race over religion

Show your flag Rabbi.

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It's showing. Explain why you serve a jewish monarchy and have the galls to call others kikes.

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There is never a justification for literally worshipping a middle eastern Jew, let alone claiming it is a “white religion”

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