So the Canadian National Party needs our help to cross the threshold of a legit political party in Canada. They need our signatures. search for their page and fill out the form, send it in to Elections Canada.
..and yes, I'm shilling hard. Lets get the word out.. I may even throw my vote to them to make political parties wake up and realize there's power on the right side.. perhaps start slowing the slide.
Can anyone wake up grandma and grandpa? This sounds like their kinda party.. those old fuckers vote in record numbers if they can remember what day it is, and get their walkers to the voting booth.
Caleb Smith
And self bumping to see if I can hold off the archive of a real topic..
canada always has and always will be a shit hole populated by hookers, faggots and diddlers.
The whole "holier than thou" attitude of canadians comes from them trying to cover up what actual pieces of shit, they really are.
Jeremiah Cox can I help? I’d like to support our neighbors up north, and am totally over US politics.
Landon Kelly
Spread the news fren. Wake people up to their existence, and the fact it's not a hate club - They simply don't want to fund activities like LBGT which destroy families.
Make the thread as it dies/archives.. I only heard about this in passing.. most Canadians are unaware of it.
Elijah Wright
Speak for yourself you fucking degenerate faggot loser.
I think it's less "Holier" as much as an anti-US sentiment to try and carve out our own identity against the larger US identity which is so similar.
I do it too, but I'm aware of why. We want out own little area of the globe, so that's why you see that behaviour.
We are too liberal however - A symptom of being too nice. Read Unkle Ted's writing on oversocalization. We suffer from that.
Aaron Murphy
Wyatt Davis
Hey French Fren.. vote Bloc all you want - They are also Nationalist.. against the rest of Canada, but with the new religious symbols law, they are stepping up the fight against the sliming of Canada.
Jason Hernandez
I don't fuck kids, hookers or faggots. Something canadians love to do. I also don't do drugs. Something else canadians love to do.
What skeletons are in your closet? Probably plenty.
1) We spread the word. Make sure others know it exists. 2) Inject normalcy to counter the Anti-Fa bullshit of this being hate. Point out they say nothing wrong, they have different ideas, and they deserve party status as much as far left parties like the Communist Party of Canada. 3) Sign their form so they can be legit. 4) Send them some $$. $20 $10, doesn't matter, give them some loonie love. 5) If you're willing to stand up, see if you can run for them in your riding.
Any other thoughts?
Noah Collins
They don't name the jew, but they speak of "Globalists who live among us and have no real country, but control the banks and media".
So we know who those people are. :)
They want them out of Canada.
International anons, help make this happen in Canada, see if we can establish a blueprint for other countries.
You know the JDIF is coming to crush them..
Luis Russell
Bud is rich off bitcoin, the fuck does he need donations for??
Anyone who needs donations from working poor canadians, is a loser piece of shit, especially since they have enough money to begin with
>Um rich, donate to muh political party. I'll do stuff for canadians.
Tell the fucking faggot to get more bitcoins.
Tyler Bell
>Give your name and address to the government associating you with a white nationalist party kek how about no
All the ideas on their website like 5% GDP spending for the military are brainlet tier
Nolan Morgan
He sounds like a fucking kike being rich to begin with, then asking for donations.
Brandon Evans
Unfortunately I live in Toronto so CNP is practically unheard of here. I hope the western Canadians stand up for Travis amd go to the streets. I'll fucking drive to Saskatoon if I have to.
Jason Anderson
How do you know how much he made off Bitcoin? It could have only been 6 figures.
Adam Sanchez
read that post. Do you think it's CHEAP to live there? ONLY 6 figures. Gee fuck, the poor guy eh??
Brody Taylor
Do you have another party to vote for? You are either shills or contrarian faggots.
Isaac Ramirez
Ya vote for me. The Annex canada Party. I promise to make canada part of America. Send me your donations.
Jordan Perry
>Voting for a party run by a cringey brainlet will change literally anything learn how the world works
Luke Scott
PROS: Actual rights, including Free Speech and Guns Get to use the American dollar and buy goods for what they are actually worth. Not inflated prices just cause ya know, whatever Travel to any part of the USA and live there. So no horrid winters if you choose.
Get to have actual Freedom of choice.
Evan Nguyen
I did a reno-contract for a firm at 1 yonge and my GOD was that family wealthy. who knows..
Kevin Murphy
>4% okay, cool, let's check that out next month
Isaac Hall
Work anywhere in the USA and get paid in American dollars and make actual decent wages.
All you ninnies can stay in your frozen shithole but enjoy the benefits of American Freedom.
Christian Evans
Kill yourself mutt
Jack Robinson
Good one!!
Kill yourself inbred anglo!
Austin Sanders
Why don't you just move there then? I for one want nothing to do with a Jew run country full of niggers and spics.
Daniel Taylor
Once I get $500,000 to buy a Green Card, I will. Send your donations today!!
>jew run country of niggers and spics LOL this dumb fuck never leaves mommies basement and hasn't seen most "canadians" are now refugees and Chinese.
Chase Kelly
>I'd rather live in communist shithole, run by a drama teacher, who got elected on name alone.
canadians are such pathetic idiots.
Nicholas Morris
Lol you really think the US government isn't completely run by globalists? US becomes less and less white every year. Enjoy living next to niggers user. Also I'm sure a brainlet like you will just love America's dumb down degenerate media.
Dominic Cooper
yeah, Canadian nationalism has been destroyed at its core. A true national identity doesn't exist anymore. Years and years of simply identifying as "not American" has led us here. Not too late to balkanize though.
Carson Miller
Are you implying I am pro Trudeau? Obviously I am not. I am pro white and pro nationalism. That's why I am putting my support behind CNP.
Dominic Lee
Ppc or bust
Samuel Walker
LOL you really think the canadian parliament isn't completely run by globalist? canada becomes less and less white every year. Enjoy living next to refugees user. Also I'm sure a brainlet like you will just love canada's dumbed down government funded propaganda media
Christopher Fisher
Once I'm elected, you can sit your rear in the frozen shithole dump state of canada
Andrew Turner
Planning to move to NH in the next 5 years or so
Robert Bell
Are you stupid? I never said Canada wasn't run by Jew globalists! Canada under Trudeau or for that matter any other big 3 parties is fucked. Saying that however, US is just as fucked as we are. Republican or Democrat, both puppets to their overlords.
Grayson Rivera
So now we see the JDIF working.
Get your sheckles... every last one counts!
Noah Ortiz
Your nationalist party wouldn't even be able to deport foreigners or stop immigration even if they got a majority, that's how thoroughly fucked canada is.
Adrian Rogers
Canada will bust even with the PPC
Jackson James
So we're all fucked. At least they have a strong dollar, decent prices and a wide range of climate and geography.
Austin Sullivan
I hate kikes. Fuck you for implying I'm one. Fuck your bitcoin boi too.
Fuck all canadians and canada
Cooper Lee
Not everyone is a wimp user. I prefer the cold.
Jeremiah Mitchell
Nice try mossad.
Use the other shill accounts to fake support for your negative ideas, you have too many posts under this one, your masters won't be happy.
Ayden Baker
I'll at least put up a fight and put my support behind CNP, I won't run and hide like the coward you are.
Brandon Baker
2/3rds of the worlds population lives within 2000Km of the equator.
35 million losers inhabit this frozen shit hole. Most canadians who can afford to spend winter in the southern states, do so.
Enjoy the cold "tough guy".
William Fisher
LEL >everyone who disagrees with me is a kike shill cause I say so
The state of /pol
William Moore
>making a mark on a piece of paper is "putting up a fight" to this guy
There's nothing worth fighting for, dipshit.
Ryder Adams
Probably time to ignore him and focus on content here. He's driving us to thread max.
But yes, find a way to support - Find others in your area that agree and start forming the CNP in your area.
James Cook
..and I just made phone calls / emails to 5 people with similar views, they agreed to fill out the form and submit it.
It's a political party.. we're allowed to support them, regardless of views.
Mason Walker
Because glowies and trannies use discord.
Aaron Garcia
bumping fuck tha police
Jordan Morgan
Best of luck to all of you. All the political parties won't save you. PPC is run by libertarians who are pro open borders. CNP is a meme, just check their youtube. Things are going to get very bad here very soon. See Toronto or Vancouver for early stages as well as coming gun grabs and internet censorship, prosecution of Bill Whatcott. Meet some trustworthy lads and get away from cities. God bless.
It's also why we need to abolish the "first past the post" type voting.. it needs to be rounds of voting so your vote never is lost, we just bubble-sort until one candidate is standing.
"There can be only one!"
Nolan Lee
>CPC victory >Pro immigration / pro globalism / socially liberal >not a liberal victory??
William Thomas
>join private chat on signal with the party leader and close members >sucking jew cock, literally complaining how Jewish fake hate crimes "just harm the poor Jews more" >Tell them to study mein kampf and infiltrate military, police, CSIS, etc >say RCMP sucks because they are pozzed and don't do anything useful >get banned by party leader himself because my comments "are not indicative of the party" This party is for legit faggots and retards, dont waste your time.
Parker Sullivan
This. Only pussy ass nigger cucks vote CNP
Zachary Gomez
>nationalists make it to second round >liberal-ndp-cpc normie coalition backed by all the jew media outlets beats out the evil nationalists in the second round. Its gonna be like this all the time. Look at france.
>Actual rights, including Free Speech Lol. Ask any political dissident of they feel they have freedumb of speech. They might not throw you in prison over there but they will ruin your fucking life to the point it would almost be the same to be in prison. And you become enough of a threat they won't even have the decency to say they put you in prison for your beliefs. Instead they will fabricate a bogus accusation of kiddie porn, rape or whatever and use that to put you away for good. Nobody has freedom of speech. We have freedom of saying things that don't risk disrupting the powers that be that's it.
Bentley Williams
however. It ignores the body and goes straight for the soul.The master no longer says: You will think as I do or die. He says: You are free not to think as I do. You may keep your life, your property, and everything else. But from this day forth you shall be as a stranger among us. You will retain your civic privileges, but they will be of no use to you. For if you seek the votes of your fellow citizens, they will withhold them, and if you seek only their esteem, they will feign to refuse even that. You will remain among men, but you will forfeit your rights to humanity. When you approach your fellow creatures, they will shun you as one who is impure. And even those who believe in your innocence will abandon you, lest they, too, be shunned in turn.Go in peace, I will not take your life, but the life I leave you with is worse than death.
Alexis de Tocqueville
Parker Hall
Thoughts on the PPC? Probably voting for them this year.
They will sell all our national assets to the highest bidders (Chinese and Jews). But hey, we get to keep our guns amirite?
Carter Rodriguez
>tfw I met Travis in Ottawa back in February when the Albertans came by with their convoy.
>tfw I encouraged him to get his party official status for the upcoming election.
>tfw I told him about zero-point energy and electromagnetism.
Looking forward to seeing how things progress.
Michael Baker
They seem more reasonable than the other right of center parties. Atleast most of their promises are actually doable.
Xavier Gutierrez
>canadians being "nice" and "polite" is a fucking myth. >They're rude, backstabbing double speak pieces of shit. Exactly. They are nasty, backstabbing cunts.
Nicholas Perez
I've been talking to a lot of people who are going to vote conservative for the exact things that the PPC is promising. I feel that if they get their name out there more they have a chance to take it. Maybe not this year, but if the Conservatives fuck up & don't deliver they basically have it in the bag.
>They don't name the jew, but they speak of "Globalists who live among us and have no real country, but control the banks and media". >So we know who those people are. :) >They want them out of Canada. What do the Jews control in Canada? I never hear about what exactly the Jews are in control of. We know what they control in the U.S., and England in terms of banking, but are Jews also in control of the money and media in Canada?
Jordan Stewart
The only problem I see with the ppc is that wanting to end supply management, which I support bigly, will cost them a big part of the rural boomer vote. who are basically the biggest welfare queens in canada.
Connor Bennett
>Canadian nationalism has been destroyed at its core. A true national identity doesn't exist anymore. 100% agree. And White Euro-Canadians, for the most part, aren't questioning this?
Joshua Nelson
In places like Canada, they are sneakier. Its like in England and France where a lot of them have changed their names to European ones. In the US, a lot of the kike has taken German last names. Canada got a different kind of shipment of kike than the US got so it takes a bit more research to spot them.
Angel Morgan
>Planning to move to NH in the next 5 years or so And how do you expect to get American citizenship or a permanent residency visa?
Brayden Williams
Canadians are gooks
Chase Howard
Being salty that you're not America is a pretty shitty "culture".
Josiah Hughes
>So now we see the JDIF working. Yeah. I think so, too. These filthy kikes are easy to spot on /pol.
>Canada under Trudeau or for that matter any other big 3 parties is fucked. Right. There is not a single party in Canada that isn't pro multicultural, pro Israel and Zionist, SJW, pro mass Third-World immigration, etc. You've heard this before: There are no political solutions at this point.