Red pill me on this story?

Red pill me on this story?

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Other urls found in this thread:\invite\dkujHhf

She murdered her baby

Shameless bump, co.e on Jow Forums some one has to know something! All I can find is liberal media coverage... is the right scared of it?

Ok, how?

No one? Come on Jow Forums are we scared of this story?

Bump I am also looking for some real info.

It is all left wing spin..

By attacking someone who had a gun.

Attached: u_gay.gif (500x535, 281K)

Imagine being so low on the evolutionary totem pole that you try to imitate a ginger to raise yourself up.

Women will ALWAYS have abortions. The only question is whether it'll be save and legal.

That's not even how totem poles work you dumb cracker.

Why the FUCK have you not joined this server yet?\invite\dkujHhf


Yay team speak add... is that a Nigerian flag?

Black skank gets preg

Nigger leaves skank for slut

Skank attacks slut

Slut defends herself with a gun because MURICA

Skank gets thrown in jail for putting her babies life in danger

Justice is served

God bless this country

>Thinks he was talking about an actual Totem Pole
hehe. You're stupid.

Was there any white skanks involved?

All black on black crime, beautiful

Has to be a millennial. They take everything literally


Oh and the baby died, sluts got good aim! Went for the double kill but medics stole the 2nd kill

My reflexes are too fast, I would catch it!

Would you bring your kid to a gun fight?

She basically used her baby as body armor. Next dimensional tech

Pretty much what I gathered after reading several articles. She jumped out of a car and attacked the woman in the parking lot of a dollar general....

I don’t know the details but I guarantee she is guilty of some kind of extreme negligence like playing with a gun or being around some moron who was playing with a gun

>Talk about the baby daddy of her unborn bastard to Other Girl
>Other Girl makes you doubt he really the baby daddy
>This confuses and enrages the sheboonical hominid, making her flail angrily about how he has to be the baby daddy
>Other Girl be like yeah but btw he fuckin on the side too
>Soon-to-be crimestopper attacks Other Girl for such slanderous statements
>Other Girl fears for her life and shoots
>A year or so later in a court of law a jury of her peers has decided that if she had not attacked someone, she would not have been shot therefore the death is on her
>Manslaughter charge because while the intent was not to kill her baby, her own actions directly lead to the death of her baby

>notice spider in my home
>try to smash it
>it bites me
>now I get charged with poisoning myself because clearly the spider acted in self-defense

Maybe not the best example, but yea, it's a weird case for self-defense.

>When the use of deadly force is involved in a self-defense claim, the person must also reasonably believe that their use of deadly force is immediately necessary to prevent the other's infliction of great bodily harm or death.

Hard to argue a pregnant woman (sheboon or not) can pose such a threat. Sure looks like they sentenced her mostly for the irresponsibility of starting the fight in her state. Causality is important in law, but letting the other woman go free, and making it all about the reckless mother-to-be is definitely a statement.

>Notice deadly spider at home.
>Try to smash it with my baby.
>It bites my baby.
>My baby dies.
>Get charged with negligence.

She got an illegal copy of Death Stranding, thats why she's in so much trouble ;^)

od thing the perceprion of the threat is left up to the shooter, assuming no more witnesses.
This is why "I was in fear for my life" Had best be precedded with a frantic expelusion of as many if not all of your rounds from your weapon. Center mass...As single shot to the leg does not demonstrate fear.

>The moment a women has fertilized an egg she is a frail, powerless flower
She was only ~5 months pregnant and was attacking another woman. Its not like Sgt. Bruno Steele gunned down a 9 months pregnant woman for impotently flailing on him

>Walking my dog down the street
>Dog barks at pitbull
>Pitbull attacks me because why not, my dog runs
>State puts my dog down for manslaughter

God bless White America.

>od thing the perceprion of the threat is left up to the shooter

Stokeanon, if it were up to the shooter there would be no investigation.

She was shot 5 times.

That easily displays fear
"I was in fear of my life" Is what the shooter has to say, and unless there arent any other witnesses to counter that...It ALWAYS stands.

The whole issue is that she didn't seek medical treatment, police had to track her down, by which time the baby died.

She knowingly withheld medical treatment from the child, causing it to die, therefore manslaughter

Why the FUCK have you not joined this server yet?\invite\dkujHhf


There's about a long list of ten different types of nigger shit she done that led to her getting arrested and the Left will still defend her because they're retarded

It's messed up. Panic can easily be identified, while any perceived display of control can, at worst, be used against you.

Public perception matters. Even if she's a weapon-grade gorilla, no lawyer would risk looking like a racist misogynist in court for a case like that. In the eyes of "well-mannered citizens" she's a frail woman who needs our protection, until - apparently - she chimps out.

The thing I hate most about niggers isn't even their shitskin complexion or their ape faces. It's the eyes. Those empty, moronic eyes that convey nothing (they look that way even if they are not being mugshot). Truly indicative of their inherent genetic deficiency, I call it the "ape stare".

panic = fear tho. I mean, if you dont do anything to CAUSE another persons panic that may or may not be armed. You see the problem with niggers, even after hundreds of years of hard facts and history...they still all live their life like some rando cant end it in a second...Thats why so many of them get shot.

It belongs in a cage.

End of story

I dont know what that flag is but here in first world countries we dont change our laws to look good for the press. A woman attacked another woman, got shot for it, her baby died as a direct result of her own actions and she is being charged for it. That doesnt change because of scathing headlines and a 3 minute bit on the colbert report

she got orange hair color from her local store and colored her hair.
t. color expert
had to color the hair of my former gf every week.

Um...great addition to the discussion hans...Yeah, youre right, she she did put orange color in her insight...

always happy to help

Child endangerment.
The point is to push in court whether a fetus counts as a child in this case.

Pretty much all first world countries use the same legal foundations, for one. The Brits gave you roman law and Enlightenment philosophy, and it's the same thing the rest of Europe built their legal systems on. Yet, noone is talking about changing any laws. Self-defense has a high bar, otherwise your trans-wife could kill you every time you touch her and claim it (not that feminists wouldn't want that changed for ugly men anyways).
My point was that being attacked by a 5-months pregnant woman would normally raise that self-defense bar, because it'd be assumed that no one in their right mind would want to harm an expecting woman. Just imagine trying to claim self-defense if the shooter was a man to get my point.

Or can you shoot a child if they attack you?

Shooting a child would likely be considered unreasonable force, unless the circumstances really speak for you.

Rent free..

>Just imagine trying to claim self-defense if the shooter was a man to get my point.
Fuck right I forgot the clause "if the victim had a penis then hes at fault for not using his SEALs training to take down the woman with a vulcan neck grip" that you guys have over in wherever you are. Since thats not what happened here would you like to stay in reality for a little longer or should we start hypothesizing if it were a knife instead of a gun or if she were getting ground pounded in grass instead of the sidewalk?

This is why killing your attacker is always ALWAYS preferable to not. Because then it literally is your word against theirs.
"I was in fear of my life"

Ignoring the actual point, desperately looking for something to be outraged over. Take a break, dude. The one who isn't in reality here sure isn't me.

>Ignoring the actual event that occured, desperately looking for something to be outraged over

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