After watching last night's debate, I realised that the future of America is brown, queer, and progressive...

After watching last night's debate, I realised that the future of America is brown, queer, and progressive. ¡Adiós América!

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Other urls found in this thread:\invite\dkujHhf

whiter than you mohammed

the future is biden...actually it's trump. brown, queer, and progressive.

moving to canada right now.

Wrong. Spics love trump because they all think they are white. Half of the proud boys are non-white now. The future is brown and civ nasty.

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Can you redpill spics and civilize to some extent or are they too shitty and irredeemable? If you can't beat them, you might as well join them. I mean America is going to turn spic pretty soon (especially in light of the current trajectory of the DNC), so you might as well try to civilize them filthy indios. That's probably a bit unrealistic, but that's probably the best chance America has got at the moment. Probably just a fantasy on my part, but I'm thinking spics are still preferable to niggers...

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>Can you redpill spics and civilize to some extent

They naturally take to strong man leadership but struggle with democracy. Its why they love trump.

>I'm thinking spics are still preferable to niggers...

of course. that is common knowledge

Your pic is literally trumps base; Boomers

can't be true, in 1965 they promised that the ethnic mix of the united states would not be upset by the implementation of the hart celler act.

The south will never give up our guns and that is all that matters. Things will never be too bad in rural Dixie/Texas. It is y’alls fault for being Yankees/city fags

They totally are

In florida trump is worshipped as a god everywhere besides Broward county (new york boomers, fags and niggers).

The orlando trump rally had 100,000 people show up. The democrats struggled to even sell out the debate.

Broward county is a sketchy fucking place, no way will I ever step foot there

Pretty much. Once Texas goes blue. That’ll be the acceleration

Futura is La Creatura!

Thats yours as well leaf.

Yeah, I mean it is very likely America is going to turn into a brown country, but it could still remain a fairly prosperous country with some kind of authoritarian power structure. Maybe America isn't doomed after all, but it's definitely not going to remain white. Maybe the right course of action is to ally with spics to overthrow your government and lynch your traitors. If open border policies are openly on the table at the moment, it means a massive influx of spics and a dramatic demographic shift. I wonder if you could use it to your advantage and form some alliance with spics. Ninety-percent white America is gone and it's not coming back.

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I reread some history on women's suffrage and desegregation yesterday after that shitshow. It really cements that I want to see this country violently fall, fucking God damn white race sold itself out and they should be exterminated for it

Only if they look like spice in the pic related, not nigger spic or indio spic are civilizable desu.

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If spics allied as hypernationalists and unabashed nigger haters I'd take this deal

just as long as white liberals get camped

In every south american country white supremacy is just accepted as natural law. Its why all their governments and celebrities are white.

America will just become like that.

In addition, the growing latin population is displacing ancient black populations which produce nothing besides crime.

>If spics allied as hypernationalists and unabashed nigger haters I'd take this deal
Yeah, exactly. My point is spics are a fairly malleable and vague demographic. Some of them are more or less white and their human value is directly proportionate to their white genetic heritage, so it means also taking in some spics, who are more or less white, hence passable. I mean you could theoretically ally with elite white spics and topple the government in its current form. Once you take charge of your own country and institute some kind of authoritarian regime, you could easily keep them nigger spics and your vanilla niggers in check without the usual democratic limitations. Just a thought I suppose.

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>democratic limitations

The only problem is that many of the Mexicans who came in the past few decades were the absolute lowest class of people in the country, and now it is Central Americans who are the same. The original Mexicans that became American weren’t that bad in my opinion. I think the best course of option is to try to make Mexico a part of America and wipe out the cartels then deport any wetbacks that came from Central America back to their country (whether they came to Mexico or the states) now this will only happen if we go super far right

Not even that, they are more likely to die out on their own without governmental intervention and social programs. Just put them in segregation camps and as long as these spic countries don't implement overly socialist policies rewarding single mothers and other dystopian pathologies with a view to promoting degeneracy and expanding welfare state, you should be okay.

As for white brainwashed liberals, yeah, they should get purged probably, there are beyond salvation at this point.

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>white liberals left alone to starve to death while they wait for the state bread trucks that never come


Yeah, but this is something that simply has to be considered by right-wing groups in America. It's still conspicuous to promote ethnic loyalty and things of that nature, but whites alone won't bring about order and prosperity, you also need to cooperate with white spics to achieve that. Nigger spics and indios are a definite problem that has to be dealt with, but you have to simply forward-thinking about your prospects and your only long-term solution seems to be some white-hispanic alliance that will finally bring peace and order. You have to redpill humane white spics in order to deal with spic scum.

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Go use more krokodil retard poleshit

Literally no one uses krokodil in Poland, you fucking retard.

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How do I become an Amerifatt?

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Looks like your country is getting brazilified. In 10 years you will see horrors never imagined by any medieval writer that tried to describe hell.

>how does a farmer become his cattle

It’s better than having Muslims or blacks. But not by much. The problem is spic gangs are particularly organized and ruthless.

Spics loved Reagan too, that’s why the entirety of California went blue. You’re an idiot

Why the FUCK have you not joined this server yet?\invite\dkujHhf


because an indian is posting it

Oddly enough this is pretty true to an extent
Even weirder is seeing the spics go happy for Trump.
I guess some Cubans are white

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hispanics are already being considered white. "white hispanic" or "native hispanic" are your options on the census, which defines the demographics.
americas white population is probably only 10% of original settlers. the rest is german, irish, italian, etc that have blended in. it will be the exactly the same 50 years from now, hispanics will just be fully integrated.
and then maybe we'll be worried about immigration from russia or fuck knows where. hell there's only so many people in mexico.

you're a degenerate

Cept non of those people will ever be president

Spics will never be integrated, just because the average white person still doesn’t consider them as such. The Census is fucked up in general, especially since they consider Arabs to be “European” as well. Even leftist whites don’t view Hispanics as European. Let alone conservative ones. What will actually happen is that the Southern parts of the US will become like Brazil where blacks and hispanics will live in one pile of mush.

Go use more krokodil retard poleshit

that's what they said about the irish and italian

Yeah right as if I'll ever consider any fucker from Latin America to be pure white.
The only way you'll convince that you're fully white is telling me when your ancestors came from Europe to the New World. The more recent the more I'll believe you to be white

>Soi Blanco

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Irish and Italians were already European and integrated pretty early unlike most immigrants. Spics have been around for fifty years and have no signs of integrated. In fact, some parts of the country have become more spanish. Especially California and Texas. European Americans in the future will probably have a mass exodus to the Northern states while Hispanics are left behind. Nowhere in America history was Italian and German ever spoken in such a large number as Spanish is.

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Go back to Jow Forums.

pick one.

Stay mad my dude

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their debates actually gave me the passion to oppose the so called democratic party till the day I die

they're not americans, and they're scum

No amount of Microsoft paint memes will change the fact that I'm White.
Suck my cock Jow Forumslet.