Wtf @ Ben Affleck

Have you seen this?

Attached: 20190629_001208.jpg (1080x773, 261K)

>Wtf @

nothing says newsummerfaggotry more than posting a 5 year old clip and expecting discussion to ensue.

Have you seen it or not, Ahmed

نعم لدي

I'm not translating that, kikeslave

Attached: Jewish Spainiards Aided Moors Toledo.jpg (1396x2879, 840K)

Slid thread, memeflag shill.

yes, this was viral when it happened in what 2015? 18+ kid

1. This isn't a meme.
2. The only person behind a memeflag anyone should worry about is a filthy kike like you.
3. Kill yourself.

>author, waking up

guy looks like he's about to hit concrete and never wake up again.

>7 million
Faggot detected.

there were other videos at the time with different youtubers making vids on it that did millions of views too you inbred child

>Nazi memeflag shilling a jewtube video featuring jews talking to other jews.
Ben Affleck, Sam Harris and Bill Maher aren't white = I don't care

STFU you cunt this video is like 8 years old

Attached: mfw they are insulting the prophet.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)


go to bed Sam, this isnt 2015 anymore, no one listens to you anymore

You're 5 years too late newfag.

how new are you?

>Hello darkness, my old friend

Yea, I'm Sam Harris shilling my Bill Maher video on Jow Forums for reasons.

>a leaf

>t. Mudslime

As-salamu alaykum newfriend, lurk moar. Ben Bin-Sawami Fasr Al-Fliqq has been a topic of shitposting for years now.

Attached: 1421202909135.jpg (711x711, 151K)

>i'm the only guy on this board who hasn't seen Ben Affleck suck Muslim dick on Bill Maher
Why are you "people" so dishonest?

Attached: 20190421_185547.jpg (1080x1440, 436K)

but for real though, you have to be 18 to post here

That's Sheikh Bin Al-Fleck

Please do not bulli him

god you're autistic. just accept you're a newfag and move on. sage.

ITT: boomer OP finds a video on the internet and can't read the date when it was posted

You have to be 18 to post here

We memes it here long ago with pics of Benwari Al-Affleck screaming "Islam"
Sorry you weren't here for that, or rather I'm sorry you came here at all memeflaggot.