Fucking based middle eastern religion telling you to take in foreigners
>inb4 you're interpreting it wrong
Fucking based middle eastern religion telling you to take in foreigners
Would you look at that. Middle Eastern religion telling Jews in their community to stop being troublemakers.
That’s a poor translation. A real Bible has the word “sojourning” aka traveling. The Bible is very clear that when foreigners invade your lands they are to be killed.
Man I guess you're right. Guess we gotta open Israel's borders now, such a shame.
ALL white men (and thus white women) are National Socialist Agnostics!
no Abrahamic religion will ever be practiced by our people or within our lands after the National Socialist Revolution
just shut the fuck up already christcucks.
this is bait but even if that's translated correctly it says to not be a dick to people already here not to go to other countries and actively bring them in
this is some of the worst cope I've seen on this autistic board
Do you agree that a man should not lay with another man?
Do you agree that women should not have positions of authority and should remain quiet?