When your former presidents tell you that you've had a leader installed

You need to listen user


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jimmy carter is the reason a agressive regime is in power over in iran.

Wow a Democrat pushing the preeminent Democrat conspiracy theory during an election year.

Truly mind blowing.

It's not a conspiracy it's been proven kid

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The left keeps repeating the Russia thing like repetition makes it true. A few Facebook posts isn’t “interference”

Well, sure... if you take the words of Vox over the FBI.

All you have to do is look at the resulting effect to respective countries - US not only didnt lift sanctions but implemented more sanctions against Russia. Meanwhile it has done everything in favor of Israel, besides attacking Iran (yet).
So much for a 'russian-backed' president.

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When your former CIA puppet tells you the current leader is not a CIA puppet, he probably isn't.

>it's been proven
Evidence provided: 0
Amount spent on Facebook adds: $160,000
Amount spent on investigation of same adds: $26 million
Amount spent by Israel influencing the election: $?
Amount Saudi Arabia contributed to Hillary's campaign: $?

Seriously fuck right off and die already.

That's how the Big Lie works, kiddo.

Sage pic related.
Google censorship is the issue they are sliding.

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Proven?? Lay out the evidence, then.
1. DNC never gave their *hacked* server to the FBI. Instead they let Crowdstrike do the investigation, who then told the FBI they 'suspected' it was a Russian hack.
2. No proof has EVER been presented that Russia gave the DNC/Podesta emails to WikiLeaks
3. Facebook ads never changed anyone's minds about anything at any time.
4. Every *Russian* spy that met with Trump campaign people, Josef Mifsud, Alexander Downer, Stephan Halper, all turned out to be FBI/CIA agents.

every leader back to the 60s is a kike puppet so whore cares what this kike puppet says

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Peanut farmer...

Stupid senile old fuck is two years too late for muh russia

when installed leaders say someone was installed, you know he wasn't installed

>Democrat spreads democratic propaganda
I wonder why President Carter would say such things...

>he only won because his opponents lies were exposed

Cuz he is angry Trump didnt give him a role in his administration like he was trying

It does make it true in the sense that gaslighting really does work

Maybe the left literally believes words have magic powers... they have always pushed the idea of the pen is mightier than the sword... who knows


>when you think Palestinians honestly just want a little space, but US elections are rigged by the right

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Which one of you clowns made this?

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>on his behalf
I love it. Russia tried to sabotage both camp. Only the dems were stupid enough to call for their shit.