High IQ = Unassertive

Why does high IQ correlate so much with beta-ness? Why does it correlate with lack of assertiveness and leadership?

Look at Andrew Yang last night. He's clearly very smart, but like other smart people, they just bend at the first sign of pressure.

Why does being high IQ make you such a pussy-ass bitch? It seems to make you timid, weak, nervous, and afraid.

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High IQ = People can't understand you
People can't understand you = There is no purpose in trying to communicate with them
Not communicating with people = Terrible speaking skills
Terrible speaking skills = Even harder to explain something to people

That's why.
The perfect IQ is between 100 and 120. I have 107

Cuz these nerds spend most of their time reading and no socializing, social skills matter, travelling alone matters, you learn money and man management from it.

Because we lost our culture of wild west shoot outs

Democracy is shit. Plato knew that it would only lead to moderate IQ but highly charismatic psychopaths getting power over nerds that will lead us to space.

His mic was off, he would've spoken if it was on.

He needs to step up his assertiveness. Ride the robot-revolution memes, possibly pull the Asian-race card because boy howdy does that work in politics and play up to emotions.

Despite being analytical and logical, Yang isn't really appealing to the soul. People want emotional responses in politics. I.E. Kamala Harris pulled the race/vagina card and stood out against evil-Joe-Biden in the debate.

Yang needs more of that, tho it doesn't help MSNBC cut his mic. He needed more flowery responses and to make more of a ruckus.

it's not true. you can be smart and be chad, but people who are """smart""" are usually coming from STEM shit which makes them pussies.

also congrats to

There is some truth to this. However its obviously good to keep alot of high IQ people around, and most importantly, aligned with your views. They do after all come up with the most beautiful and creative ways of disposing of the low IQ peoples in times of need.

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based normie

his mic was muted it was rigged against him
the dems are afraid of the yang gang

High IQ people don't have to resort to force to solve problems and improve their lives so they don't get any practice

High IQ people are also likely properly socialized and capable of learning manners. I wouldnt be able to be up on the debate stage talking over like 3 other people, its rude.

>travelling alone matters, you learn money and man management from it.
What the fuck are you talking about currynigger

i think you're missing the real question here:
why did Andrew Yang win despite talking the least?
it's almost as though people don't like loudmouth jackasses, and like cool guys who promise to give them $1000 every single month.

Attached: winner.png (760x547, 398K)


He's not as unassertive as you'd think, his mic was muted while the rest of the democrats were allowed to squabble endlessly. The debate was rigged

Because asian not IQ. OP is faggy boi

Why cant debates be among high IQ people ? why high IQ people need to lower themselves to the chimp level ?

low iq people shouldnt even be able to vote

In politics you have to have a talent to manipulate people emotions especially in this age of femininity. People don't care about reason and logic.

Yeah, but Asians are higher IQ, on average, than whites. And whites are higher IQ, on average, than blacks.

Asians are more pussy than whites, and whites are more pussy than blacks. It correlates.

President Trump's no dummy, not at all. He understands that to be effective you use simple words an 11th grader can understand and repeat them, over-and-over.
So the joke's on us.
"The law is what is forcefully presented and plausibly maintained." Aaron Burrreeeeeeeeee

he needs to go into kamikaze mode next time

His EQ is terrible. IQ only tests for very specific things, EQ is way more important.

The guy is socially retarded, end of story.

FPBP and chequed

>brainlet: the post

Because you have to think shit through instead of simply reacting.
Anyone introverted with a high IQ can easily learn to be more assertive, aggressive and dominant though.
Really, you just have to stop giving a fuck what other people think.

Because chimps can vote.