I am consumed by utter disgust with everything. The behaviour and mindset of normalfags is astonishing. Instead of the ragefuel that this post modern neoliberal hellscape once elicited from me, I now sneer in derision and have a sort of perverse joy/schadenfreude at the interaction of normalfags with progressive ideals. Has this happened to you?
>Is this this the final pill?

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Other urls found in this thread:


A guy drives his girlfriends car and whenever he does he comes home at around 2am parks outside my window and then locks his car with his key fab as he walks away. I have told him about it even tho I was asleep yelling. Today he is getting his ass whooped.

you gunna film and post on zoomertube?

I don’t think so. It’s crazy because I left the most polite note on the car when normally you would flip out. I went all how to win friends and influence people. It worked on his girlfriend she never honks the horn when she locks her car. But it didn’t work on him he honks extra now just to do it. Because of that I was considering doing a murder but rn I don’t know what will happen. I feel terrible so I took a day off work and I am just waiting for him to come out. He ignored me last time but this time I will at least curb stomp him.

You should do a shit on his chest as a cherry on top

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I wonder what percentage of people are actually human
As in they have intelligence, empathy and truth seeking personality

ha, I am in a similar boat, I always imagined that it must be quite a weird thing, to try to get a mindset that no longer exists in the modern world, through books, and through internet frens. And then to apply it.

Because the logics, and the proofs all make sense. We see small traces in our elders, in other cultures (like islam) or in other nations (like the slav nations) as to how men used to be. We see traces of this past, healthy world, that was denied to us everywhere.

And it enrages us doesnt it? To think that we have been deprived basic happiness, and basic healthy mental functioning, in favor of this deranged, leftist, jew nightmare. And whats worse, every person you will meet who is of your age, will try to drag you down with them, like the crabs in the buckets that they are.

At some days, for that reason I ponder, was it actually not a good thing that we found the chans and spend our youths here? We were shielded from very toxic "development" and tried to build ourselves up with non toxic means. And as we return to reality, we become increasingly angry.

I have read quite a lot of books from robert greene, he details quite a few good ways of using their passive aggressive, but also other means of dealing with these fucking shitbags. AND I AM USING ALL OF THEM. I WISH TO SEE THESE FUCKING CUNTS BE AS MISERABLE AS POSSIBLE. I wish the destruction of the jew, the lefty, and the degenerate. And by god, il even join islam if it was legal to kill these people, through that means.

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Is that Joe Rogan?

I read this and now I cannot unsee the herd mentality when I observe society. The masses seem incapable of self actualisation. They are like hedonistic pleasure sponges existing to maximise utility/material pleasures.

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>good thing that we found the chans and spend our youths here? We were shielded from very toxic "development" and tried to build ourselves up with non toxic means
Ive been here since I was 12 in 2007
I wouldnt call the rampant gore CP beastiality etc that used to be extremely commonplace nontoxic
just a different compound of toxins

Really thats all capitalism is about. Selling gizmos to retards to they can keep spinning the hamsterwheel that fuels your abusive profit machine.

Profit is then used to get blown on yachts instead of invent items or ideals to sustain or push foreward the human race. Nope, no clean fuel for you, I gotta snort some coke and get blown on a yacht.

ha, good point yea, but we have escaped this poison havent we? I have been on noporn for over a year now. I have been on Jow Forums for over 6 years now I think, my diet is pretty good, otherwise I have no other ailments, and degens of sorts. And this kind of program is being enforced a bit isnt it? Basically only real life, right wing sports groups are like us these days. We have been kinda shitty in the past, then stopped being shitty, and are now racing ahead. While also bringing in a younger generation of those who wont have to tread through the toxicity of the internets.

If we cannot find these right wing sports groups locally, is it not reasonable then not to have normie friends? If you cannot share your deepest philosophical outlooks with them, as we can here, doesnt that automatically make them non friends?

>read robert greene
>have a mindset that no longer exists

You must be the parallel string theory version of myself slipping through an inter-dimensional gate posting on this gay hentai board. I have just finished reading Mastery kek.

The worst part of it all is as you say, seeing the faint traces and remnants of an age gone by. When I speak to some of the older folks then look at the state of society, it feels as if western civilisation is like the ruins of the Acropolis; a dusty plain with just a carcass as a reminder of what once was. And all you get a taste of you wage cuck goy is the ghost of the old world, wailing for all the blood and sacrifice lost. Something has been stolen from us.

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Okay.. anti climactic update: the girlfriend came out and silently got in the car and drove away. Since it was her I didn’t say anything. I was actually hoping to see him come out and then read some type of hostile body language to get another layer of confirmation that it’s him honking the horn then I would come out and kick ass. But since it was her I let it go. But I am considering stay up tonight and doing a stake out. I know this sounds like really small shit but 2am is when rem sleep starts to happen and jeez this douche is fucking me up for no reason. Whoever is doing this HAS to her handicapped for life

>right wing sports groups
What world are you living in?

hit her up and cuck him.

This might be the move.

I fucking hate that shit, why the fuck does the car need to honk to let you know it is locked? Just flash a light. I have programmed mine not to honk when I do that in the menu, and every one that can should do that

Ask the girl REALLY nicely to intervene with him, ask him to stop doing it because it's upsetting and stops you sleeping, ruins your entire day yada yada

He will feel very threatened by you talking to her and may put you in a self defence situation

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I know right! When I left the note: I researched their car and found out how to turn the horn off, and I wrote how to do it on the note. I believe she followed the instructions and did it.
Also I do not have absolute 100% verification that it is him I just remember one time he honked at 1am when I was set to wake up at 4am and I was just asleep yelling at him like a crazy man and he was only about 15’ away from me but he pretended I didn’t exist and then he ended up honking that horn 3 more times.
The sad thing is that with all these new cars there are several soul less retards like OP mentioned who honk the horn everytime they lock their car

I asked my retard neighbor to stop bumping his speakersystem for 13 hrs a day even when he leaves his home for hours with it still on. O I asked real nice and gave him a gift.

You know what the nigger did? Turned it up louder. Started harassing me on the street.

Police wont do shit. Now I have tinnitus.

Murder is the only option.

This one would be good too. This is probably the best way to go. Then mix in cucking him later because a direct cuck now wouldn’t work

Honestly I believe murder really is the only option. Crazy right.

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I spoke to some 90 year old guy who described spending his childhood swimming in the canals with his friends. If you fell in one of those se canals today it would warrant a visit to the hospital and several booster shots.

Its not crazy. Sue him and he will likely just break code. He has no assets so he is essentially courtproof. Bullies only back down when they get their shit handed to them.

You're kind of describing my exact feelings. Disgust is the perfect world. I look at leftists and clown world the same I look at expired milk or an overfilled porta potty. I watched my hometown destroyed and I had my career destroyed. But now years later and in my mid-30s, it made me stronger. Taking the redpill did make me stronger because it made me self-sufficent and immune to this bullshit. Now when I read rage fuel posts or when I see leftists eating their own, I just feel somewhat amused but indifferent since this is just math and chemistry at this point.

Leftists will destroy everything and everyone they touch at the behest of their masters. The world is controlled by globalists Jews who was to destroy the American middle class and Western civilization. But I just expect this stuff now and am busy with my own life.

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You cannot change the minds of the avergae joe, it is near impossible to show them the decay. People must come to the realisation on their own. Unfortunately the masses can only see what they can see. They are bonded and socialised for hedonism - and the fact that so many are unable to perceive their own spiritual death is the source of my disgust, probably.

Immunising yourself from progressive ideology/victimhood culture seems to be the spiritual journey of the current age. Perhaps the ones that choose not to participate in the mainstream are the modern day Bhoddi Sattvas.

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We never really get to fight in society and we are always looking for other ways. But I have been working out for a while and studying MMA. I played football, honestly I do know how to fight not fake like somebody that thinks they can fight. So I will have to enjoy this. I know for a fact I will win just from the first time I saw him so I will enjoy hurting him.

>>Is this this the final pill?
no. you will get bored of this and want to build something meaningful in your life, either that or kys


in the same as this one, there are also right wing MMA groups scattered all over the slavic nations. Same mission statement as ours, same goals and desires as well. The fact that we can make this thread and get (you)'s is a testament that we exist, and that if we lived near one another, we could be frens.

ha, jewtube has pruned it


You contemplating donning black face and going 13/50 on him anyways?

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even has a whole range of activities involved, if this was local to me I would join in a heartbeat and never look back to the norm world lol


He's going to hell for that. But I'd just place some nails to fuck all 4 tyres up when he starts the car. And a sign, "thanks for stop using the key fab!"

the untermensche really exists it seems.


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Your neighbor is a drug dealer.

I find the normalfags behavior mostly incomprensible. I recently witnessed two normalfags battle eachother over a parking space. It took only moments for the normalfags to begin hitting eachother, over a small patch of asphalt. I did not count, but there were easily two dozen open parking spots very nearby. Imagine coming to blows over a tiny patch of land that doesn't even belong to you. These normalfags got out of their debt purchased SUVs and duked it out. I wonder if they felt like real men? Later they will brag to their cum receptacles about what big men they are. A police officer had to take time out of his day to basically babysit these two obese infants while they argued over who really was the biggest faggot that day.

I used to hate things like alcohol and cigarettes, but now I seem them for what they really are. Rat poison.

>go outside
>"we like niggers they are so equal to us" t 95% of the people
>"hehe, marijuana is funney, tis good and its good for you sleepah" t 70% of the people
>"booze is good and nice and you should do it too" t 98% of the people

whenever I go outside, these three things alone disgust me, not to mention the hundreds others. What a horrible degenerate society we must live in here in the west. Oft I sincerely hope that a deity of sorts finally puts them to a horrible end, I would rather that these vermin just vanish one day and leave me alone lol, christ just fuck off this planet.

Yes, this is what has happened to me as well. I scroll through my YT subscriptions and all the outrage titles/fucked up situations happening and I simply just do not get angry at it all anymore. The stage is set, the globohomo masters have arranged their chess pieces perfectly and I am here waiting in anticipation for the checkmate. I just don't see the masses as worth the fight. I am desensitized to the cultural destruction and just getting on with improving my life.

You made me think. Maybe I should just move.
You can’t move forever tho. Sometimes you do have to fight. It wasn’t about the parking spot it was about the principle. It’s insane that people seem to act out just so they can get a you from someone, anyone.
I tell you 5 minutes ago a nog rolled up and proudly took out his key fab and pressed that horn honker button with pride. Sure it’s noon now, but.

welcome to Accelerationism.

i am considering trying to start a social movement for black lives matter where I try to get them to honk with their keyfab as a symbol of resistance

He absolutely is. And get this. He got the house from his dead mothers inheritence. The idiot "served drinks" in a nightclub for 40 years and claims he knows crazy people, has been to prison and has a "good lawyer" and the only reason I know this is after he yells all this shit to me on the street with no provocation.

Also he doesnt have a liscense as hes always asking for rides.

3 years ago they build sportplace right near my window. From that time I can't proper sleep at home. Degenerates all night listening rap. No one cares, not even police. Fuck.

>Now I have tinnitus.
Raaaaageeee. Me too. Damn it.

Consumerism is the perfect way to exterminate the normalfaggot. Give them their lottery tickets, and their drugs. Give them their corn syrup and nuggies. I want Coca Cola products in every normalfaggot household. They are no different from animals, and they will consume and consume until their hearts burst. Only those who can see the consumerism for what it really is have earned the right to live, for they are the actual humans. The rest are just cattle, to be milked before the slaughter.

I hear you. Yesterday I wrote a letter to Ford and told them my situation with the 1-2am key fab guy.
Today I wrote a letter to the ceo of the company that puts gay billboards in my neighborhood. I wonder if these people think like you.

I would smash up his car

Thing you have to think is he obviously enjoys knowing it's making you mad. I'm so cautious about throwing hands now after nearly catching a charge and life would be so fucking hard with an assault on my record. The only thing you can do is be assertive and take that first punch so it's self defence, if you're raging towards him and anyone sees they'll paint you as the aggressor regardless. Be clever about it if you do.

Stay mad, wagie faggot

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Islam is the final red pill.

>Whytees aren't allowed to fight in the uk
>you can't shitpost on the internet youtube.com/watch?v=PoctNo-lHHM
>approaching india/china levels of pop density
>no expression of dissnet/rebellion allowed
>'give lip' to the nonces in blue and you get arrested for breaching the peace
>not being a paki

at this point what does the UK have going for it?