He's going to beat Trump isn't he?

He's going to beat Trump isn't he?

Attached: 1kmf6b.jpg (2000x1000, 395K)

>Free healthcare for all.
>repeat this 9000 times
>be president


No, nobody's beating Trump

He lost the last debate against Harris and Buttigieg. Hes not making it. Hes in third place right now.

Only Yang can defeat Trump. Unironically.

aha he wouldnt even live through the first term

Yang is a cuck and is in dead last right now.

no, he's fucking insane.

>He's going to beat Trump isn't he?
If he does, it shows the jews are in the final phase of their plans.
For a Communist, anti-White Jew to openly be president?
That would show they aren't afraid of the negative opinions of Jews anymore because they have enough control to silence dissent.