Climate change isn't re-

>climate change isn't re-

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Lmao fuck Europe

Thats right, the climate doesn't exist and it never changes.

>weather happened
>therefore, give all your rights, money and votes to Liberals
Fuck off you shill.

In America we have something called air conditioning. Niggers dropping like flies in France.

>Import North Africa, including weather
GG France.

It isn't but polar shift and sun ramping up in heating capabilities is

>Ignores carbon emissions/ the word of 97% of all scientists

Trailer trash

>middle of summer
>feels like summer
>acts like summer
>but really its not and you should pay china billions to stop it


>climate change has been politicized
>it's career suicide to question climate change

Climate change is real - it should be encouraged and accelerated as much as possible.

You dumb fuck.

Attached: (You).jpg (500x667, 82K)

It is career suicide because our whole species will die out lol. If you deny the facts you look like an ignorant fuck, and will get laughed at

>stupid fucking conservative climate change deniers, one cold day and they say it's a scam.
>look you stupid fucking conservative climate change deniers it was hot out today, fucking give me money for my foundation and it will fix it.

actually it is possible to calculate ocean average temperature from carbonatic rocks and shells

>trusting the word of scientists
>the biggest ass kissing, welfare monkeys that exist that will say the moon comes out of your ass if you'll give them $5
Naive retard. Read a book

>believe scientists
Hah imagine being this cuck.

There was a point in time where about 100% of scientists believed the sun went around the earth, Consensus =/= Truth

>air conditioning for a max of 10 days a year
Yeah no fuck off, I prefer everybody to die.

>our whole species will die out lol.

Attached: DXXsStBVAAA_TM2.jpg (480x270, 23K)

We want you niggers to die out. Adapt or die.

Attached: starvin_marvin.jpg (93x125, 2K)

>It is career suicide because our whole species will die out lol.
And how many times was the human species supposed to be extinct already?

>If you deny the facts you look like an ignorant fuck, and will get laughed at
Funny how you solve "global warming" we need to...
...give up our rights to the government.
...give up our money to the government.
...grow the size of government.
...only vote for the Liberal/Socialist political parties.

Seems like global warming is in reality a ruse meant to put Liberals in power.

It’s summer and it was 50 degrees last week where I live. Global warming is hitting hard

imagine being so stupid that you think the climate isn't always in a state of flux, that it's never been static or stable, that iceages are a myth and that solar activity and other phenomena have no impact... Imagine thinking that only man has the power to impact the climate, only the activities of one species is able to have any kind of effect on global temperatures.

>Our whole species will die out
No. Even under the most extreme predictions, humanity would just move towards the poles. A lot of third worlders would die. The world won't become uninhabitable.

> hottest day recorded ever
> have only been able to accurately record temp data for a century
> earth billions of years old

Runnnnn forrrrrr theeeee hillllllllsssssss.....
Ruunnnn forrrr yourrrrr livessssss

Democrats are a doomsday cult.

Attached: the-end-is-nigh.jpg (400x400, 97K)

At beach in morning/evening durig day in a/c laughing at dumb tourists. Its not so bad and my part is most red on the map.

>tfw my new daikon air conditioner suffer because there are 40 C outside

Fuck this gay shit I’m melting here with 70% humidity

It's funny because in Vancouver today, it's raining and I'm wearing a jacket.

>carbonatic rocks and shells
Look at this 56% mutt trying to look big with his fancy words

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Attached: globalwarmingneedstohappen.jpg (500x701, 135K)

Get a dehumidifier then

>in history
lmao slow news friday clickbait

But the issue is that we are accelerating the climate to its doom at an alarming rate. But I guess most Americans don't care about that extra time, seeing as they can't even eat a proper diet to give themselves some more time to live. These fat diabetic fucks know they will die early, so they just ignore this issue.

In 1 week its gonna be comfy again, talked to some ancient grandma and she was telling me of some old probably pre christian dates that always claim its hot this time of year if it rains on certain date and shes old agricultural family so they relied on that shit more than anything, she wasnt surprised at all, knew in advance it would be hot 10 days.

French turds exploding! Move Sun lever to half-power.

Attached: sun.jpg (236x276, 21K)

>But the issue is that we are accelerating the climate to its doom at an alarming rate.
According to Liberals that want more government control over people.

...Who have been saying that we're going to die since the 70s.

>middle of summer
>it's hot out
Man, climate change.

The only real position on climate change is we have 12 years left and then BOOM!

The dehumidifier works fine, it’s the machine that can’t reach the temperature I set for the room (26C) because outside there are 40C.

I have a dry and slightly cooled room (it sits at 27.8 degrees) and without AC it’d be like 32 C hot.

Why are you surprised that literally no one cares about the future in a universe stripped of meaning and objective truth? Fuck the future. Abortions are good. Fuck literally anything your dick fits into. Drugs and free college now. I just want to have fun.

Don’t call it a grave, this is the world you chose.

Get a window unit they're like $100. Or are you too poor for that? Lmao

Lamo imagine being so poor in you can't even afford a window unit. Get fucked cheese faggots.

>owning a fire extinguisher for a max of 2 fires per life

Climate is a social construct

>mass extinction never happened in billions of years
Denier logic lads

When it's the coldest day ever recorded...
they say it is climate change...
caused by the white supremacist patriarchy.



More on this exploding manure

And yet the temperature rises

Useful idiot

Yurop can become a fucking uranium dump for Chinese waste for all i care

>Still not as hot as the 50's

>be me
>work from home
>98 F outside
>AC set to 60
>wearing a hoodie and slippers
>still kinda chilly
I love being a white person

>people paid to tell you X tell you X.
Shocking stuff.

melting baguettes

You can thank the kikes who spray shit in the atmosphere to dissolve the clouds so that jewgle and the CIA can spy on you from satellites

Result of major cataclysm we haven't seen the results of the slow burn of emissions yet. Besides most people respond to action better. I'll buy in when they abandon meme renewables and go all in nuclear and I see a massive sell off of expensive private islands and coastal properties.

>i can ignore anything people say as long as i claim they were paid to say it
Gravity is actually just a hoax and the earth is just accelerating upwards, anyone who says otherwise is just being paid to


They mean hottest day on record. The record is about 150 years.

Thats irrellevant. Its stupid to base any such decisions on such a small sampling of data.

>such a small sampling of data.
What do you mean

The high in paris was 32 degrees c today. That's not particularly hot at all.

It was 45C earlier

>increase population density of Europe over the past decade and a half, with Africans who get free access to all kinds of shit
>wow, these carbon emissions are higher now

Just tell me where to drop off the briefcase full of cash. Bribing the weather seems to be how this works.

>97% of all scientists
I hope you are not referring to that skeptical science collaboration that took papers that THEY (not self identified by the researcher) thought were for or against anthropogenic change, took 33%yay/34% total stance (1% being nay) and got 97%, leaving 66% of the papers unaccounted for. And then taking the number of papers fallaciously at 97% and attributing them to percentage of scientists. (I think it was Obama that did that first but I could be wrong on the origin). That 97%?

It's pretty consistent user

Attached: Cook_et_al._(2016)_Studies_consensus.jpg (1920x1080, 215K)

it's beautiful here in socal.
fuck off.

No it didn't. It got that hot in south france.

were they done in the same fashion?

>one hot day
>shill climate change

now i will definitely believe this

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history of earth > human history

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Send me (non-media) links, I want their exact methods (always the rub).

All those studies say is some amount of warming is caused by human activity, not ALL of warming is caused by human activity or even 1% of warming is caused by human activity.
There's a summary of each of the papers at "Surveys of scientists and scientific literature"

This still doesn't 97% of SCIENTISTS. Not to mention I would like to know their methods like as I pointed out with (cook) being disingenuous.

Actually they all ask if the papers and scientists believe it is primarily anthropogenic

Just type in the name and date
The study will come up or see them here

>turns on A/C
wow crisis averted

>climate shills are phone fags
Not surprised

my brother says this is just random chance. it's a lot colder at the south pole

That doesn't make any sense

Post a study that predicts global warming without a feedback loop (which is unproven by data)
You cant

Why would anyone need to
A feedback loop is part of warming

Ready to declare war on the developing world to save the planet?

For runaway exponential rise? No it isnt

Climate change is certainly real but CO2 is not the chief driving and almost certainly irrelevant at this point.
With each doubling of CO2 in the atmosphere there's a corresponding increase in temperature. We're already at the point where the relationship has plateaued, meaning if we increase in CO2 the increase in temp would be negligible.

CO2 discussion is just being weaponized as a taxing scheme to homogenize the world order and control the planetary economy.

Actually the developed world has higher carbon footprints per capita

Attached: brainlet.png (621x702, 56K)

As for the studies, almost all of them have very small sample sizes, the ones that even clear the 1,000 people mark were reading their abstracts (useless now since studies are rarely replicated to check for accuracy anymore).

Well, this "random chance" has been going on for over ten years now, with each consecutive year getting hotter than the one before.

>dispute the method for exponential rise
>get a reply with a study that uses the method to predict warming

Your dispute means nothing, i don't know you and i don't see any reason to disagree

Your brother is fucking retarded, the average temperature of the planet is increasing according to predictions. It doesn't matter if one particular spot of the planet is cold.