America? Are you okay?
America? Are you okay?
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if you're not white*
Remove niggers from the stat and life in the USA is better than anywhere in the world.
>g*rmanons talking shit about amerimutts on Jow Forums right next to threads about their girls getting gangraped to death by mudslime subhumans
Fascinating juxtaposition, surprised to see there's still internet on the caliphate.
If you counted your wildlife as human too I bet your stats would also look fucked up, buddy.
Why is getting to use more energy a negative?
She was probably wearing yoga pants. Don’t act like these zoomers aren’t trying to get fucked
All that gets fixed if you substract niggers from the equation.
>more likely to be in prison
I'm not black
>more likely to be unemployed
I'm not black
>more likely to be murdered
I'm not black
>have less free time
Might be a fair point compared to most Euro countries
>consume more oil
Who cares
I'm not black
>use more electricity
Who cares?
>class divide
I'm not black
>die in infancy
I'm not black
>Die sooner
I'm not black
Wow, another slide thread. Can't wait to see it get a billion fucking replies.
> Be 9.2 times more likely to be in prison
only if you're a shitskin
This shit doesn’t take into account location at all. It’s such a stupid comparison. I assure you almost no one who lives in the suburbs worries about being murdered
>make 33% more money
I sense jealousy
This is as accurate as if it said “If you lived in Europe instead of Virginia...”
No, send help
>America consuming 100% more oil than Germany
Consume more oil and use more electricity should be green. Class divide and prison should also be green because niggers. I'd rather get treated in the USA for twice the price than get fobbed off in the UK.
But user, I'm not a nigger.
The reality is, all of humanity is fucked.
I'm just here for the keks.
Im moving ti Niga
58% less likely to be murdered. It seems that niggers are better than tigers.
>be 9.2 times more likely to be in prison
What law exists in America that would put a law abiding German in prison?
gj rusky
Racial profiling is raciss. You gotta do averages across the population dawg.
lol even your shitty propaganda site has to admit we make more money than you yuropoors
Yeah, I am. I get to buy guns and shoot them in self defense or just for fun at the range or open field away from civilization.
its not funny.
none of this is funny.
Thank you
These numbers are fucking dumb
Lmaoing @ united states of africa
>muh gunz and money oogabooga
You need to be shot for multiple reasons. Being a tripfag the first reason. Thanks for the filter, hillbilly methface. Go fucking die.
Fucking kys niggerlover
Split stats by ethnicity, add average tax burden, add healthcare wait times.
Can't have health care cost comparison without tax burden, wait times, and effectiveness of care as well.
show flag i bet your not even american
Sorry to disappoint you, Muhammad
Fuck off we are full
>"Surprised to see there's still internet on the caliphate."
go be poor somewhere else mohammed
>Fuck off, grüne Türkenkanacke
>graphic showing the effects of niggers and having to pay for niggers
what about the spics?
Let’s be honest, 13% makes about 50% of those stats negative compared to Germany
>have 100% more air conditioning
the only based greekanon
i am sparticus
Life in the USA is so much better that even with them, it's still better than the rest of the planet.
>66.67% more of a class divide
>live in rich white neighborhood
>calling that a negative
Looks like the tripfag, hillbilly waste of oxygen got his ban. Thanks mods!
350million people compared to 78
The amount of money that you make is by far the most important thing on that list IMO.
>makes 33,67% more money
This alone makes the US better than Germany
Everything is irrelevant and Germany was always great in excelling on fields nobody fucking cares about.
Fucking not. Europe is not a country, the US are.
At least we are still a white country.
More like 99999%. Most white folk don't live in places where it's needed.
That's true, germanfags runs on coal like the chinks
>make 95% less money than fucking Russia
Yeah, it must be heaven on earth
All the red stuff is only true for black people
Right now, with 40 °C outside, it's 28°C in my kitchen. I don't even need a fan. Stay mad urban monkey.
He means to say the variance between states in America are equal to or greater than the differences between European nations.
Those are just taxes your cucked gov impose you and us gov doesn't. I won't be surprised if raw income is higher in Germany.
You can say the same about regions inside the same country. The profile of Northern Italy is more similar to average Germany than it is to Southern Italy, which is more similar to Tunisia than to other EU countries.
>42.5% more babies.
For once I'm going to have to agree with the libtards and say 'Have sex'.
those 42% more is from the niggers and Mexicans that that breed like animals
>White American: 1.80.
>Portugal: 1.31.
Man it's absolutely fucking terrible. Even the overall white British and German birth rates are higher. I know we are stealing all your young nurses but it can't be that bad right?
As bad as spics are, niggers are incomparable
>28° C
What the fuck does that whacko number even mean?
It roughly translates to '°F uck Americans'.
Sounds retarded
Bretty funny you yuros think our houses arent insulated.
Insulation raises the temperature though? Perhaps you mean air conditioning.
>F uck Americans
Don't, you're 6 times more likely to catch AIDS.
Good point.
I understand the stats. For some reason, it just doesn’t translate into my actual experience. Living in most of Europe seems great but I don’t think my own lifestyle is any worse. American suburbs are really nice, and it just seems like money goes further here.
Jokes on you, I don't even work.
God bless America
Nigs are truly the most shining example of taking something good (a human life) and fucking everything up through sheer incompetence.
well there are 2 main problems causing this low birth rate
> Salaries are low, houses are expensive along with the overall cost of life, even a high educated couple struggles to save some money . (Effect of a country that focus on promoting tourism causes a big housing inflation )
> Modern society : Live at parents home means no responsibilities, most expenses are for leisure, just travel and party while daddy and mummy got your back if anything goes wrong.
there are people that fit in these 2 at the same time,
>they just rent a room, like in univ.
>earn money
>spend it like there was no tomorrow
>gets fired or create some debt that cant pay without savings
>go to parents home
Basically is eternal children that just want to show off a happy and envious life to others, while taking no responsibility for their errors
>America? Are you okay?
Give it a generation, Hans, and those statistics will be yours. Enjoy your '''''New Germans"""
Distrust this chart user. It looks like Dutch propaganda trying to get you to leave so they can live somewhere that doesn't suck
>be 50% less likely to have HIV/AIDS
America is already there, nonwhite. so its kinda weird for you to be boasting
Aren't German women 99% more likely to get raped by immigrating Mohammeds?
>bong education
Get a Rid of the Spics and Niggers and we would be kicking kike ass and running shit.
>50% less likely to get AIDS
x to doubt
Any statistic that's bad about the US is easily solved by subtracting niggers
It's called the nigger equation
They have money, so they're fine. As long as they're not Europoor, after all
Eh. Spics are also pretty bad.
Your ID literally says GAY you fucking faggot. Anyone who constantly acts like a faggot as much as you is definitely a powerbottom faggot. Hang yourself, memeflaggot.
I think the part about making more money is wrong.
Do you make $8.50 an hour?
If so, I guess it's right.
Pray God puts us out of our misery soon.
Sure why not?
>4.1 times more likely to be unemployed.
Yeah no.
"It's not slave labour, it's employment!"
Nord korea don't sound too bad
rape is pretty funny