Who was behind decolonisation? Inb4 da joos

Who was behind decolonisation? Inb4 da joos

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The soviet union

african nationalists backed by eastern bloc countries.

It was a cold war strategic move considering that most colonies were colonized by the western powers.

But still people are gonna say


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(((America))) and the (((USSR)))

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They tried to colonise Afghanistan tho

Chinks, Ruskikes, Iranians

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It was a natural development with nationalism and racial equality. Even without the Soviet Union and America various colonies would have wanted their own nation states like their various European colonizers. There was a lot of inspiration for these peoples and it is unsurprising they wanted freedom.

Colonization was ultimately a mistake, this expansion and abandonment of hone territory caused people to be rootless and cultureless. They also brought all the niggers to their own countries. Look at the UK and France, they had two biggest European empires until recently andnow they are the most blacked.

Answering such a question with 3 word answers is never enough.

nah. the government asked them for military assistance


Yeah but the ussr was essentially Russia colonising a shitload of countries